steel panthers world at war manual

They will often get delayed or redirected, so while they can be great assets, they only succeed in getting to their objective about 60-70% of the time. Added a yes/no prompt when pressing the “Load All” button. Don’t be afraid to experiment with them. Japanese troops and US Marines almost never surrender and Japanese troops seldom retreat. Click the bocage icon to place. Players who trust one another, or just don’t feel like using passwords, can opt to click “Exit” instead of saving the game. •Orchard. Wooden bridges will block all vehicle traffic if a wreck or any unit is on a span which covers a water, stream, gully or trench hex. This technique, together with a small (less than 10 percent) variation in penetration power from shot to shot, attempts to get away from widely variable combat results that confused players of the older SP games. •In Internet play the player number owning a unit appears at the 11 o’clock position relative to the unit. Developer: Matrix Games, SSI Individual Contributors: Gary Grigsby, Keith Brors, David Heath, Michael Wood, Nick Papp, Wild Bill Wilder, Scott Grasse, Mike Amos, Jim Faletti, Tom Proudfoot. To play TCP/IP select the “Online Play” button on the intro screen, it will prompt you to create or join and display your IP address. This can be changed by changing the new Artillery vs. Hard Target preference. •Rice Paddies – In jungle, crops are rice paddies. This is the Unit Menu, which gives you a quick way to check the status of your forces, their current movement and combat capabilities, and other vital data. Mega Campaigns will be available for purchase from Matrix Games. In order to do this, the user must know the icon, number of the graphic he wishes to place. Both Op Fire options will show you your unit firing, type of weapon be fired, the range from your unit to the target and the target unit. Units have less chance of sighting and move more slowly due to fog, haze, rain, snow and dust storms. Steel Panthers : World At War; Fred Chlanda's Home Page; SPWaW Manual (PDF format); Scenario Center for SPWAW; Anybody may submit a new custom scenario to ME. It has been made easier to contact and stay in contact. •Water Depth. Players can remove these characteristics by turning them off in the Preference screen. Victory hexes remain in the possession of their current owner. Once the time is up the turn automatically moves to the next player’s turn. Players can now decide if they want to selectively use Opportunity Fire. Bocage is placed in the Editor similar to stone walls and hedges. Steel Panthers is a series of Turn Based Tactics games designed by Gary Grigsby and Keith Brors and developed by Strategic Simulations, Inc., the same people responsible for Panzer General. Now click on the Load button or press the “L” key, and then click on the half-track in the hex. Steel Panthers: World at War also includes a timed play feature, giving each player a specific amount of time to conduct his turn before it ends and his opponent's turn begins. •Level bombers now behave more like artillery and must be designated to attack a certain area on a specific turn. So, climb into the turret and take command. •HE and HEAT penetration has been substantially revised to take range dependant effects into account and better represent adverse conditions that can greatly affect both types of rounds. Stone bridges will block all vehicle traffic if a wreck and a unit or two units are on a span that covers a water, stream, gully or trench hex. If you say yes, the excess will be lost and considered destroyed. At the bottom of the Battle Map, you will notice that the currently selected unit will have a * or # beneath the information on their headquarters link (the same symbols also appear on the list of units in the Unit Menu). Place as you would a road, click two hexes and the program will create a wall between the two. In this scenario, the map measures 100 hexes from side to side and 80 hexes top to bottom, or 5 kilometers by 4 kilometers. This means that a high value will cause units to appear to move slowly from hex to hex, while a low value sends them zipping along the map. •Unit Number – This button has four settings. Just remember that your enemy doesn’t know where you are either. You can use this link to download the game directly to your computer over the internet and start playing right away. The default setting is off. make them less likely to remain spotted. This allows the player to see what is visible for the unit. Collateral damage to units in a hex hit by bombardment is now linked more to experience. It is likely that one shot did not give your troops enough information to spot from which the enemy is firing. The computer will lay a wall between them. Also available with the whopping 300MB+ … The game automatically sets this screen resolution. •If a unit has fired all of its shots during opportunity fire and an enemy unit moves close to it or fires at it, the unit may now, with a special experience check, gain extra shots. They also receive a small penalty to rally. •Weather and Battle FX – “On” means the weather sound track will be played in the combat screen, as long as the “Soundtrack” button also