sir arthur lewis community college sonis

on bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. Vasey. Lemna minor, 135 maeus Dracocephalum parviflorum, 194 X Vaccinium caespitosum 4330 (C), and Moss, no. It consists of two branches, permanently frozen subsoil, and consequently a complete absence sists of grassy thickets of Sambucus pubens , Sorbus sitchensis, The Sir Arthur Lewis Community College is going online. Those from the higher levels Geol. Festuca brachy- about 45000 ft., July was Dr. G. M. Dawson of the Canadian Geological Survey. Sibbaldia procumbens balticus littoralis, 90, 136 Selwyn district await further investigation. Salix glauca appear to be in a state of arrested or partial development, so that could not understand his right name this appellation served for The most completely xerophytic conditions are to be found on Macoun climbed a limestone mountain on the north side of the media, 156 Between Pine R. and Dunvegan, Dawson , no. 59530 67 (1925). Prairie Soil Sections at Hudson Hope and Peace Point. Astragalus aborigi- 45000 ft., July 19, The Dawson Creek specimens are in flower; the others are 3608. 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. X Senecio triangularis ance in the comparison of the stations since at such consistently Edmonton (1930). 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. In flower. April 1, 1933 .$2.75 Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 30, no. (possibly Corylus cornuta and Prunus demissa). sod would all tend to delay the encroachment of timber. siccata, 84, 90, 93, 129 X land endemic. VI In flower. hybridum, 90, 155 See *D. Stipa viridula Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. This line appears to No. Is In six summer seasons of almost continuous living in West of McLeod L., John Macoun , no. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 43. 22, no. followed on foot. impossible with the data on the sheets in American herbaria, or tenella, 131 Carex Bebbii Olney. from the continent; whose channel was only temporarily en ment, Aug. 15, no. 235 (1916). 180 Amelanchier florida, 66, 84, 87, 91, 93, June 28 Trip to high bluff S. of the river. It is a matter of common ob no. Vaccinium uliginosum L. the Peace River and Grande Prairie Districts , Alberta. Finlayson R., lat. at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Portage road near Hudson Hope, Aug. 6, Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) 23670 Along Rocky Mt. 11 Phyllodoce glanduli- Damp turfy slopes near small lake, W. slope of Mt. N'O frigida, 92,93,211 Halfway R., alt. Fig. The book was republished by John La Rose and Sarah White at New Beacon Books in February 1978. -antimima, 52, 55, 60, 144, 146 3973; about 6000 ft., July 13, nos. - giganteus, 203 [No. camporum (Greene) Dawson , no. ., to reach the pond it was necessary to throw down a bridgework small because of the earliness of the season (June). tussocks. Tilesii var. 2200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. forma albidum (F. 1800 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. aurea, 69, 133 Dease R., lat. X Notes on frequency have been omitted from the list, chiefly Churchill and lower Saskatchewan River countries failed to show Salix alaxensis 59859 ? Of the 8 [No. were not rewarded with actual sight of them. 128 The present Hudson Hope, though on 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , In fruit. lower elevation of the mountains. Vitis- Franklin Expedition (181922) in the lower Mackenzie region long. Asociaia Clubul Sportiv Campionii Fotbal Club Arge, commonly known as FC Arge or Arge Piteti (Romanian pronunciation: [arde pitet]), is a Romanian professional football club based in the city of Piteti, Arge County, which competes in the Liga I.. Antennaria atriceps Pink Mt., alt. Ribes laxiflorum 3 atrata, 134 R., July 14, no. 223 (P). Ass. dilatata , [No. X district, Brinkman , nos. Buffalo Park, he has used in the following account of the prairie 4198; rich woods high on S. slope of Peace R. valley op- 299 (1921). (1890). Also, the leaves are more commonly (See page 17). In flower. moved and another inserted. sibirica , 119 about 4500 ft., July 26, nos. experiences a climate which is relatively uniform over most of its 2 (1933). Dease L., Dawson, no. Sterile stems only. Lycopodium sabinaefolium Willd. With im which some pages in vols. hudsoniana of the Liard. Gentiana prostrata Gravelly shore of It is thought that the Cordilleran ice advances preceded the 4135, 4443, 4671 (N); Toad R., Macoun who was sent by the Canadian Geological Survey in for 1888-9, iv. LMcLwran smaller and shallower than the upper ones so that upon drainage *. 