is life insurance a good investment for retirement

Just focus on buying life insurance only…without any “investment” angle. Most policies provide accelerated death benefits that are available if you are terminally ill, which can help protect you and your family. The information provided here is not investment, tax or financial advice. But it is hard to disagree with the tax advantages possible with life insurance as an investment. High-net-worth individuals would qualify for this strategy, as many times, the contribution limits for 401(k)s and IRAs are not enough to satisfy their retirement objectives. The example I used above of my own policy is more typical of how life insurance can be used as an investment. But insurance is something of a necessary evil. This is not the case. And certain insurance plans can help you live out your golden years as worry-free as possible – a worthy investment in your well-deserved break from workaday reality. It provides a safety net that allows an individual to assume more risk with other investments. In other words, the loan would be for the desired income plus the interest required for the loan itself. One noted company automates the entire income process so that the checks come monthly; the company knows when to switch from withdrawals of basis to loans, and then, when the values start to run out, the policy is essentially collapsed into a contract that won’t lapse. The investment portion of permanent life insurance … LIRPs are essentially over-funded policies, that is, amounts above the premiums required to keep the policy in force. The challenge for these family dynasties are the three federal transfer taxes that charge a flat 40% rate on transfers: the gift, estate and generation skipping transfer taxes (GST). As I mentioned last time, retirement income planning has emerged as a distinct field in the financial services profession.But because it is still relatively new, the best approach for building a retirement income plan remains elusive. When Gen 1 died, the trust received $25 million income tax-free, and neither Gen 1 nor Gen 2 pay gift, estate or GST taxes on the death benefit. Retirement planning is a combination of products, not a single one. So, Generation 1 can set up a trust that uses $11.4 million to skip a generation, landing the wealth in the hands of Generation 3, transfer tax-free. To be clear, the vast majority of life insurance is purchased for risk management. All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. Agents make a lot of money selling the idea that life insurance is a great way to save for retirement. Today, I will share to you one of my favorite hacks that I learned from one of my friend in building wealth. All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. Contrary to what some in the insurance industry would have you believe, I do not believe insurance products, in general, should be considered part of your retirement investment portfolio. That said, a popular life insurance retirement planning strategy involves directing as much premium as possible into cash value with the least amount allocated to the death benefit. In most cases, retirement strategies are fully taxed or tax-deferred. A significant benefit of LIRPs is that there is no contribution limit. Life insurance has the advantage of first-in-first-out (FIFO) tax treatment, so the income coming out of the policy is initially treated as a return of premiums. For most people, purchasing whole life and other types of permanent life insurance isn’t a good way to invest. Accumulation and risk protection during the working years switches to decumulation and retirement income. It’s inexpensive and there is no investment component to it. Next, working with the in-force cash values in the policy, the retiree determines an ongoing level income to take from the policy. Is whole life insurance a good investment for retirement? • Long-Term Care and Death Benefit Options: One of the biggest advantages other than the retirement income stream is long-term care benefits. This typically requires fiddling with two death benefit types and two premium tests – a function best handled by the insurance advisor or the insurance company. The primary disadvantage to insurance as an investment is you must pay the internal insurance charges for the life insurance benefit. Here are six types of insurance you might not have considered for retirement. • Hedging: Additionally, hedging against ever-rising tax rates is important. Fast forward to last year when my family was grown, and I had transitioned from working in industry to working in academia. When purchased early and before you're facing health and other challenges, life insurance is often a good choice. But whole life insurance is often also sold as an investment. The intent is to maximize the cash value for future loans. Which kind to pick, however, can be confusing. The question is what investment to use to maximize the efficiency of the $11.4 million exemption in moving money through the generations. They are also receiving $30,000 per year from Social Security. This is also critical as it does not add to their provisional income, which is used to calculate your specific tax on social security withdrawals. The policy first deferred taxes during my high-income earning years, and now spreads both the income and the income tax out over my lower earning years. … Section 7702 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code requires insurers to maintain a sufficient risk element in the policy to qualify the product as life insurance under the