coconut oil interstitial cystitis

Did the symptoms all ease at once? Sharing and pinned. I sent for the blood test and am anxious to see if there is something I have been missing that could be the link toward complete healing in this area. I am kind of surprised that the paleon diet heals IC, must be mild cases of IC that are not histamine related. I am not a doctor; please consult your practitioner before changing your supplement or healthcare regimen. I have tried so many elimination diets, but NEVER considered fruit. I do consultations (via Skype or Facetime) if you need support starting GAPS; see my consulting tab ^^ at the very top of the page; or go to for lots of info to get you started. , Hi Megan I have IC for 10 years I believe its caused by infections maybe lyme or candida.. Nut butters are okay for use in moderation and raw versions are best. I am so grateful to have come across your article and all that followed from so many of sufferers like me, who has battled with IC for almost 15 years from my late 40s. When you did GAPS originally before going back to intro, when did you start to see improvements with your IC? Diet I was not eating fruit. Hi Teryl, I see that you contacted me via email. Months? Thanks! Also did you take the fermented cod liver oil and digestive enzyme ? She also identified that my histamine values are much too high. Also can thickening of walls be reversed too(Trabeculation). It is possible I could have my food intolerance in the future, but even if my IC symptoms didnt return I wouldnt, knowing that my body doesnt digest that food group well. How long did it take for you to notice a change? But the reverse process occurs with some of my clients: they get the food intol. I was diagnosed with IC since last March, had a cystoscopy and urethra dilation which kind of worked as it removed a lot of the pain. So happy for what youve figured out so far, and for your improvement. Thanks, Hi Rose, not all NDs do the Constitutional Food Intolerance Evaluation, also called the O.G. Wishing you well, Diana (\__/) (o.O ) (> < ) This is Bunny. I need the calories to maintain my supply. Im happy to meet with you. I was diagnosed IC 21 years ago and got much, much worse 4 years ago when I started peri-menopause. Been taking 2 extra strength Tylenol tablets to help with the pain. Just popping in to say while coconut oil is safe physiologically, (like other oils) it is not safe for use with condoms, so if that's part of your birth control method then oil is a no go. or in pollock? Conditions Interstitial Cystitis Intervention / Treatment Drug: Peppermint oil Drug: Coconut Oil Detailed Description After being informed about the study and potential risks, all participants will complete validated IC/BPS symptom questionnaires for So, thats why GAPS Intro. Its tough to diagnose, and though treatments can make life with it better, theres no cure. We owned a bone broth cafe, and we had a constant stream of former vegan customers sent to us by doctors to regain their health. A food intolerance doesnt change with time or healing. And sorry for my english, I m from Finland. Your bladder is a hollow, muscular organ that stores urine. Okay Angela! The problem was much worse before I started my period each month and I had the same symptoms you had with urethra pain. Our son cannot digest any fruits and most dairy either. Best wishes! YAY! Look for cold-pressed and extra-virgin. Hi Bonnie, happy to help. So if you are stressed trying to make everyone's different food, that's no good. Just a thought. You can also try probiotics like Prescipt Assist ( or Sacc. I am hopefully D-Mannose will help me long term. Dr. Seibecker also says that Acidophilus and Bifido are safe for SIBO? I have had other flares off and on, but this one seems to be lasted longer. xo and blessings! Because IC has such a wide range of symptoms and severity, most experts think it might be several diseases. I could never get over the criminal price. Claire_A ICN Member Join Date: Jan 2011 Posts: 385 Tweet #3 For now, Ill share how I healed my interstitial cystitis, so I could be well again! The good news? Regarding symptoms, they vary SO much person to person, partially based on what organs are each persons weakest links. So for my daughter, her food intolerance affects her lungs and adrenal glands. But, those foods did not affect my IC either way except that I can not have grains + potatoes within 4 hours of each other, or my IC flares the same way it would with fruit. I did see an herbologist who told me in her experience IC is linked to candida overgrowth, hence the strict anti-candida diet. I have looked at the gaps diet cookbooks and they are using these ingredients so I have not purchased them. pollock is inexpensive, salmon notPaleo has helped me almost completely in curing acid reflux /gerd too. It took me 4.75 years on the GAPS diet. Was it a gradual thing? My problem is that I also have systemic candida. Thank you for your post on IC and for the hope you are giving to others. Its tough to diagnose, and though