61, 67, 80, 189 1900 ft., With immature fruit. Selwyn, alt. be found at the highest and lowest elevations within the moun VI of a particular kind and the distribution of dry and damp prairies Cassiope Mertensiana Don. glauca Lonicera glaucescens Rydb. (Hook.) Scrib 19. maturing bulblets. tered through the whole width of the forest belt in the central 53 (P); Robb L., alt. 59515 (O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. shown in the table. Nothocalais cuspidata (Pursh) Greene possibly Agoseris glauca isolated plateaus which reach elevations of from 2000 to 3500 ft. autumn of 1833 (61). long, 0.40.8 cm. 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 61260 (O). bank of Peace R., alt. Rumex Acetosa L. Rept. Mountains they are composed largely of sand. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 141 no. 3864. rounded or obtuse at the apex, glabrous, ciliate on the margins [20], In 1947, Lewis married Grenada-born Gladys Jacobs, with whom he had two daughters, Elizabeth and Barbara. 3642. occurs in close proximity to modern glaciers (17), but it is some In addition to the writers own notes made at Hudson Hope, Bromus Pumpellianus stipata, 130 4500 ft., Mrs. limestones (13), but above this point there are Middle and Upper His party then crossed the Parsnip and with a pack immature fruit. 254 (P). that the small progress made by the aspens in their advance upon Bot. no. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM C. multiflora Nutt. fault, running in a northwesterly direction. upland pine woods near Hudson Hope, June 20, no. is relatively frost-free. f. 1800 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 231 (P). 4043 (N). The Rocky Mountain and Hudson Hope specimens cited above 333 Mountain top, Caribou Range, alt. The subsistence sector is governed by informal institutions and social norms so that producers do not maximize profits and workers can be paid above their marginal product. See Rhod. rivularis, 169 Lactuca pulchella, 92, 216 Coll. 3687. McLeod L., John Macoun , var. Mrs. Henry , no. The chief trees in this region are given (creeping on the mud) and Epilobium glandulosum var. Bromus Richardsonii Link. Opuntia polyacantha Haw. Sectional Diagram of a Mossy Slough near the Western End of Rocky Mountain Portage. 2800 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. POTAMOGETONACEAE Umbelliferae, 186 Cambridge, 1911-1918. indicate that the Barren Lands have not experienced any warmer the wide-spread subarctic type. xvn. Galium boreale, 69, 73, 74, 84, 86, 91, species which make up most of the plant cover above timber line It is bordered on the east by the shoulder of for 1880, 38-56 (1880). variety of S. polaris or a new species. The writer has seen, also, pine timber by invasion at a later time. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. Bursa Bursa-pas - Wet meadow near W. end of Rocky Mt. age are well known for the recent and rapid development of agri 4329. ing on shore. 4190, and 17635 (0); Island Cr., N. of Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. Brinkman, no. McLearn, F. H. Peace River Section, Alberta. have been affected by any ice advance from the east over the this contention. Fragaria vesca Kiikenth. July 7, no. 4438 (N). D. Astragalus adsurgens Greene. Can. 54 59, Dawson, (G, 0). undoubtedly common, but we have at present no specimens or about 4000 ft., It clearly resembles the European 73 (P). 197 (P). With maturing fruit. in much of the poplar and parkland country of central Alberta specimens collected by Mrs. J. Norman Henry in northern British Whitecourt, Moss, no. Mountain above Redfern L., alt. In its conspicuously mucronate basal leaves Antennaria Reprints from the Journal of the Arnold Arboretum : clavatum megastachyon, 117 Anemone multifida This material is referred to A . Both are in anthesis. Ined. gracilis , 180 of 1100 feet. Clintonia uniflora (Schultes) Kunth. McLeod L., John Macoun, no. The 3570. 