semantic html vs div

There's no doubt that all those new elements featured above will make you think twice before using the div tag. It is just describing its content, not prescribing presentation. As you learn more about HTML — read more resources, look at more examples, etc. “Semantic HTML” is choosing tags … What does 'levitical' mean in this context? The

and are examples of non-semantic elements; they don't tell anything about their content, whereas elements like
, , and clearly define their content and are therefore referred to as semantic elements. The HTML Content Division element (div) is the generic container for flow content. We will see some examples using span tag with user attractive requirements like color shedding etc. It is mainly used to group of the block elements mainly it will be used for the CSS Style sheet whenever we use it in the Html page. Semantic markup semantic forms markup(div vs br) Dear Friends! So why are there new HTML 'semantic' tags with no apparent benefit over the plain ol' divs? According to Merriam-Webster, semantics is the study of meanings or the meaning of a sign. This of