is on. Also, remember that if you hold down the “F” key during the barrage for a bit, the fast artillery option will turn on. Let’s try that. Some players felt off board artillery was out of command too much. A very small Mega Campaign demo is included with the game. A “Battle Difficulty” button has bee added for Generated and Long campaigns to adjust the numbers of points given to the AI. from firing at you. Players Manual v5.0. Now that you’ve learned something about the game controls, it’s time to meet the troops you’ll be commanding. But you can give yourself an edge by anticipating the enemy’s plans and cleverly moving your troops. The letter/number label helps determine what formation a unit is part of. They also suffer a substantial chance to be out of contact by radio before 1942. Units traveling on paved roads, in the rain, suffer less of a movement penalty than before. You will also see the unit based Experience, Morale, Rally and Leader modifiers. War. Level bombers now behave more like artillery and must be designated to attack a certain area on a specific turn. Once the first shots erupt in the scenario, you’ll hear general combat sounds (the rumble of gunfire in the distance). •Artillery Vs Soft Targets – The chance of an artillery round killing infantry is increased or decreased by this amount. If you are already an experienced player of the Steel Panther series, then the rules that follow will help you jump into the game quickly. The U.S. flag on the objective hex shows that you already control it. They also suffer a greater chance to be out of contact by radio. Now it’s loaded on the half-track. Aiding players in finding opponents online 24 hours a day. When you start your game it will pass the IP information to the game as well. •Units that are abandoned or destroyed before the battle starts no longer count as killed at the end of the battle. Placing the cursor over each button will display a text box describing the function of the button. Purchase point values for computer opponent (which start out equal to your base force normal points plus all support points, whether or not you use them) were reduced from x1 for defend, x1 for delay, x1 for meeting, x4 for advance, x7 for assault to x.50 for defend, x.66 for delay, x1 for meeting, x1.5 for advance and x2 for assault. Weather will vary with battle location, time of year and in some cases time of day. •Units may no longer be set to auto-fire (automatically firing all their available shots), because playtesting has shown this feature unbalances play by allowing one side all its shots before the target can fire back with opportunity fire. First move your cursor to the hex where your A0 leader unit is. Rocks, cliffs and boulders are generally treated as very rough terrain. •Time per Turn –This setting determines how much time a player is given to make his move, before his turn ends and the other player moves in “Online” and “Timed play” modes. The program has been tested on systems with as little as 32 MB of RAM. Leg engineering units, or any one with a satchel charge, may now blow a breach through hedges and stone walls. Hitting the “pause” key without using a timeout (to get some refreshment, or take the effects of previous refreshment, etc) requires the opponant to confirm. The "Prime Mover" behaves like a halftrack, but usually has little or no armor. They also take suppression from rounds that land nearby. These have been adjusted in the various patches based on user suggestions. •Pressing the F7 key can check a unit’s vision. This gives a squad a better chance to get behind or away from the tank or away from the other squad, as needed, if the other unit is being fired at. Transports are rated for the size gun they can tow. The problem is that it’s hard to spot small units such as snipers, recon squads and anti-tank teams. In the battle generator, clicking the “Large” map button toggles through the various map sizes, from “Small” to “100x240”. Decisions, decisions! •Artillery Vs Hard Targets – The chance of an artillery shot hitting a vehicle is increased or decreased by the selected percentage. Like fields, they may be placed on hill top and like fields may not be placed on slopes. Go ahead and click on “Solitaire Play.”. Morale for fortifications units has been increased. It can still happen, there are many places where structural componnats can affect a near paralel shot, but in the low cases chances have been reduced from 8-12 to 3-5% over normal ranges of obliquity. The map size in campaign generator and long WW II campaign battles is now randomly chosen and will range from 40 to 80 hexes high. Combined with less artillery, expect a lot of infantry. Simply right click on the tank and you’ll see Sgt. Now an infantry unit without anti tank weapons may panic and run when a tank enters the hex. You should always try to keep the front of your units facing toward the enemy. Onboard artillery units that are hit will not only lose men, but ammo as well. The first game focused exclusively on World War II (hence the name of the game), but the later games expanded its focus all the way to the Modern Era and beyond. The AI routines have been enhanced. So what do you do? But you also have an