treatments can make life with it better, theres no cure. Aloe Vera for Interstitial Cystitis. This helps you see that maybe things arent as bad as our brains are telling us, and also helps you see when things are improving or even how what you ate one day made something worse. Are you still not eating fruit? Sometimes heat/cold therapy are the most effective treatment to relieve the pain of a interstitial cystitis flare. Carroll (or simply the Carroll) Test. Hi Megan. Glad youve found something natural that works. Actual Study Start Date : Sep 15, 2021. Thank you very much ..I also wanted to ask about something else ..Do you or anyone else who has IC feel fatigue ?? Dinner: pork chops with mashed potatoes and green beans. Hi Karen, thanks for your comment and question. I felt like my life was over, because all I read is there is no cure symptoms get worse with age.. Im afraid the list is too long. Just a quick report. Thank you for this article! Thx a million!! But she did hydrodistend my bladder. Lastly, have you already learned what your food intolerance is through Dr. Zeff? Mg is a wonderful remedy for spasms and sleep issues. I continue to take a probiotic. If you have time, Id really love to hear your thoughts. I still live a GAPS lifestyle and feel great. Its not a Frosty mind you, but he claims Argentina cured him lol. Thank you! (Again, when I was in better health and living in San Diegos sunshine, I could eat fruit. Hes been home for over a year and still no problems. I have also been inspired to write my own book on my autoimmune healing journey. Its one of the absolute worst diets to go on for IC. I eliminated all fruit, was fine, could jump with freedom. NAC is a precursor to glutathione, which is a building block of the guts lining; and NAC helps our bodies to detoxify, which is a main theme of the GAPS Diet and healing in general. I think I m the one to be blamed for my IC. Hugs! It only takes one bite to cause a flare. Low histamine/anti histamine has given me the best digestive changes so far, but that is not a grain free diet by any means, as actually with Low histamine diet, meat has to be low, and fermented dairy has to be out. Another interesting fact about IC? Im so glad its been helpful, Megan (same name too, lol), and that you know youre not crazy! But that doesn't mean it's what's right for you. I totally agree with you. I did find one link that didnt work, and I updated that information, which is for NAC. Wish me luck. So its an effective band-aid for some. I will email Dr Zeff today. It looks like I have IC. Excessive drinking of water and coffee and tea for years. My stomach is swollen and Ive developed too much wind!! Yet, with what Ive learned about the gut and bacteria, could it be that when we restore the proper gut environment w proper bacteria and enzymes that we could slowly add these foods back in. How long did you end up being on GAPS intro? I own two gyms so exercise is a must and this doesnt allow me to do any kind of exercise. I just had surgery to dilate my urethra and I start bladder instillation and PTNS on Friday.. Thanks! One supplement to avoid is baking soda. I have been doing so well that I actually thought I was healed. I eat a very clean diet, exercise hard 5x a week and take an array of very good supps. But if his health wasnt good, if he lived in a place with little sun and he did have the evaluation, I dont think that dairy would be his intolerance. Coconut and avocado oils can be used like castor externally due to their cooling effect but unlike castor they also have too much of a cooling effect internally so should not be used in cooking Hence routine use of coconut oil internally, even though the rage from a matter science view currently, is not a good idea as it will disrupt agni which I would just caution you about a long term vegan diet, as we saw the damage this can cause in many of our cafe customers. I know this is an old thread but Ive had ic for over 30 years. Research shows that people with IC have elevated histamine level olives, extra-virgin olive oil, ghee, coconut oil, leafy herbs, and herbal tea. After that frosty he could eat dairy. Restricting intake of the foods and beverages listed above help some individuals control IC/BPS symptoms. How did I figure this out? We will never sell your information. I have uterine fibroids, myomas, but according doctor fibromas dont make me to urinate frequently. We had him scoped too, and it turned out he had some inflammation. Regarding foods, until you get the evaluations results back in the mail, its hard to know for sure. Much love and best to you on your healing journey!! I dont like to overdo any seed or nut oil, so personally I use a lot of Kerrygold butter and pasture-raised lard. This will turn your urine from acid to alkaline, make it stop burning the lining of your bladder and urethra! We have noticed that nightshades cause her problems and she has always been lactose intolerant. My IC got a lot better. My nurse and doctor both diagnosed me with utter confidence. It always helps me