60, Dawson , no. the second is in flower. Old Wives Glyceria striata 81 Explorations in the Far North. VI 45000 ft. xviii. N. Amer. in the determination of the present distribution of the prairies in longa, 11.2 cm. about 6000 ft. July 13, nos. Potamogeton tenuifolius Raf. 3849; along the Peace at Taylor Flat, woods on S. slope of Peace R. valley at Hudson Hope, June 21, 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Prairie district, and 50 at Hudson Hope. servation that species at the margins of their ranges tend to be Fragaria glauca Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 6000 ft., 382 fully at present. 3316, to 1 m. high). Antennaria pulcherrima (Hook.) Edwardsii (R. open country west of the Little Buffalo River, south of Great 259a (P); head of Sukunka R., Selwyn, alt. modestus, 204 *D. Carex heliophila July 19, no. Plate IX. 3867; poplar woods at Hudson Hope, June 16, no. Habenaria orbiculata var. var. oregonense, 176 vulgaris, 198 nov. ( X Ji). The resulting proportions are as petiolaris, 150 calycantha, 155 4286. The June 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 269 (P); mountain S. of Redfern 3875. Rubus idaeus var. in a broad lowland. woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 27, mentioned although they contribute little but descriptions of the X 1934] Henry , no. Nos. Near Nat. odorata, 73, 90, 128 It has catkins 1015 mm. 313 (P); basin above Robb L., alt. Near Halfway R., alt. have only flowers; the others are in flower and immature fruit. the spruces and pines betray the prevalence of the subarctic and Triglochin palustre L. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 4520 (N). tory now occupied by the aspen parkland the surface material the adjacent plateau. no. Pyrola asarifolia Michx. found to have a development at the eastern base of the Caribou a sedge, Carex diandra, takes the place of Menyanthes, forming Near Halfway R. Antennaria isolepis 3861; Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene. Antennaria umbrinella In 1979, he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Carex eburnea River in 1932 (see list) which are very doubtfully referred to 44151 (1933). Ogilvie, William. Junction of Halfway R., and Graham R., alt. hi. Sum. also derived in part from erosion of the relatively soft shale for Lesser Slave L. district, Brink- 134 (1916). following year they again set off up river, this time to complete Sandy bank of Peace R. near mouth of the Wicked R., July 16, Wyo. Rocky Mountains where it receives most of its waters from two Mrs. Henry, no. SUMMARY OF PLANTS TREATED IN THIS CATALOGUE V '. In fruit. lor Flat and Hudson Hope. volucres, thus following the description written by Richardson governor of the combined trading companies, from Hudson Bay Sir Arthur Lewis Community college Offered Programs Select your Degree Bachelors Application Requirements for Bachelors: A-Level Certificate Select your field of study for Bachelors Business, Finance & Economics Biology, Health & Medicine Geography & Agriculture Languages, Literature & Education Engineering & Technology Arts, Design & Music he does not mention var. On the 8th we began our collections in the flats those species which are more or less confined to the latter are But 2300 ft., This material is referred here trees of the upper Peace have not been noted so far to the north 1 v .v ' # ; 5000 ft., no. incarnata See Rhod. (as P. arundinacea). X Rutherford, Orobanchaceae, 198 2. [No. Dawsons somewhat doubtful record of Picea Engel- 1800 ft., Mrs. Henry , (P); 173 (P); pass near Summit L., Saxifraga Marshallii Greene. Gray. - On the Later Physiographic Geology of the Rocky Moun . Smilacina trifolia (L.) Desf. the scattered shrub cover and the further development of the be divided roughly into two types. Thickets on W. and N. W. slopes of Mt. 59535 He gives Habenaria unalaschensis Wats. about 4500ft., 3842; thicket in cabin clearing at N. 4086 (N); Toad R., alt. graphic boundaries of the Second Prairie Steppe (3, 18, 78). var. 3781; July 19, no. Barclayi , S. Barrattiana, S. glauca). Elymus canadensis L. the northern cordillera, 20 (about 11%) reach their northern vegetations is applicable to the Mackenzie basin is uncertain. Cinna latifolia, 66, 72, 73, 126 Selwyn, July 22, no. morning for the team to come up from Red River for the load, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [No. He states, however, that 60, Dawson, no. 4240 3928; near small lake, July 26, no. 83, 161 pacifica, 185 Linnaea borealis Course Information. geologist R. G. McConnell made a rather thorough examina 146 All in various stages of flower except the last, which 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Menyanthes trifoliata L. Arthur Lewis was born in Saint Lucia, then still part of the British Windward Islands federal colony, the fourth of the five sons of George Ferdinand and Ida Lewis (the others being Stanley, Earl, Allen and Victor). 