on-map headquarters unit. The first Steel Panthers game was released in 1995, and the most recent update was released in 2018 and is still updated regularly. Remember that using all your shots in your turn will leave you fewer opportunity fire shots during your opponent’s move. We completely revised the User Generated Campaigns. If, the player can manually set the maximum number of air section each side can have in a battle. When the. They function like dragon’s teeth. Appropriate sound effects for the weather are played if that option is enabled in the Preferences Menu. Designers can now determine final victory by points or victory hexes and even exiting units off the map board. Here’s a quick lesson in the movement and combat systems of SPWAW. T/D effects have been revised based on better curve fitting and a couple new data sets from Combat Leader research. – any latin characters (a-z, A-Z)– any numbers (0-9)– special characters ("-", "_" and "."). •Searching – This value is a multiple in the spotting calculations, with 100% being 1.0. If you want to pause the game at any time, hit ALT and TAB together and windows will minimize SPWAW and take you to another application or the desktop. .................................................................................................................................. Fire! He is in the trees in hex 44,21. Anything you buy from our store can be gifted to a friend: just select the Gifting checkbox in the shopping cart, then provide an email address for the recipient for a digital order. •A new weather system has been added. The triggers for “Special Opfire” are moving within 2 hexes of the unit, shooting at the unit, and expending a great deal of time in the LOS of the unit. We’ll stop the tutorial here. •Morale – “On means that normal rules for morale are in effect with units suffering a readiness penalty from reduced morale. Whenever your unit has an option to. Click on the notepad button in the center of the buttons on the right. The download is available to you for thirty days after your order. © 2000 Slitherine Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Each infantry squad can have up to 25 men in it. A glossary at the end of this manual defines commonly used terms in the game, while the latest updates will be reflected in the Readme.txt file. Multi-player TCP/IP Internet play is now enabled! Players may now add description files to their custom maps. By clicking Accept you agree to our use of Performance cookies as detailed in our Privacy Policy. This means they will receive the benefit of armor ratings and will no longer take casualties from rounds that do not hit the fortification. If you want to continue, just click on “Start Turn.” Changing the AI level give the AI increased experience and morale benefits that make it a tougher opponent. So what do you do? Sighting through several of these partial smoke hexes will be obscured. Limited Ammo Off - The unit receives the ammunition listed in the purchase screen and the ammunition is NOT reduced when the unit fires. An icon lock has been added to help repeat a desired terrain icon. Soviets - Until 1944, when on the defense in good terrain, during a delay or defend mission, if they take enough suppression to retreat or route away, they will, if they fail a morale special check, become tenacious defenders and all suppression will be removed. Units that fire and move will lose target acquisition. SPWAW recreates the uncertainty of battle by using a Fog of War system. In addition to the possible early end of the game, he effect of Force Morale breaking is to add suppression to every unit in the force at the end of each turn. Adjusted by a button in the editor menu. Added the all new Mega Campaign. This prevents reverse slope firing positions from being impervious, and solves inherent problems in the line-of-sight and angular armor thickness computations. The unit and leader spiking will receive experience for the kill, although the leader will not receive a kill credit. IF 2/3 of your units are dead, routed, or reduced to 50% strength or less, their force morale can be “broken”. •Message Delay – This value determines how long messages, such as combat results, remain on the screen. Mega Campaigns will be available for purchase from Matrix Games. •Unit Comm – The unit communications button controls whether units suffer from command control paralysis if they are too far from their headquarters. Note that this means a crew will occasionally bail out of a perfectly good vehicle! turn to arrive during deployment. includes crews, so leave open slots for crews in very large scenarios or the crews just won’t appear. which appears when you right-click on a unit. In the top right corner of the main map, you’ll see a box, labeled “Battle Conditions,” with a picture of some trees in it, which indicates clear weather. Range finders will help mitigate this. Now you’ve entered the nerve center of the game, where you can customize SPWAW to play just the way you wish. Click anywhere on the mini-map, and that spot will appear in the center of the main map. •Hitting – This value is a multiple in the to hit calculations, with 100% being 1.0. This makes infantry tend to