with UTIs and urinary tract pain and I wondered if it could help some IC sufferers and if youve every tried it? I was fortunate enough to get a diagnosis and found a book. I also have IC and have done almost everything medically I could. summary. from Dr. Zeff, eliminate that food group, and then must do GAPS for a couple of years. I was actually just about to eat my first batch of homemade yogurt here in the next day or two, but now you have me curious about why you dont eat yogurt. And you can eliminate fruit. Im going to Thailand in December and very much want to enjoy the curries there. However, it should be noted that this isnt the case for everyone. Thanks and have nice end of summer /fall time! Here are some foods Ive found to be helpful: yacon! My name is Rachel and I am 19 years old. Boul. Thank you so very much for this post and for responding to me. The medical world still doesnt understand the cause of IC, which is why their diagnostic processes vary and continue to evolve. But if you ask a naturopathic physician, they will not pause before saying that yes, IC is an extension of leaky gut, all the way down into the bladder and the urethra. Hi Megan! It is just beginning! I also have IC and now have hope that my ND can help me. The description of this disease from Web MD goes thus: Interstitial cystitis (IC), often called painful bladder syndrome, is a tricky condition. For those of you who arent familiar with this concept, the GAPS Diet starts out with a really basic bone broth-based soup diet. I Spicy foods such as chili powder, cayenne etc. He is learning. Good for you and best wishes in your process. Go to this page: and youll find the phone number there. Did you start them right away or add them in at different stages? What could I use if not coconut/olive? Hi Karen, I think that other things caused my leaky gut, (other than fruit), things like not being breast fed (beyond 6 weeks), lots of antibiotics growing up and a vegetarian diet with lots of whole grains. . Official Title: Efficacy of Peppermint Oil in a Randomized, Single-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial in Women With Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome. Look forward to hearing from you. Upon removing fruit, the difference was amazing. I just had my food evaluation done with Dr. Zeff and it take came back saying I, too, cant have fruit. Take a bit of coconut oil and shape it into a small ball (maybe 1/4 to 1/2-inch across) quickly before it starts to melt. I take virgin cod liver oil ( in capsule form and digestive bitters or Betaine HCl with Pepsin, instead of digestive enzymes ( and L Arginine works to knock out the pain, but its a bandaid. So, were still on the journey, too, but overall, despite trying to figure out tiny things that arent perfect, I am reassured by our feeling of wellness, one, and two, by finding the right thinkers (Dr. Smith and Genereux) who I agree with, who keep digging to understand nutritional mechanisms and physiology, without being bound to a dogma or former thinking. GAPS is probably the best diet. But you don t have to be senior age to have IC? Bergamot Oil. I didnt know the next step as my son had been diagnosed with fructose malabsorption or intolerance. I dont want to live like that forever. Its one of those diets that takes a few weeks to wrap your head around, because weve all been so steeped in the value of Vitamin A. Fruit is a big part of their plan. My daughter has suffered from IIC and pelvic pain for the last three years. Weve been on it, as you know, for over four years with zero cheating. Lindsay on the other handaye, aye, aye. I have never heard of this you are such an inspiration! Its a good start! Just popping in to say while coconut oil is safe physiologically, (like other oils) it is not safe for use with condoms, so if that's part of your birth control method then oil is a no go. I have found hope by reading your forum, revisiting it everytime I am in dispair of my (what seems helpless) situation. Because our health begins in our guts, our guts ability to break down foods affects every aspect of our wellness. probiotic which is a soil-based bacteria/yeast that is super gentle. Hi! Blessings in your healing process! I am wondering sistadana how you cured yourself. Ferments are terrible for your bladder (ferments are the foundation of the GAPS diet) and they trigger Mast Cell Degranulation which causes a whole host of problems including bladder issues. The past year my main drink is Dandelion Root tea which helps my IBS so well that for the past few months, my urethra pains and painful urges have gone down about 97% and I do still go to pee every few minutes at times but other times I can forego for two to three hrs. How do you reccomend I start with the bone broth? WebInterstitial cystitis is one of the many health conditions linked to histamine intolerance. It is also the best diet for everyone. Im nursing my baby and finding a huge milk supply drop when I cut out too much food. 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