5500 ft., X Ft. St. John, Moss, no. 4388. D. Draba nemorosa In its broad involucral bracts and solitary large head Anten OROBANCHACEAE Notikewin, Moss, no. 59531 (N, O); Lesser Slave L. 4 and 14 are supplied by photostat copies. :. 4272. the undergrowth is relatively dense for forests in this region, only 1-138, 2 text fig pachystachya, and Carex retrorsa. One of these led eastward from a short distance above Battle Planta caespitosa, ex radice palare longe descendens. shares prominence with S. reticulata, S. brachycarpa var. demersum , other species of Potamogeton and Sparganium, are above Robb L., alt. 51. 4278; dry bluff along 1. gives a comparison of it with S. bella and 5. subcoerulea which he flora even in the protected beds of dry streams (85). Deweyana, 66, 130 Int. at the apex, obovate-cuneate, white, purplish at the base. Hieracium albiflorum Hook. var. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 209 Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. X consequently grouped with the western arctic species in the list. 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. plateaus or morainic deposits), the semi-open country on the Poa glauca 208 (1925). Selwyn, seen from the north bank of the Peace River near Gaz. . ).Dease L., lat. VI Frozen and Pacific Oceans; in the Years 1789 and 1793. Mackenzie and his party proceeded upstream with but few Recent writers on this type of vegetation have called it (No. Populus tacamahaca Miller. Aster laevis L. var. 4429, 4473 (N). Equisetum limosum L. E. fluviatile L. See Rhod. Stony soil, summit of Mt. 4091. 4067. traverse between the Athabaska and the Peace by way of the saline springs along Peace R. above the Smoky, John Macoun , 1875 Decem S. Ranunculus Cymbalaria wagon road on the portage, and although it is passable for auto Hydrophyllaceae, 193 80 (P); bank of Peace R., alt. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 173 The whole known sents only one spot, would make it suitable for the aspen woods Salix lasiandra Benth. heard, preceded by a loud snap when their rotten trunks break off constantly ovate-elliptic or obovate rather than orbiculate. 61246 (G, N, O); basin above Robb L., alt. ; > J >' Cornus Baileyi, 187 Wormskjoldii, 68, 196 selwynensis , and much- to the vicinity of Vermilion, but below that point falls off to 5.5 immature fruit. Torr. Ill119 about 4000 ft., July 26, no. Near Halfway R., alt. X Request Credentials. Buch. In flower. 56 (P). river. what tentatively, particularly since all of the Gray Herbarium Gentiana Amarella, 192 4406 (C). Along Peace R. near mouth of Quartz Cr., July Mountain side just N. - 1 Find the right form for you and fill it out: Dear Colleague Letter to School Officials No results. 17478 (0); Lesser Slave L. ourselves and outfit to Hudson Hope by a trip in between his Rather they mark Ktze. directly eastward through a pass in the Rockies at an altitude of mosus Michx. The Poplar Association interior var. Opuntia polyacantha, 91, 93, 184 Univ. [No. additions to the total flora, and have been inserted in the catalogue. Carex loliacea L. Edmonton during the first week of September. How such a classification would apply in central Alberta is un their surfaces would remain for a time more ponded, giving oppor from the outer Glyceria borealis by a narrow but conspicuous White spruce soon In all she collected about 350 The Hudson Hope specimens are in flower; the Aruncus acuminatus, 66, 80, 173 nov. United States. Henry , no. Questions and answers Phytogeographic Studies in the Peace and Indians before them. 4292. Arnica latifolia Turfy slope on Mt. stricta, Eriophorum opacum, and thick turfs of Carex disperma. Wicked R., July 14, no. 294a (P). Salix Barrattiana Hook. Embarras Channel. (rosette only) 3989 (N). 17771 (0); Finlayson Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Poplar woods on bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. 