architects act, 1972 rules

The Architects Act, introduced in British Columbia in 1920, is the legislation that governs the architectural profession throughout the province.Its underlying purpose is to protect the public interest. Added by G.S.R. 12. Amendments The Architects Act 1967, Act 117 And Architects Rules 1996 The Schedule. National Diploma (formerly All India Diploma) in Architecture awarded by the All India Council for Technical Education. (3) The Executive Committee shall forward a copy of such report to the college or institution and shall also forward copies with remarks, if any, of the college or institution thereon, to the Central Government. PLANNING (2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:— (a) the manner in which elections under Chapter II shall be conducted, the terms and conditions of service of the member of the Tribunal appointed under sub-section (2) of section 5 and the procedure to be followed by the Tribunal; (b) the procedure to be followed by the expert committee constituted under the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 14 in the transaction of its business and the powers and duties of the expert committee and the travelling and daily allowances payable to the members thereof; (c) the particulars to be included in the register of architects under sub-section (3) of section 23; (d) the form in which a certificate of registration is to be issued under sub-section (7) of section 24, sub-section (4) of section 26 and section 33; (e) the fee to be paid under sections 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32 and 33; (f) the conditions on which name may be restored to the register under the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 27; (g) the manner of endorsement under sub-section (3) of section 27; (h) the manner in which the Council shall hold an enquiry under section 30; (i) the fee for supplying printed copies of the register under section 34; (j) any other matter which is to be or may be provided by rules under this Act. A (3) It shall come in to force on such date as the Central Government … Removal from register.— (1) The Council may, by order, remove from the register the name of any architect— (a) from whom a request has been received to that effect, or (b) who has died since the last publication of the register. Chapter - II. Codes of conduct for Indian architects . [1 October 1973; P.U. Motor Accident Claims Tribunal (MACT) Law, The U.P. Architects Act,1972 (PDF File) This Act has been promulgated by the Parliament of India in the Year 1972 with an aim to provide for a Governmental mechanism facilitating the registration of all the practicing architects in the Country and for taking care of all the matters connected therewith. The act stipulates the council to register architects, give membership certificates and regulate the profession at large. 2. 10 Landmark Judgements of Constitutional Law. Definitions.— In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,— (a) “architect” means a person whose name is for the time being entered in the register; (b) “Council” means the Council of Architecture constituted under section 3; (c) “Indian Institute of Architects” means the Indian Institute of Architects registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860); (d) “recognised qualification” means any qualification in architecture for the time being included in the Schedule or notified under section 15; (e) “register” means the register of architects maintained under section 23; (f) “regulation” means a regulation made under this Act by the Council; (g) “rule” means a rule made under this Act by the Central Government. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. (1) Under Section 65 of the Finance Act, 1994 an “architect” has been defined to mean any person whose name is, for the time being, entered in the register of architects maintained under Section 23 of the Architects Act, 1972 and also includes any commercial concern engaged in any manner, whether directly or indirectly, in rendering services in the field of architecture. A 1972 law explicitly prohibits any foreign firm architect and the government, despite its keenness, ... without following the procedure under the (Architects) Act”. Delhi Development Act, 1957 222. Procedure for subsequent registration.— (1) After the date appointed for the receipt of applications for registration in the first register of architects, all applications for registration shall be addressed to the Registrar of the Council and shall be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed by rules. (2) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Council may order that the name of any architect shall be removed from the register where it is satisfied, after giving him a reasonable opportunity of being heard and after such further inquiry, if any, as it may think fit to make,— (a) that his name has been entered in the register by error or on account of misrepresentation or suppression of a material fact; or (b) that he has been convicted of any offence which, in the opinion of the Council, involves moral turpitude; or (c) that he is an undischarged insolvent; or (d) that he has been adjudged by a competent court to be of unsound mind. (5) The authority appointed under sub-section (4) shall, after giving the person affected an opportunity of being heard and after calling for relevant records, make such order as it may deem fit. 790, dated 28th August, 1982. 34. I.R. Chapter - I. Citation PART I REGISTRATION 2. 17. (3) A member shall be deemed to have vacated his seat— (i) if he is absent without excuse, sufficient in the opinion of the Council, from three consecutive ordinary meetings of the Council; or (ii) if he ceases to be a member of the body referred to in clause (a), clause (g) or clause (h) of sub-section (3) of section 3 by which he was elected or nominated, as the case may be; or (iii) in the case where he has been elected under clause (c) of sub-section (3) of section 3, if he ceases to hold his appointment as the head of an institution referred to in the said clause. THE ARCHITECTS ACT, 1972 THE SCHEDULE (See section 14) QUALIFICATIONS 1.Bachelor Degree in Architecture awarded by Indian Universities established by an Act of the Central or State Legislature. (8) Upon the constitution of the Council, the register shall be given into its custody, and the Central Government may direct that the whole or any specified part of the application fees for registration in the first register shall be paid to the credit of the Council. An architect is a person affianced to present numerous services with setting up drawings, plans, and fashion buildings to facilitate approval from the authorities for construction. ], FOOTNOTE 1. Membership of the Indian Institute of Architects. G.S.R. Sri Sankari Prasad Singh Deo Vs. Union of India and State of Bihar(and Other Cases). If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Renewal fees.— (1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that for the retention of a name in the register after the 31st day of December of the year following the year in which the name is first entered in the register, there shall be paid annually to the Council such renewal fee as may be prescribed by rules and where such direction has been made, such renewal fee shall be due to be paid before the first day of April of the year to which it relates. Meetings of Council.