sausage and lentil soup smitten kitchen

Yum! Fan-effing-tastic soup! I made this for dinner last night and it was delicious! I’m asking because I plan to substitute Trader Joe’s soy chorizo to make the soup vegetarian/vegan. I ended up making it before I received your reply and used red. 6 servings. Thanks! I’d love to see which recipes you think work well reheated in an office setting (with a microwave handy and MAYBE a toaster if we’re lucky). Garnished it wish some balsamic vinegar and Parmesan. I absolutely love, love your recipes! This looks amazing! So for this sort of recipe, I would make sure to use sausage (meat or veggie) that I know is seasoned well. Have I noticed a tendency toward beans on this site lately? Oh and I used Kale because my grocery store did not have Chard. Really delicious. I made it several times on the stove and love it. Made this last night with venison sausage, extra garlic, and grated Romano because it was all I had, and it was amazing! Wow! I am vegetarian and it works great with our favorite brand of vegetarian sausage. One of my standard winter dinners! It was sooooo yummy! Amy. I’d say green would be my second choice here after brown. This soup isn’t just flavorful & comforting on a cold winter day it is also very economical to make, it’s wonderful to have a recipe where it all comes together! It’s even better the second day around. I’ve made this with kale when I did not have chard on hand. I made this tonight, as the blizzard was blanketing NYC :) Amazing! I’ve converted several coworkers to this soup. Thank you for this terrific recipe. Having it again right now for lunch. This is so good, you guys. Note: adding 4 cups of cold water to a hot pot will have a bit of a cooling effect, obviously, and if you intend to serve the soup immediately you may want to make sure that the water you add is also at soup-serving temperature. Even my husband who hates lentils loved it. I have gone to my spice cabinet thinking, oregano? This soup looks absolutely delicious! Cook with the sausage until the vegetables soften a bit, another 5 minutes. Thank you! like we do with French Onion soup. Use the sauté function on high again to bring it back to a simmer (this should be take no time at all) and add the greens; cook until wilted. The last time I cooked lentils, which was my first and last, I cooked them as the bag suggested. I never get why people are always cutting chard leaves off and tossing the stems. who can finish first, the silly toast/cheers game, the pool in your belly needs liquid for the food to party/swim in, and the original 1,2,3 – drink! So, why do that to yourself when you could keep the pressure phase short & serve your meal in 30-40 minutes total? You could always use half hot, half sweet if you’re worried about it getting too hot. Great recipe and easy to follow instructions makes it something that anyone could make, even me. I love, love, love this soup. And while I’ll try this hearty soup before winter moves on, you’ve put me in the mood for a French lentil salad with bacon vinaigrette on this sunny day. Every year around this time — well into the winter season, but long after we found it charmingly brisk, as it is when you do googly-eyed things like ice skating around a sparkling tree at the holidays — we get some sort of brittle cold snap in the weather that catches me by surprise. It pleased picky teenagers with weird eating preferences, as well as boyfriend with weird carb-avoidance issues. I am super excited to meet the person who’s recipes completely dominate my cooking each week. But there is such a range of sizes of bundles, particularly at our farmers market. I use beer instead of at least half of the water, and find it adds a nice depth to the already delicious flavor. LOVED IT! I can’t get enough soup this winter. Definitely a new standard recipe at our soup-loving house. It sounds (and looks) delicious! This was amazing!!! can’t figure out where i went wrong, as i was hoping for thicker soup. but it was just so exciting. Both methods: To finish, divide soup among bowls, then add the remaining 1/4 cup olive oil and 2 garlic cloves to a small skillet (on the stove) and heat over medium until the garlic softens and hisses. For any fellow vegetarians, I dice two vegetarian Italian-style sausages (I use the Tofurkey brand) and it turns out very well. It’s fast, easy and makes for great leftovers! I can’t believe mine was just born with an aversion to green vegetables…but if he was, I need a clue on how to get him to eat them anyway! Quick question… Do you put the sliced sizzled garlic in the soup too or just drizzle the oil? Turned out great! There’s also been some biscotti and a big weekend pancake. I make a one pot dish with chard, sausage and lentils that I love. I’m planning to freeze most of it to enjoy over the next few weeks. I just made this recipe tonight and it turned out delicious! Good lord this is so good. I was really nervous it wasn’t going to be enough liquid, but I’m actually really glad I only used 6. Also, I skipped the garlic oil at the end (sorry Deb!) Also, I always think about buying meat substitute sausage for this but never do. I love every single recipe in Smitten Kitchen, like it’s all customized to my palate. Hello Deb. Transfer sausage to paper towels to drain. Temperatures have been hovering around -40 for nearly a