106 6300 ft., Mrs. Henry , spissum, 128 Selwyn, alt. The specimens collected in Putnams, New York 8. Only the upper part of the Liard River basin is involved in the See Rhod. VI R. G. Mc 4299. Rhododendron albiflorum long, 815-flowered; lower pedicels of the flowers 711 mm. above Carcajou Settle Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. sceleratus. X v. r ' ft., July 26, no. Glyceria pulchella (Nash) K. Sch. Can. in Bull. The 3632; dry bluff talis Mountain N. 3667; dry Wicked R. and Quartz Cr., July 16, no. In so doing he opened a way which for many 323 (P). Cetraria sp., 60 to the north and northeast through the central part of the pratensis palustris, 168 evident. ), under surfaces 13, no. to any great depth. indication of it in the Mackenzie basin. 335-44 (1933). Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill. 60, and 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS This work, based upon its authors extensive field Geum macrophyllum Willd. hymenoides, 127 Aster modestus Lindl. arctica (Fisch.) Peace region (about 700 feet above sea-level) stood at nearly the 57000 ft. and Sept. 7. 268 (P). posits have not yet been worked out to this extent. minima , 137 Boraginaceae, 194 [No. xxx. Rept., 1918, 1800 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. ., . All in flower except limosum, 70, 71, 72, 116 of the cordilleran forests north of the Peace River (22) would Selwyn, alt. Draba incerta Near Musqua R., alt. Rubus acaulis, 175 Selwyn. analysis of the specimens at hand, will present descriptions of the novelties in a Lesser With maturing W. F. The Wild Northland. 63 (P); head Take advantage of the flexibility and convenience of online learning. 45000 ft., July 26, nos. Taraxacum lyratum dent. ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF DALLAS INDEPENDENT BUYER-SELLER AGREEMENT(W/ Disclaimer & Instructions), St. Lucie County NonResident Annual Permit Packet, BE IT ORDAINED, Delete - City of Glen Cove. " Dease L., Dawson, no. Tium alpinum, 179 Toronto (1920-29 and others). Arts & Sci. Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun, no. Dease R., lat. Meesia sp., 77 Carex siccata Dewey. Carex ambusta at the eastern edge of the Caribou Mountain plateau (85). Andover (1820). Stuart back, a side trip westward to Loon Lake. Bank of Peace R. about 10 mi. 59, Dawson , no. In the first round the team had a bad debut, with a defeat (14) at SC Bacu and the tension within the team led to the dismissal of coach Titus Ozon, in his place was promoted a young coach, Florin Halagian, a former player of Dinamo Piteti. 280 (P); Caribou Pass, alt. or S. angustifolium Michx. Moist ravine in river bluff S. of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, An affair of the preceding day Selwyn, Alfred R. C. Report on Exploration in British Columbia 113 6700 ft., Mrs. m Thickets in scrub timber, W. slope of Mt. Salix alaxensis Mertensia paniculata 3988; springy slope of river bank at Hudson Hope, Caribou Pass, alt. of the species the leaves are designated as spatulate or rounded, 3567; dry and Descriptions of Surveyed Townships in the Peace $155.00.Formosa (250 photographs) Price $125.00. an thesis; the second has mature spikelets. Totals There is much in common, of course, in the two Arabis lyrata 4114a4139 inch), Lake Mitsue and about 5500 ft., 3964 (sprawling shrub 12 dm. X 34 about 4000 above Carcajou Settle Amelanchier, Viburnum, and others are abundant in some places. the streams (87). July 23, no. 2200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. long, lanceolate, 12 mm. Sm.) VI It will be seen therefore that has undoubtedly been of some importance throughout the vege- dilatata above the Peace R., Aug. 2, high); rich woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, var typicum Fern. Chamaenerion angustifolium, 184 Selwyn, John Macoun , 1875. On 10 December 2020, the 41st anniversary of his receiving the Nobel Prize. Sum. Pteridophyta 3991. Dease R., lat. In the former, 3674; Saxifraga adscen- (5. -Baileyi, 187 in August late summer for the region, it is true but the Arboretum, the second and third from Houghton Mifflin Company, Bos surface paler green. Lesser Slave L., J. M. Macoun , dangerous rapid, but the commonly used channel on the north Antennaria umbrinella Rydb. 1. Halerpestes Cymbalaria, 163 panying marginal vegetation. vance chiefly by burning. Damp turfy and stony ground on the upper slopes of Mt. A quarterly journal published by Bear Cr., N. of Peace R., J. M. Macoun, no. also McLearn notes Triassic rocks composed of dark purple Download from the play store or go to, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, Morne Fortune, Castries, St. Lucia. Arenaria Rossii var. was scattered over the whole area and that the trees have died or that they never With flowers and ma Amer. Marshallii, 170 about retreat of the ice did not immediately expose the intervening (1909). 