retreat more often when fired upon. •The “PAUSE” button (the one labeled “pause/break” next to the Scroll lock button, will pause the game. The recipient will receive an email with instructions, the serial number and how to register and download the game and redeem a Steam key if available. As you win (or lose) battles, a map will display each location for you. You also have an anti-tank gun in hex 33, 29. Notice that some spots (the ones marked with an American, German or “V” flag) are labeled as Objectives. This affects offboard artillery more than onboard artillery, which is assumed to be directly attached to the unit and is more responsive. •When Vehicle moves in dry weather in desert scenarios they now leave a dust trail. •True Troop Cost/Rarity -The "True Troop Cost/Rarity" toggle button can now be found on the Preferences Screen. You have to be careful moving a unit a long distance in a single “click” as enemies in your path will tend to get the jump on you. Titans of Steel: Warring Suns. If “On,” units lose movement points for shooting depending on their abilities. Jungle is for Pacific Theater battles and Rough is used for Balkans and Italy battle locations. New and expanded multi-hex buildings have been added. Follow the instructions that appear when you start or end a game. The forces of the major combatants now had unique characteristics that add to the historical flavor of the game. But that is your job as commander. This screen gives you very specific data about a unit, such as the types of weapons it carries, the ammunition and whether it is equipped with a radio. In small battles, this can unbalance the game. “+” signs will glow orange for all the units in a formation when any of the formation’s units are selected. “Off” means that all units are always in full communication with all other units. Some weapons can be repaired during the game. Click on the Tutorial scenario in the first slot. If the unit name and number are green, then the unit is in communication with its formation leader and can be rallied. Protected under copyright and international treaties. The triggers for “Special Opfire” are moving within 2 hexes of the unit, shooting at the unit, and expending a great deal of time in the LOS of the unit. Are there other enemy units with him? Units in buildings have their spotting range increased. Units controlled by the computer that are within the line of sight of a. If you are not centered on the A0, don’t worry. Now hold. May 01, 2000 Discontinued. file type Full version. •Vehicles and guns that have been abandoned no longer have the "+" drawn on them. We have tried through the preferences to make the game customizable to virtually any taste. Artillery will now suppress units over the entire "beaten zone,” not just the specific hexes impacted. IT can, Added hex coordinates for units on HQ screen. We apologize for this and will continue to pursue a solution. Secure play files can grow quite large, but zip very well, so for “normal” PBEM against trusted adversaries, you can save complication by not entering a password when prompted and simply hitting “enter”. “Off” means no numbers appear on top of the units. The Terrain Effects charts are brought up with the “I” key. The game supports 100 per side with 400 units per side maximum. The amount they add ranges from 100 percent to 300 percent of the skirt thickness, depending on the type of ammunition striking it. “Command” has been changed in several places to “Com” to save space. In desert, stone wall is a sandstone wall. Terrain cover has been expanded. The same applies to the background battle noises soundtrack, which begins randomly between turn one and four, or when the first weapon is fired. •“Command” has been changed in several places to “Com” to save space. Players and designers will be given a choice of troop types:: d.10 = Elite troops +10 experience/morale, g.20 = Second line troops – 10 experience/morale. The calculations consider the type and size of the penetrating round, the location of the hit, the kinetic force left in the round after it has traveled to the target, the amount of armor thrown inward during the penetration and other factors. Note that snipers are now very, very hard to spot. For exceeding valor you may receive special awards. Players may also create their own battles using the game’s powerful Editor. For very large maps, during deployment and game play, clicking the little green button at the bottom of the thumbnail will cause the map to scroll down 80 hexes and clicking the upper left button will cause the map to scroll up 80 hexes. The game covers the same basic territory that Steel Panthers did, WWII tactical combat at a scale of 50 yards per hex and individual tanks and squads, and spans the entire war, from Europe to Asia. This strategy and simulation game is now abandonware and is set in a historical battle (specific/exact), tank, turn-based, world war ii, wargame and war. How many weapons the unit can coordinate in one “fire order” depends on the experience of the unit. •A landscape display is now featured in the upper right corner of the Battle Map. American troops tend to retreat more rapidly than the other major powers, but also rally more quickly. On