month where I’m from…yikes. If you use farro, it will need for time to cook than the lentils (perhaps cook it in advance and add it in) as it was still a bit crunchy at the end of the 40 minutes. Made this last night and it was amazing!!! Even though we live in New York, a place where a cold snap or two a January is as predictable as being hosed by some unspeakably awful puddle of street juice slush by a car spinning through an intersection; even though I’ve lived in this exact climate for every one of my thirty-I-don’t-want-to-talk-about-it years; and even though I have the audacity to look forward to winter every sticky concrete-steaming summer, when I walk outside on that first 20-degree day and the wind gusts into my face and renders it hard to exhale, the very first thing I do is audibly holler in rage and disbelief, “WHAT THE WHAT?” I am nothing — as we joke when my sweet little son tries to clomp down the hallway in his dad’s massive boots and immediately falls on his tush — if not Harvard Material. Rachael — I’d expect it to freeze well. My 17mo old is chugging this soup by the bowlful. I am also careful to used canned tomatoes that are KNOWN to be good tasting—I used whole san marzano tomatoes and broke them up by squeezing them by hand right in the pot BEFORE bringing the soup to a simmer. I am also cooking my way through your cookbook and LOVE it!! I’m wanting to make this, but don’t have sausage…will try and convince the hub to go meatless if you think it’s not baconable. Once, it was magic pixie dust from a house elf. I added a lot of red pepper flakes as I like a little spice and it was perfect and hearty! This soup is one of our favorites. Also, if you’re using red or rainbow chard, the stems add nice bits of color to the soup. Far tastier than I anticipated after reading the recipe. I’ve added it to the (very short) list of foods everyone in the family will eat! The “sweet Italian sausages” are unfamiliar. 1. Might need a little extra spicing if so. Melissa — I’ve never used canned lentils before but I suppose if they’re fully cooked that you can just add them at the end. mine turned out very watery, though, and i followed the recipe to a t (well, except that i went for four sausages). In a large skillet, brown the sausage all over until no longer pink, about five minutes. This looks absolutely delightful…especially as I stare out of my snow-laden New York window. Thanks for warming up this snowy Sunday evening! So flavourful and hearty! still delicious, though! I have a bunch….impulse food buying again…. :), I’d like to second the “does this freeze well” comment/question. It’s not winter here but on those certain days of the month (ehem..) like today, I really need a hot steaming bowl of soup to make me feel like all is good in the world. No more overcooked greens. Will definitely be giving this a go!! This is delicious, even when you realize you have barley instead of lentils in your pantry. Looks delicious. So good. love this recipe! I love lentil soup but my usual recipe has gotten so boring. Add onions and garlic to pot and cook until translucent, stirring often, about 5 minutes. A perfect one pot meal for cold winter evenings. I could have written the comment above by Anita! Oh and I use turkey Italian sausage, mostly because it’s usually what I have on hand, and it turns out very flavorful. You mean I travelled all the way to NYC to buy your wonderful cookbook only to find it is coming out here in the UK next month?!?!? I (um) forgot the garlic oil in the pre-dinner rush, but the flavour was still excellent. With homemade croutons or just a slice of crusty buttered bread, this is the coziest meal. Like another of your posters, my kids don’t love soup/stews/gruel, but I think adding the sausage will the the way I can get this to happen! I have made it numerous times and it is now my favorite to bring to a new mother. Used frozen chard, carrots I canned this summer and about a pound of garlic sausage. Is this recipe doable in the slow cooker? Perfect Monday night meal when I’m trying to get the kids off to dance and hockey! Goes really well with nice fresh bread. Yet another hit from Smitten Kitchen, but Deb Perlman knows how to do cozy, simple, and satisfying like no other. Love this one! If the soup seems a little thick add up to 1 cup more water as needed. Perfect meal for a wintry weekend! Thank you for sharing! It was the perfect dinner on this freezing cold evening in Denmark. Warm and filling, yet healthy enough to be inline with nutritious eating resolutions! Thanks for inspiring me in the kitchen and making good cooking so accessible to all of us :). Hadn’t seen her in months! This soup is fast, easy and, most importantly, DELICIOUS! I read Smitten Kitchen obsessively; it’s the first thing I check when I get home from school (I’m 14.) This soup is a marvel. I’m currently having a bowl for lunch at work now and really looking forward to having more for dinner at home :-). Once hot, add sausage and begin breaking it up with a wooden spoon and cook until beginning to brown, about 5 minutes. Recipes. Made it last night too, and my 3 yr old and 8 yr old gobbled it up! Thank you. My favorite were the bites flavored with fennel from the sausage. So hearty during the first snow of the year. It’s become one of our go-to favorites. Can this be done in a slow cooker? I may be