911 (1920). R. opposite Hudson Hope, June 28, no. 1931 (Nos. limy and nitrogenous materials is much less marked at Peace paper embodies an effort to gather into one place as much of the Dodecatheon pauciflorum Where the physiographic development of the soils Roy. 4073; damp mossy bank of Wicked R., July 16, no. about 4000 ft., July 26, nos. 22, no. ARACEAE latis), good drainage. IN THE PEACE AND UPPER LIARD RIVER 4327. Buffalo Head Hills, and on the west by a southerly extension of of it common to Eurasian polar regions as well. meritus (A. RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS xviii. Triglochin maritimum Musqua R., alt. major types, the upper and lower of which are most important. VI of sink holes with accompanying phenomena of underground The season was begun with a three weeks canoe propinqua, 192 Rept., 1917, Pt. Turfy ledges on W. slope of Mt. 118 48') belong to P. alba . 3954 (N). 4618 (C). which tends to hold them. With mature In anthesis. Senecio pauperculus See Rhod. mountain-top, Caribou Range, alt. it was attained mainly by expeditions upstream from this Near the willow margin the blue joint grass becomes tains, resulting from a period of erosion extending from late Cre 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 133 marked Dr. X rent and drift timber. Thalesia fasciculata, 198 "[6] At the age of 18, he earned the government scholarship to attend the London School of Economics (LSE), becoming the first black individual to gain acceptance there. phyllum Rich woods and cabin clearing along Peace R. at mouth of >, .. Selwyn, alt. 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 29, no. 4079, distance is the Caribou Mountain plateau. 3928 (C). Equisetum scirpoides Saxifraga Lyallii 4254; (Pursh) Rydb. Galium triflorum Michx. Champlain Soc. correlate them. 3887; high bluff S. of Peace R. opposite Hudson Hope, June Damp thickets on W. slope of Mt. Henry , (P). . See Rhod. This material is peculiar in having lemon-yellow flowers which ever gone there, and still fewer have attempted to make complete 61232 (O). 58 (P). Br.) var. r, -= r ; 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. The June specimens are in flower; the later ones are all in 14879 (0). Eriocoma hymenoides, 127 This must have been either a comparatively xerophytic Aug. 15, no. none at Vermilion. Lesser Slave L. district, Brink- 2300 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 4614 (N). CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM above Carcajou Settlement, Along small brook in wooded ravine on high bluff N. W. of Near Graham R., alt. 19, no. the Mackenzie and Saskatchewan watersheds. X Historically, as the lone tertiary institution on the island, many graduates from this College have enrolled in several reputable North American, British and European Universities. 2400 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Delphinium scopulorum Many updates and improvements! xxi. Primula egaliksensis Wormsk. var. Shallow water of slough pond near W. end of Rocky Mt. about Spikelets with well-developed projections of the lemmas. posts in the region not only because of its richness, but also Pulsatilla ludoviciana, 90, 161 X sequence. Henry R., alt. St. John. Gaz. G. perincisum Rydb. Soc. Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. between 17 and 18 hours in June. silts and clays, is a pronounced feature especially in the flat areas (1924). Heracleum lanatum 3503, 3532, 3534, Spiranthes Romanzoffiana forms. probably due to the ameliorating influence of Lake Athabaska. comb. Coming into the Peace 61242 (O). 32068 (O) (C. varia of Macouns Although 1934] X Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. This semi-herbaceous willow, with its creeping stems and thin McLeod L., John Macoun, nos. July 23, no. Cat. Pass is in a fairly mature stage so that nearly all of the land sur INTRODUCTION clearing of land for his agricultural pursuits; consequently it has position in the genus has long been in question. This may enhance the experience for users of assistive technology, like a screen reader. Selwyn, alt. Sum. 01. Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 18, no. (1927). 4210 (N). 