tax code. If the insurance policy runs out of money, the owner incurs income tax without any corresponding cash to pay the tax. The choices we have available to us for investments have changed greatly, and there are just too many better ways to accomplish that goal. The idea is to structure ongoing premiums into the life insurance policy during one’s working years so as to stuff the product with tax deferred cash value. They implemented a LIRP years ago for retirement. They are currently withdrawing $70,000 per year out of their retirement accounts (IRAs and 410(k)s). But life insurance, largely because of its tax benefits, can also be used as an investment. Whole life insurance policies cost an average of five to 15 times more than comparable term life policies, which means that they’re expensive to maintain over the long term. If you retire with debt or have children or a spouse that is dependent on you, keeping life insurance is a good idea. Use insurance to make retirement more relaxing. Cash value life insurance can also be paid out to beneficiaries upon the death of the insured. Even in my case, I still own other life insurance policies intended to provide a death benefit. While these taxes can quickly deplete a wealthy estate, current law allows an exemption of $11.4 million before they apply. Using Life Insurance As An Investment, Good Idea? So, back to answering my inquisitor at the meeting. Keep in mind that I could have died during my pre-retirement years, and my wife would have received a substantial tax-free death benefit. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice concerning your specific situation. Like any investment, the results of the transactions are highly dependent on the performance of the company that handles the contract. Assume the policy’s death benefit is $25 million and it resides in a dynasty trust. In the highly competitive financial services sector you will hear advice for 100 different products And you handle your investments separately. But some life insurance companies have become adept at making the process surprisingly easy. Life insurance is part of a good retirement plan. Traditionally, whole or permanent life insurance was considered to be part of a sound investment portfolio. A professional financial advisor can help you learn more about whether this strategy would benefit you. I am so passionate about retirement planning, at 64 years old I obtained my Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP®) designation, and I refuse to retire. If you’ve hit a rough financial patch, you may be able borrow against this cash value. In the end, Gen 3 has $25 million in trust and the dynasty continues. An added consideration is that the federal exemption is slated to return to a lower amount starting in 2026. Given these costs, term life insurance can be an ideal retirement savings tool in two ways. However, some financial advisors also recommend life insurance as one way to plan for retirement. So, leveraging the exemption is a matter of “use it or lose it.”, Life insurance as an investment in retirement planning. It is this purpose of whole life insurance that I would like to deconstruct here. © 2020 Forbes Media LLC. You may opt-out by. I am Co-Director of the. Let’s look at an example that further explains how LIRPs function as a retirement planning tool. The primary caution of this retirement income strategy is to not take out so much cash value as to have the policy lapse. Retirement — it’s that glorious time in your life where the only worry you should have is why your grandchildren haven’t called yet this week. The main purpose for buying whole life insurance is to provide cash to your beneficiary when you die. In other words, I didn’t need the death benefit anymore, and my taxes were lower. Most life insurance plans can be divided into either term-life or whole life insurance. There are other ways to structure cash value life insurance to help supplement retirement income planning. These charges increase with age and are … • Safety: Let me bring you back to 2008, which I know many people remember all too well. You may opt-out by. A Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP) is simple in theory. Financial professionals can, and do, argue over the merits of life insurance as an investment. It is cheap. Whole life insurance has it's proper place in financial planning. TCmake_photo / iStock. It is also a safety feature for your heirs. The $25 million principal in the trust will eventually go to the grandchildren, Gen 3, after Gen 2’s death. There is no investing angle to it. There are two fundamentally different philosophies for retirement income planning, which I call probability-based and safety-first. This means that the exemption will revert to an inflation adjusted $5 million. And the taxes on the cash values that I experienced over the past 20 years are being prorated over our life expectancy. Most life insurance, in all its various flavors (term, whole, variable and universal), comes into play after your death. My 40-year background working with retirement planning issues has given me insight into both the opportunities and risks associated with retiring. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. If you have already maxed out your other tax-advantaged retirement savings plans, LIRPs can be a good alternative to obtain a tax-free income stream in retirement. Here’s how it works (using a Universal Life insurance policy as an example): first, at retirement, the owner stops paying premiums, thereby adding to cash flow. However, LIRPs were not. The market plunged. Before getting into all the reasons why life insurance is not a good investment, let’s step back and look quickly at the two main types of life insurance: Term life insurance: Term life insurance is a set amount of coverage that lasts for a set amount of time, often 10 to 30 years. As far as the owner is concerned, he gets a level tax-free monthly income for several years in retirement. You use after tax dollars to accumulate a fund that pays out tax-free. Yes, in the right situation and used correctly, life insurance can be considered an investment. Let’s say instead of taking the $70,000 from their retirement accounts, they take a tax-free loan from their LIRP. Considering I plan to be alive during my […] Their taxable income is $100,000. Life insurance can be a valuable tool for retirement planning if your situation allows for it. The regulatory winds are changing, and many investment pros have been changing their business models as a result. EY & Citi On The Importance Of Resilience And Innovation, Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change, Michigan Economic Development Corporation With Forbes Insights, More Stimulus At Last: Next Steps For Small Business Owners, House Passes $2,000 Stimulus Check Bill, But The Plan Will Face Opposition In The Senate, If Corporations Paid The Official Lower Tax Rate, Here’s How Much Federal Deficits Could Be Cut, Covid Relief Bill: Catalyst For Enthusiastic Boom, The Big Short Elephant In The Room – One Fund Manager’s Big Short For 2021, The Next Phase Of Brexit- VAT And Customs Duty Considerations, What Might Lie Ahead In 2021? You fund the universal or whole life insurance policy and borrow against the accumulating cash value by way of a loan tax-free. My 40-year background working with retirement planning issues has given me insight into both the opportunities and risks associated with retiring. This is an issue for them, as they, like many people, want and need to be in a lower tax bracket in their later years. The death benefit is a hedge that provides cash in the event of an unexpected death. Also, consider maxing out your 401(k)s and IRAs prior to funding a LIRP, as employers often will match your contribution to a certain limit, which is essentially “free money” for you. Retirement plans were devastated. This type of insurance can provide investment returns in the form of dividends in retirement, then a cash benefit upon death. I am Co-Director of the Retirement Income Center at The American College of Financial Services, helping consumers, business owners and their advisors avoid a headache or two with retirement planning. I made a tax-free exchange of my policy into an immediate payout annuity. And this is called whole life insurance. The IRS has indicated it will not “claw back” this high exemption once it has been used. This may all sound like a witches’ brew and more trouble than it’s worth. Checklist 2020 Planning Follow Through: You Have More Work To Do, Experts Say: A Successful Retirement Will Take More Than Knowledge And Strategies, Spirit Of Holiday Giving Can Infuse Your Estate Plan. The benefits of the cash value component are made to sound very attractive, particularly as a retirement planning tool. Then, at retirement, the policy turns into a source of income more than death benefit. With any cash value life insurance policy, as the account grows, you can borrow against it or potentially withdraw money. But I didn’t die, and yet I made an approximate 6% after-tax internal rate of return on my premiums. If you're still convinced gold is for you, you can invest in funds that own gold, though many gold fans — often called goldbugs — prefer buying the physical metal, even though it may mean additional costs for storage and insurance. Conceptually, the transaction works like a Roth IRA. The death benefit is an obvious and critical part of this plan. The bottom line is: no. Retirement planning is for you, and life insurance is for your beneficiaries. Rich families often use dynasty trusts to move their millions down through the generations. I focus on law, estate planning, taxes and financial strategies that can help enable a successful retirement. Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance. John was a successful business owner, and Jane was a doctor. at the insured’s death, and it pays a benefit that is income tax-free. Their taxable income is now $30,000. Always remember that there is no “one-size-fits all” retirement plan. Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. Consider how the death benefit of a policy can generate millions in tax savings for a wealthy family. The greater your provisional income, the more of your social security will be taxed (up to 85%). Nothing much happened with my policy during those 20 years other than the cash value account in the policy grew tax deferred. The life insurance retirement plan, AKA LIRP, is a powerful financial tool that has many pros and is has been used by millions of Americans to secure and protect their way of living throughout their lifetime and beyond. If you’re considering the future and trying to decide how to make the most of your retirement, you don’t have to do it alone. This technique is not suited for everyone and does not replace your 401(k)s or IRAs. Buying a life insurance plan to fund your retirement simply isn’t a logical strategy. A popular solution in GST tax exemption planning is life insurance. In essence, I utilized the policy as a way to tax-efficiently supplement our monthly income. If you are investing in universal life, you are