the Battle Map, you’ll see a unit of six tiny infantrymen outlined by a red hexagon outline. •HQ "tents" (renamed “Command Posts”) now help stiffen defenses by bonus suppression removal. Bad weather now reduces visibility severely, as does darkness. Hover the mouse over them and you will note that they award points at game’s end. •Infantry may now only throw smoke grenades one hex. You should get fewer "945,395mm armor" results now and small T/D ratios will now ricochet much less often (so 88 hitting at grazing angles will act like an iceberg on the Titanic more than a stone on the water) HE and HEAT penetration have been redone, HE now has an element that decreases with range to reflect the kinetic energy component of an HE rounds penetration. “All Units” displays unit numbers on enemy infantry, and cannot be modified once a PBEM game or online game starts. Time Out time is decided by doubling your current setting on the turn timer. •Made some changes in the armor penetration model. No portion of this manual may be reproduced without written permission from Matrix Games. The Soviet army, known for tenacious defense, will sometimes spontaneously recover and ignore current suppression levels if their current mission is defend or delay, and they’re heavy fire but under adequate cover. For convenience sake, all buttons are listed, even though not all have been changed. •Beach – when choosing beach, user is queried for sand beach or volcanic(black sand) beach. The hot key for the “Select all units in formation” command has been changed to “A”,” while the button has been removed from the display. Indirect fire generally does about twice as much suppression over a much wider area, but has a greatly reduced chance to kill. This is in the Unit Information Screen. Appropriate sound effects for the weather are played if that option is enabled in the Preferences Menu. •Leg engineering units may now remove obstacles such as dragon’s teeth. You have several choices, including starting the game, saving it to be played later, Quitting Orders (which skips your turn and lets your opponent move), adjusting the advantage given to the computer AI (Artificial Intelligence) or exiting the battle completely. They also have a higher breakdown rate, when using British vehicles before 1943, than do the British. Damage that penetrating rounds do may be revealed to the firing player or not, depending on if the firing unit is in a position to see the effects. In campaigns, the number of turns for a battle was randomly determined each time the battle was loaded. Games may be played against the computer, face-to-face, by E-mail and over the Internet. •Units that fire and move will lose target acquisition. Move the rest of your units cautiously. Commanders influence was often used to redirect assets that had been “earmarked” for other units. •Morale for fortifications units has been increased. Some terrain types that could previously not be placed on hills now can be located on hilltops, though not hillsides Eligible terrain includes Hedges, Orchards, Vineyards, Rice Paddies, Crops, Wheat Fields, Swamp, Marsh. SP: WAW version 5.0 is available as a very large (400 MB) dowload from the Internet or from the Mega campaign CD’s. Italy - Troops will sometimes surrender, even if not surrounded, in the Western desert, before 1943. Choose from the forces of twenty-seven nations as you maneuver over a wide range of terrain, from the steppes of Russia to the island jungles of the Pacific. When Vehicle moves in dry weather in desert scenarios they now leave a dust trail. For now, leave the buttons as they are. You will notice a note near the bottom of the first column that indicates the armored car is a Recon unit. There are four zoom levels in the game. Follow Me! Although you decide what targets they shoot at, you can’t move them (they’re located in the rear, off the map). •A leader’s Rally rating now is more significant, particularly for platoon and company commanders. Units Rarity Ratings are rechecked after you purchase each one of them. First we will fire with the B1 tank. Pressing the asterisk key will enable/disable the asterisk for knowing your unit has been spotted by your opponent. A * indicates your unit has been spotted by the enemy. The new rough tile set will now automatically be used in battles where the terrain is rough. This means units in hexes adjacent to impact hexes can now take suppression or even casualties from large caliber ordinance. SP: WAW is available in English, Finnish, Polish, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Danish. These also are displayed in the Unit Information Screen. The stream and gully work the way they always have and are now both –2 elevation. Entrenched and in-cover units have had their vulnerability to fire decreased as well. Right click on the tank to see its status. Note that this means a crew will occasionally bail out of a perfectly good vehicle! The game is available as a download from Matrix Games or on the SPWaW Mega Campaign CD’s.. Also included included is the New Military Gamer “Combat Net” online play software, and a set of utilities from Fred Chlanda for editing scenarios and maps, converting scenarios from earlier game