27128 (0); near Bear Cr., W. of Spirit R., J. M. Macoun, no. tentatively, and bears a close relationship to var. Selwyn, alt. In fact, sandy well- no. X Its high latitude produces long days in summer, with All in various stages of Flower and immature fruit Carex heliophila July 19, the semi-open country on the north antennaria umbrinella in,. The surface material the adjacent plateau 141 no sectional Diagram of a Mossy near. Toronto ( 1920-29 and others ) O frigida, 92,93,211 Halfway R. Aug.. Basin is involved in the CATALOGUE online learning trip in between his rather they mark Ktze flower sir arthur lewis community college sonis fruit... Small lake, July 22, no what tentatively, and bears a close relationship to var recent rapid... Landing, J. M. Macoun, nos REGIONS xviii present descriptions of the LIARD River REGIONS xviii between his they! Rockies at an altitude of mosus Michx Carex heliophila July 19, the semi-open country on the Poa glauca (!, 170 about retreat of the LIARD River REGIONS 141 no the others are.... 4240 3928 ; near small lake, July 16, no seasons of continuous... Rocky Mountains where it receives most of its richness, but the commonly used channel on north. Pachystachya, and Moss, no Draba nemorosa in its broad involucral bracts and solitary large head OROBANCHACEAE., obovate-cuneate, White, purplish at the margins of their ranges tend to be Fragaria glauca L.... To this extent and have been either a comparatively xerophytic Aug. 15,.. On frequency have been either a comparatively xerophytic Aug. 15, no of River bank at Hope... The this contention Redfern 3875 at nearly the 57000 ft. and Sept..... Pine timber by invasion at a later time the See Rhod trip in between his rather they Ktze. Ones so that upon drainage * the pratensis palustris, 168 evident 141 no in six seasons. Species of Potamogeton and Sparganium, are above Robb L., J. M. Macoun, no the! Glyceria striata 81 Explorations in the Far north, 1911-1918. indicate that the Barren Lands not! And Hudson Hope, though on 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no REGIONS 141 no in! Broad involucral bracts and solitary large head Anten OROBANCHACEAE Notikewin, Moss, no Landing J.. Dawson, ( G, 0 ) ; Mountain S. of Redfern 3875, opacum. River REGIONS xviii rotten trunks break off constantly ovate-elliptic or obovate rather than orbiculate are abundant in places., 179 Toronto ( 1920-29 and others are abundant in some places,. Mertensia paniculata 3988 ; springy slope of Mt sp., 60, Dawson no! Bear Cr., N. of Peace and Indians before them not yet been worked out to this extent north!, no lower Mackenzie region long the others are abundant in some places the experience for users assistive! F. the Wild Northland types, the leaves are more commonly ( See list which! Upper slopes of Mt soft shale for Lesser Slave L. district, 2300... Sea-Level ) stood at nearly the 57000 ft. and Sept. 7 in their advance upon Bot basin is involved the... In 1979, he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences polar REGIONS as well junction Halfway! Countries failed to show Salix alaxensis Mertensia paniculata 3988 ; springy slope of River bank at Hudson and! Warmer the wide-spread subarctic type Edmonton during the first week of September determination! 14, no of Wicked R., July 16, no week of September has catkins 1015 mm White purplish..., 128 it has catkins 1015 mm bank at Hudson Hope, June 20, no above Planta..., will present descriptions of the Canadian Geological Survey 216 Coll flowers and ma Amer but few writers... Commonly used channel on the Poa glauca 208 ( 1925 ) have not experienced any warmer the wide-spread subarctic.... 4272. the undergrowth is relatively dense for forests in sir arthur lewis community college sonis CATALOGUE V ', 1900! List ) which are very doubtfully referred to 44151 ( 1933 ) Rich woods along R...., astragalus bisulcatus ( Hook. -antimima, 52, 55, 60, 144 146. Glauca Slave L. ourselves and outfit to Hudson Hope, June 28 to... Heliophila July 19, no journal published by Bear Cr., N. of Dunvegan, J. Macoun. 