paying a high premium for a lengthy period of time, possibly two to five times longer than you would with term life. Insurance policy. Life insurance as an investment in retirement planning The example I used above of my own policy is more typical of how life insurance can be used as an investment. Safety is key when planning for retirement. But have you thought of using life insurance as a tool to plan for retirement? And it’s not just because of the cash value associated with permanent insurance. Each year, it will accumulate interest, and your account value will grow. Many people do not view life insurance as an essential and vital part of a retirement income plan. In this case, the family is the investor, not the individual. If the question is geared towards one, single product, then any answer for anything would be no. So, while the policy is in force, a death benefit is always in play. was recently asked, “do you actually think life insurance is an investment?” My inquisitor was making more of a statement than asking a question, so she was surprised by my answer: “I can tell you that life insurance was an investment for me; one that I’m benefiting from now.”, EY & Citi On The Importance Of Resilience And Innovation, Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change, Michigan Economic Development Corporation With Forbes Insights, 4 Unique Retirement Resolutions That May Actually Help, Multiemployer Pensions Update: A Lump Of Coal In Their Christmas Stockings, How To Decide Whether To Convert An IRA And How Much To Convert, Stimulus Checks For Those Earning More Than $75,000/$150,000 - How It Works, 6 States With Automatic I.R.A.S May Fall Short, Good News For Restaurants And Other Food Service Providers Taking Second Draw PPP Loans. Even accounting for inflation, the family experiences little, if any, diminution in the value of their wealth through three generations. If you are at a point in your life that you do not need life insurance, you may want to consider a Roth. If you have a whole permanent life insurance policy, some of the premiums go into an account that builds cash value. Each March, right after receiving my annual bonus from work, I’d faithfully write a premium check to the insurance company. Let’s take an extreme example to demonstrate the leverage. Since this income is a loan, no tax applies. If you are to pass away prematurely, the death benefit will pay out to your beneficiaries income tax-free, net of your loan that you have already taken as a retirement income stream. You might have discovered that life insurance isn’t an investment. Once the tax basis has been exhausted, the owner switches to making capitalized loans from the policy. Simply put, it builds up cash values tax deferred and can pay them out tax free. As taxes inevitably rise, you will never be taxed on a life insurance loan up to basis. John and Jane are high-net-worth individuals. I explained to her that about 20 years ago, I started paying annual premiums into a whole life policy that was designed to have low loads and high cash values. At a meeting of financial advisors, I was recently asked, “do you actually think life insurance is an investment?” My inquisitor was making more of a statement than asking a question, so she was surprised by my answer: “I can tell you that life insurance was an investment for me; one that I’m benefiting from now.”. Opinions expressed are those of the author. A term life insurance policy covers a specific period, generally, 10, 20, or more years, whereas the whole life insurance policy is for the entire life of the policyholder. The heavy fees involved with cash-value life insurance can really drag down your returns. Life Insurance . Answered on May 28, 2013 Can you see how this can be used as a helpful retirement planning tool for some? Now my wife and I receive a monthly guaranteed amount that will pay us until the last of us die. Now, let’s say John and Jane planned differently. It’s intended to pay off debt, provide a survivor income or otherwise generate liquidity for a premature death. Are HECM Reverse Mortgages Best Viewed As A Stand-Alone? Working in estate planning, I’ve found that many people believe that retirement accounts and life insurance are two separate tools used for planning two separate events, retirement and death. This product has the advantage of paying exactly when needed, i.e. The best retirement investments are part of a plan. I write about retirement income planning – and risk. There are plenty of benefits to including a LIRP in your retirement planning. So, the family that utilizes life insurance as an investment currently has the added advantage of leveraging the high exemption while it is available. President & CEO of Wealth Planning Network, © 2020 Forbes Media LLC. Is Universal Life Insurance a Smart Financial Investment? Life insurance plans provide income for your dependents if you die sooner than expected. Anyone speaking about utilizing life insurance policy as an investment is referring to a permanent life insurance policy, most probably a complete life insurance plan. Life insurance has maximized the leverage of this transaction. Tax savings for a premature death against this cash value by way a... However, can also be paid out to beneficiaries upon the death.... Sound investment portfolio is Long-Term care and death benefit is is life insurance a good investment for retirement BETA experience level monthly! No contribution limit during the working years switches to decumulation and retirement income.. 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