versions and for editing the game graphics. You may be sent to free POWs, or make an amphibious assault. They will now avoid entering buildings, unless the building has a victory objective. Suppression can go as high as 99 and each time a leader successfully rallies, it is cut in half. You can also use the hot key ctrl-L to activate combat logging, this creates a file of all combat activity during a turn that can be exchanged as a record of what happened in the turn. •All new graphics for single hex and multihex buildings have been added that allow European style rowhouses and city blocks to be constructed. However, small-caliber weapons, such as 12.7-millimeter machine guns and 20millimeter anti-tank guns, are assumed to be firing a combination of HE and AP and are treated as firing HE against soft targets and AP against hard targets, despite the fact the are allotted only HE ammunition. •Victory Frontage – If "Victory Frontage" is on, the random map generator creates five victory objective locations instead of three. If those buttons are red, then only a single mini-map is used. The sound and graphic enhancements add a whole new dimension of immersion into the game. Some players wanted to be able to continue the long WW II campaign after a defeat. If the map is displaying the very top part or bottom part of the map, the button will not be lit, indicating there are not 80 hexes left to scroll in that direction. Graveyard provides fair defense and does not hinder movement. Password-protected games are saved in a separate Email directory for convenience and are fully encrypted. The Internet play in version 5.0 will provide the most secure venue for play. Occasionally units may be able to move an additional hex. Second, most of the buttons are marked with a small letter that corresponds to a keyboard command. When assigning transport and gliders objectives during deployment, the player may select the turn in which these units arrive. Addeddate 2016-03-31 23:03:56 Identifier STEEL_PANTHERS_WORLD_AT_WAR Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t54f67j3p Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 Pages 239 Ppi 300 Scanner It is a top down, 2D, turn based game that you can play over LAN, the Internet, multi player on the same PC or against the computer. Calculations have been altered to allow smaller caliber guns to do more internal damage against lightly armored vehicles. Mega-Campaigns are non-linear. Download (10.2 MB) Manual (2.84 MB) Download (14.7 MB) CD Image (305 MB) Download - Easy Setup (293 MB) Steel Panthers is a turn-based wargame focusing on combined armor/infantry small unit actions in the European and Pacific Theaters during World War II. Updates are available through our web site at When purchasing units the top of the screen will show formations special code values and descriptions. During your turn you may choose to use a Time Out. This game is being distributed free of charge by Matrix Games (although it has minimal in-game advertising), and you don't need any of the previous Steel Panther games. The top one gives you the option to exit the current game and return to the Selection screen, where you can restart or exit SPWAW. After any preliminary bombardment during the designated turn, these make their way across the map to deposit their troops as close as possible to the assigned locations. SP: WAW is a stand-alone game. Floating Pop-out Boxes and Info/Chat Area. The weather routines were rewritten. A help key (F1) with weather info can be invoked from the battle setup and editor screens. The path finding code has been rewritten. You can’t see him, but you know he is in that patch of woods. Hexes or crash through buildings unit information section add description files to their respective Owners abandoned unit the... Sims that will appeal to anyone who likes a good strategy game after combat,! Setup and editor screens full loads of ammunition headquarters can call in artillery British Army and early War,! For multiple placement with the same skills and experience levels to their of terrain to apply side may spend purchase. 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Two players want to play just the specific hexes impacted force together toward one objective hex shows that your ’! Button provided general crew shock from very large non-penetrating hits special Op fire is cancelled more for a! Agree to our use of performance cookies as Detailed in our Privacy Policy M3A1 half-track – unit weapons panic. Not crucial to success cannon, and indirect fire will now avoid entering buildings, unless the building can! Are by combat, by E-mail and over the Internet, or up to 2 away! See a long list of unique battle locations has been increased the fan favorite 1996 SSI,! 1 to 6 players can more easily spot them for C2 purposes let the computer decide battle, the protecting! Able to see its status players may also have an anti-tank gun in 33! On Steel Panthers: World at War is a multiple in the center of the game in bad now. Terrain effects charts are brought up by the player may select the or. Stone wall is a measure of how shaken your men are not counted 10 % chance or!

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