puppy is eating but not gaining weight

Keep this up for several days and soon the pup will be able to hold his own and nurse while all of his littermates are nursing.Another important factor in preventing fading puppy syndrome is making sure that the weaker pup is kept warm. It may be something as simple as parasites. Is there anything else you can suggest? About a month and a half ago I purchased an Irish red and white setter puppy from a good breeder. My basset hound had a litter last wednesday night (about 7 days ago) they are all doing fine (9 of them) but one seems to fall asleep when its sucking and isn't gaining weight. Worms can feed off of the food in the intestines causing the dog to get very little nutrients from what it is intaking. I just bought my 8 month old Pomeranian puppy from a farm. Now it's biting & licking its leg. (dragging toes, front and rear, same side). I took him to the vet 3 weeks ago with diarrhea, the vet thought he had a virus and gave him an antibiotic. I have a six month old american pit bull and like two days ago I noticed that my dog was limping on his front left leg. my 4 month old puppy started suddenly throwing up the last 48 hours it seems to me that he is throwing up his food after he eats a little bit of runny substances too. With this, you can estimate the calories you are burning daily. They're surrounded by new things and they're going through new experiences. Puppy teething- should pup be given anything? Maintain online or on paper a food journal. No labs available so we have to guess and self treat most things. I have a 5 month old mini schnauzer. For all emergency situations, please contact your local Emergency Pet Clinic or on-call Veterinarian. Will puppy legs be able to go back in the sockets? Is it possible the puppy has a serious problem such as a disease? He received an antibiotic injection on july 22 2010. I don't know if it's a allergic reaction to him drinking some of it or not. 3/4 boxer. We dewormed it twice but nothing happened. My dog is limping and showing some discomfort on his hind leg. Hey it's Heidi, The vet said he was fine. Can he be given baby aspirin and how much as he weighs only 20 lbs. Other wise the pup is full of life, fat and healthy. This is how they help express her milk.With bottle feeding, they squirm and struggle because the nipple is much different than mom’s and they try to push and knead the bottle, which of course, does them no good.The best solution for a puppy that is having a hard time learning to nurse properly, or isn’t gaining weight well, is to move the other puppies away from the mom and allow the weak puppy to nurse alone without competition.Remember that every puppy is individual in what works well for that puppy. ? First, add more calories to his diet. It is his ind leg. He does seem he will run on it and jump up at times but not sure how much he really is using it to do these actions. One of the females is swollen around her pee area. Golden retriever puppy, 5 months, usually very active and playful with his brother. However, she still hasn't gained weight. How often should you use flea shampoo on a puppy? “If a veterinarian sees negative side effects, they should look for alternative modes of therapy or different philosophy of care, such as Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine,” Selmer says. She subscribed anti-inflammatory medication for 3 days. The best formulas of dog food to gain weight have high levels of calories and protein. It does seem to bother him unless you touch it, but other than that he is playing, running, eating and drinking well. [ 1 Answers ] I need help with my dog, He is a pit/boxer mix. Puppy swallowed some sea water and maybe sand, Requirements for Therapy Pet Certification, Common Questions About Foster Care Kittens, Common Questions About Queening and Breeding Cats. There are often several perfectly acceptable ways to treat the same condition. Consider reading our guide on how much you should really be feeding your dog or our guide on how often do you feed a puppy? Even if youre not gaining weight, that's not healthy!! I have a puppy, he's not even one yet. Veterinary treatment is necessary, and includes medication to rid your pooch of the worm, as well as preventives to keep it from returning. I am pretty concerned about this and would like to get some insight into what i maybe. Does your brother's puppy have any vomiting or diarrhea? Our vet says he’s at a good weight but I don’t thinks so. Gemma. no vet open til tomorrow. (Out of all the dogs/pups we ever owned this is the only to have this problem). You can see every bone on the puppy's body. Should I wait or take him to the vet? And now he's having trouble breathing. He’s an 8 months old gsd mix weighing around 21-22kg at 60 cm height. Sabine_Stroehm Member Posts: 19,309 Member Member Posts: 19,309 Member. Early or sudden death in puppies is usually referred to as fading puppy syndrome. Unfortunately, not all puppies do survive and some of them die for no apparent reason. Always keep a very close eye on your puppies. He is five months old, and it was a rectal temperature. However, you’ll want to take care not to overfeed him. Our vet charges $50 just to see your pet and we don't have the money right now. She also has these pimples that are yellow-green in color that have a green puss in them. He acted fine after. We have that available here over the counter. Answers are not provided in real time. The hair lose seems to be worse after her baths so I am confused. Thank you. My 8 week old puppy has diarrhea, is this parasite related? We will do our best to ensure that information presented is accurate and up-to-date.

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