— (1) The Council shall meet at least once in every six months at such time and place and shall observe such rules of procedure in regard to the transaction of business at its meetings as may be prescribed by regulations. You can change your ad preferences anytime. (7) Every person whose name is entered in the register shall be issued a certificate of registration in such form as may be prescribed by rules. The basic purpose of the Act is to repeal the ECA 1972 but then retain in effect after “exit day” almost all UK laws which have been derived from the UK’s membership of the European Union since 1 January 1973. Things to Consider While Applying For the FSSAI Licensing and Registration – Food License Govt fee Structure The Act provides for registration of Architects, standards of education, recognized qualifications and standards of practice to be complied with by the practicing architects. (2) The inspectors shall not interfere with the conduct of any training or examination, but shall report to the Executive Committee on the adequacy of the standards of architectural education including staff, equipment, accommodation, training and such other facilities as may be prescribed by regulations for giving such education or on the sufficiency of every examination which they attend. 35. Short title, extent and commencement.—(1) This Act may be called the Architects Act, 1972. 3. (2) Every order made under this section shall, as soon as may be after it is made, be laid before each House of Parliament and the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 44 shall apply in respect of such order as it applies in respect of a rule made under this Act. 8. (3) The President and the Vice-President of the Council shall be the Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively of the Executive Committee. Find legal provisions governing Architects Act, 1972 on Hello Counsel. Form making is an important and creative act in design. So what, exactly, constitutes a violation of the Sherman Act? (3) The register shall include the following particulars, namely:— (a) the full name with date of birth, nationality and residential address of the architect; (b) his qualification for registration, and the date on which he obtained that qualification and the authority which conferred it; (c) the date of his first admission to the register; (d) his professional address; and (e) such further particulars as may be prescribed by rules. Diploma in Architecture awarded by the Institute of Environment Design with effect from 1985 to the students trained at the D.C. Patel School of Architecture, Vallabh Vidya Nagar (Gujarat).] To apply for registration as an architect under section 25(a) of the Architects Act, 1972, a person is required to submit various documents- 14. G.S.R. 3(i). 2nd April, 1973, vide notification No. G.S.R. (1) This Act may be called the Architects Act, 1972. (2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such regulations may provide for— (a) the management of the property of the Council; (b) the powers and duties of the President and the Vice-President of the Council; (c) the summoning and holding of meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee or any other committee constituted under section 10, the times and places at which such meetings shall be held, the conduct of business thereat and the number of persons necessary to constitute a quorum; (d) the functions of the Executive Committee or of any other committee constituted under section 10; (e) the courses and periods of study and of practical training, if any, to be undertaken, the subjects of examinations and standards of proficiency therein to be obtained in any college or institution for grant of recognised qualifications; (f) the appointment, powers and duties of inspector; (g) the standards of staff, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities for architectural education; (h) the conduct of professional examinations, qualifications of examiners and the conditions of admission to such examinations; (i) the standards of professional conduct and etiquette and code of ethics to be observed by architects; (j) any other matter which is to be or may be provided by regulations under this Act and in respect of which no rules have been made. Power of Central Government to make rules. Amendment in 2008 under the European Communities Act 1972 (UK) Amendments made in June 2008 by Statutory Instrument established rules for the recognition of professional qualifications enabling migrants from the European Economic Area or Switzerland to register as architects in the United Kingdom. The Act provides for registration of Architects, standards of education, recognized qualifications and standards of practice to be complied with by the practicing architects. India Code: Architects Act, 1972 Contains all Enforced Central and State Acts linked with Subordinate Data like Rules,Regulations,Notifications,Orders,Circulars,Ordinances,Statutes. 15. Main Features Under Architect's Act,1972 for Professional Practice and management. 44 of the Architects Act, 1972 (20 of 1972), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules … (2) Where any dispute arises regarding any such election, the matter shall be referred by the Council to a Tribunal appointed by the Central Government by notification in the Official Gazette in this behalf, and the decision of the Tribunal shall be final: Provided that no such reference shall be made except on an application made to the Council by an aggrieved party within thirty days from the date of the declaration of the result of the election. Suggested Amendment. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Twenty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:—. Fees and allowances to President, Vice- President and members.—The President, the Vice-President and other members of the Council shall be entitled to such fees and allowances as the Council may, with the previous sanction of the Central Government, fix in this behalf. The Brooks Act (Public Law 92-582), also known as Qualifications Based Selection (QBS), which was enacted on October 18, 1972, establishes the procurement process by which architects and engineers (A/Es) are selected for design contracts with federal design and construction agencies. Diploma in Architecture awarded by the University of Nagpur during the period 1962-1964.] Constitution of Council of Architecture.— (1) The Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, constitute, with effect from such date as may be specified in the notification, a Council to be known as the Council of Architecture, which shall be a body corporate, having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable and immovable, and to contract, and may by that name sue or be sued. 43. awarded by the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Short title, extent and commencement. 400(E), dated 16th March, 1973, see Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, … Known to be appointed annually by the architects act, 1972 rules may by regulations prescribe of..., 1948 218 systems provide automatic shape generation following designer defined rules generation following designer defined rules conferred by.... 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