willing to offer incentive! punjabi-style black lentils. :) Four years ago: Squash and Chickpea Moroccan Stew, Vanilla Almond Rice Pudding, Light Wheat Bread, Clementine Cake, Mushroom Bourguignon, Sugar Puffs and Smashed Chickpea Salad A bit concerned after putting the kale in to find out that kale needs to be cooked and rinsed before adding to a soup to decrease dangerous goitrogenic properties. (I’ve got your a batch of your crispy chickpeas in the oven; they’re awesome.) Mayay — I don’t think so. I was being lazy so i didn’t do the garlic at the end and just added more to the soup itself, but it was perfect for a cold, rainy day. I noticed some weird kale shortage at Trader Joe’s recently…. It’s 19 degrees out there and it even snowed. In an InstantPot or electric multicooker: Proceed as written above, using the sauté function on high (I find this to be like medium-high on a stove) to cook the sausage and then vegetables. I have a 6 qt. The carrot soup was going to be next on my list, but now I’m tempted by the chocolate sables you posted…plus all the bookmarked recipes from your book still to try…*sigh*…As my 3yr old nephew would say “So many recipes!”. Thanks so much. I know someone asked about red lentils above…what about green? It was less than an hour including all of my prep time and sneaking in some reading time. I used 2.5 spicy italian sausages which removed the need for hot pepper flakes or any other seasoning. And that’s a good thing. I made this tonight and I accidentally bought canned tomato sauce instead of crushed tomato, but it was still delicious! Yum!!!! Have you tried it with split peas? Oh c’mon! I make this soup at least a couple of times a month, and my family loves it every time. And, you are absolutely right about not omitting the garlic oil topping. You are absolutely right about the sizzling garlic oil drizzle at the end — I think I licked my bowl in public. Now that I’ve made this recipe, like, 18 million times, I figured I should comment. If I skip it, will it alter the taste a lot? Oh, what the hey. I really enjoyed it. Your email address will not be published. (this is the highest praise for a new recipe in our house). used frozen carrots and red lentils because i couldn’t wait to make it. I can’t wait to try it. I am concerned it could overwhelm the flavor? This looks fabulous! I also use the slow cooker sometimes. They even requested that I pack it in their lunches the next day. My smart mom throws hers in the freezer. Funny, I just made lentil soup for the first time last night! Not having cooked with sausages before I wasn’t sure. Delicious, healthy, hearty, and warm! If I make it in the future and don’t double it, I would probably cut the amount of water in half. Thanks! weekly staple on our house. Thanks for another “keeper”! Perfect for fall or wintery evenings. (Anathema, I know.) I found it flavorful enough and didn’t even think the garlic oil and cheese were 100% necessary to doll it up. Also, the link to how you get Jacob to eat what you want just went to a Facebook page for the event. Thanks Deb – like Elizabeth, I’m trying to make my way through your cookbook and you keep throwing me curve balls! Thank you so much for this recipe. (This is what happens when the market is next to the mall!) Sigh. I will add the chard or whatever greens i have on hand when I reheat it. This was really delicious. ultimate banana bread. My husband, who cooks about once a year and its usually spaghetti with jarred sauce, actually made it himself. Another delicious success!! Amazing soup with deep and rich flavor! It’s definitely going into regular rotation. Perfect soup to whip up for a friend in need too. We used red lentils and 5 cups of low-sodium chicken broth, and then pre-chopped kale instead of chard because that’s what we had on hand. Italian sausages are almost unknown in the UK, so I used a pork and herb sausage, which worked very well, and I also subbed in Savoy cabbage for chard, as others have done. It’s basically the only reason I save parmesan rinds, so far. On Tuesday, I stopped at Westside market in NYC and noticed that the woman ahead of me in line had lentils, kale, carrots, and sausage in her cart…your influence is everywhere!!! Sue — Sounds like Seanna Lea (way up the thread) did successfully. I made this tonight,, it was very good…i did not use can tomatoes i used some paste . I got 7 servings out of this recipe, it’s so easy, and deceptively delicious! Subbed a quarter pound chorizo for the sausage, doubled the onion, quadrupled the garlic, added a diced parsnip, and instead of a bay leaf tree in an aged Gouda rind. thanks! Will be trying tonight. It’s been so overwelming trying to figure out whether what I cook is healthy and appropriate for my husband ( we LOVE to cook, and eat, of course :) ). (Shame on me.) It was delicious. The garlic oil idea comes from Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen, in her infinite wisdom of stepped-up home cooking. Are coming to Denver cold snap my second choice here after brown vegetables, no less ) changed. Do only one pinch more thing… when are you going to try the red lentils because that was different our... Cream, the soup to punch up the sausage into small bits it! Baby kale for chard ) Trader Joe ’ s not the first person to think of the... 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