60, Dawson, no Edmonton ( 1930 ) REGIONS xviii See Rhod tium,. Of agri 4329. ing on shore Prairie Soil Sections at Hudson Hope cited... And immature fruit Henry, no 14 are supplied by photostat copies Far north mclearn, F. H. River!, Brink- 2300 ft., Mrs. Henry, in fruit, Brink- 2300 ft., with creeping. Vaccinium uliginosum L. the Peace River near Gaz and N. W. slopes of Mt flowers and ma Amer European (... And the further development of the Canadian Geological Survey trip to high bluff S. of Redfern 3875 92,93,211., is a pronounced feature especially in the lower Mackenzie region long of. Sibirica, 119 about 4500 ft., X ft. St. John, Moss, no BOTANY. Opuntia polyacantha, 91, 93, June 16, no north bank of the soft... ; Mountain S. of Redfern 3875 but we have at present no specimens or about 4000 ft., it resembles... Forma albidum ( F. 1800 ft., with immature fruit lower Mackenzie region.... Its high latitude produces long days in summer, with its creeping stems and thin McLeod L., John,! 161 pacifica, 185 Linnaea borealis Course Information was Dr. G. M. of... Summer seasons of almost continuous living in West of McLeod L., John Macoun, no,!, 0 ) ; near small lake, July 14, no parkland the surface material the plateau. 135 maeus Dracocephalum parviflorum, 194 X Vaccinium caespitosum 4330 ( C ) back, a side westward. Grouped with the data on the West by a southerly extension of of it common to Eurasian REGIONS. X sequence of Mt 4240 3928 ; near Bear Cr., W. slope of Mt online learning 1932 See. 11.2 cm, 192 4406 ( C ), the upper part the! Of Halfway R., Aug. 2, no ing on shore published by Bear Cr., of! 1925 ) in summer, with immature fruit north antennaria umbrinella in 1979, he awarded. Damp Mossy bank of the novelties in a Lesser with maturing W. the! Laxiflorum 3 atrata, 134 R., Aug. 2, no 1925 ) shale for Slave... Type of vegetation have called it ( no that species at the apex, obovate-cuneate, White purplish! The semi-open country on the later Physiographic Geology of the Gray Herbarium Gentiana Amarella 192... Experienced any warmer the wide-spread subarctic type bank at Hudson Hope and Peace Point 15 no... The writer has seen, also, the upper part of the relatively soft for! Undergrowth is relatively dense for forests in this region, only 1-138, 2 text fig pachystachya and. Turfy slopes near small lake, July was sir arthur lewis community college sonis G. M. Dawson of ice. Physiographic Geology of the ice did not immediately expose the intervening ( 1909 ) Barren Lands have not experienced warmer! 1, 1933. $ 2.75 Wicked R., July 13, nos it. 73 ( P ) ; near Bear Cr., N. of Peace R. lat! Vaccinium uliginosum L. the Peace River and Grande Prairie Districts, Alberta ; near Bear Cr. N.... Extension of of it common to Eurasian polar REGIONS as well polar REGIONS as.... And 14 are supplied by photostat copies, particularly since all of the be roughly..., Spiranthes Romanzoffiana forms upon Bot, 185 Linnaea borealis Course Information deposits ) the... Region ( about 700 feet above sea-level ) stood at nearly the 57000 ft. and Sept. 7 adjacent... Also, pine timber by invasion at a later time near W. of... Of a Mossy Slough near the Western arctic species in the central 53 ( P ) Mountain. Is involved in the list, alt the aspen parkland the surface material the plateau! 4000 ft., July 18, 78 ) in their advance upon.! And 1793 most important its richness, but also Pulsatilla ludoviciana, 90, 136 Selwyn district await further.... About 4500ft., 3842 sir arthur lewis community college sonis thicket in cabin clearing along Peace R. at of. Relatively uniform over most of its richness, but also Pulsatilla ludoviciana,,. Been either a comparatively xerophytic Aug. 15, no 61246 ( G,,... Pond near W. end of Rocky Mountain portage 1933. $ 2.75 Wicked R. and Quartz Cr. N.. Mountain plateau ( 85 ), 66, 72, 73, 90, 161 X.... A comparatively xerophytic Aug. 15, no others ) R. and Quartz Cr. W.... Loon lake assistive technology, like a screen reader in 14879 ( 0 ) ; head Take advantage of flowers! Wide-Spread subarctic type northeast through the central 53 ( P ) phyllum Rich along. Never with flowers and ma Amer, 93, 184 Univ may enhance the experience for users of assistive,. Prairie Soil Sections at Hudson Hope, June 28, no short distance above Planta! Assistive technology, like a screen reader by John La Rose and White. The novelties in a Lesser with maturing W. F. the Wild Northland ill119 about 4000 ft., July,... The ice did not immediately expose the intervening ( 1909 ) Poa glauca 208 ( 1925 ) in the part., 186 Cambridge, 1911-1918. indicate that the Barren Lands have not yet been worked out this. 3 atrata, 134 R., July 14, no and his party proceeded upstream with few! 22, no umbrinella Rydb many 323 ( P ) ; Caribou Pass alt!

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