how to determine pastor salary

A pastor’s leadership builds a church’s ministry, and a pastor’s compensation reflects in part a church’s commitment to quality ministry. The church board needs to initiate this. The 2020 End of Year sale is happening now! This is where you have to rebuff the “let’s keep him poor” or “let’s not get carried away, here” mentality. With nearly 40 years of ministry experience, Thom Rainer has spent a lifetime committed to the growth and health of local churches across North America. (Note, I am not a financial advisor so seek financial and legal counsel on this issue.). It’s very rare that I hear this, but it sadly is still out there today. Pastor Salary Guidelines. This provision of the IRS is to balance against a pastor who lives in a church-owned parsonage. 50 percent of pastors receive compensation under $50,000 per year, even though many of them have advanced degrees. Generosity needs to manifest itself in three areas: missions, benevolence and staff compensation. His designated housing allowance would first be subtracted, so it would only say $35,000 in his box 1. They are intent on really finding the right salary and associated benefits for their pastor. Female pastors earn about 20 percent less than male pastors with similar levels of experience and education, according to MMBB Financial Services, formerly the American Baptists’ Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board. The median annual budget of churches surveyed was $125,000. I read them to get some fresh information that will correspond to my This comes with the territory of board leadership. You want this to happen every year to maximize this benefit. Certainly, if it’s possible for the church board to work with the pastor in building a church board calendar, then certainly do so. Let me be clear. No commitments. According to a Duke Divinity School study, connectional churches—such as Presbyterian or Lutheran—pay their pastors more than congregational churches, such as Baptist or United Church of Christ.. So, at the end of the day, church board, take extra special care to take great care of your pastor in their salary and benefits. But it is important to take care of these special times. Sometimes a church wants to bless their pastor for something special or as a reward or thank for having walked through a particularly challenging time, such as a major building project. Average Salary While the Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the average salary of clergy, which includes pastors, at $48,290 annually of 2010, this also reflects salaries of clergy for other religious groups such as Buddhists, Catholics, and Muslims. Even if it is USA info the separation of income is telling. Further, when a church cannot follow the admonition to care for the poor and downtrodden, it cannot expect the Lord to come through for it when it is doing other ministry. And you put it in place in the current year with no need to revisit it in the next three years. If the CRC in the US does the same to calculating pensions as the CRC dies in Canada then my point is even more valid. Also, be sure it is clear that vacation is vacation, not outside ministry. I encourage the church to be thoughtful in taking care of a pastor and their family during special times of the year. If you receive as part of your salary (for services as a minister) an amount officially designated (in advance of payment) as a housing allowance, and the amount isn’t more than reasonable pay for your services, you can exclude from gross income the lesser of the following amounts: A church pays their pastor a salary of $34,000 in 2000. How are salaries determined for ministry leaders in your church? 0 to 150 members – $4,800 to $109,000. The number one reason pastors don't leave to retirement when they should, is they can't afford to. How to Know You’re Making the Right Decision, “Really appreciate the session notes in the 5-Day Leadership Challenge for Pastors to use as we listen. Yes, I know it is a highticket item but build it into your budget alongside the salary. For the church board’s information, housing allowance is a wonderful blessing of the U.S. federal tax system whereby, amounts spent on housing for a pastor are exempt from federal income tax. Normally, that turns a lightbulb on in their minds. Lots of times a church finds itself behind that number. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions. For our pastor in the above example, even though he gets paid $40,000 a year, that’s not what it would say in box 1 of his W-2. This comes naturally for some boards. However, housing allowances complicate things. So you can rest assured with the clarity you need—whether determining church salaries or evaluating your own. For lots of churches this would be in November, prior to the start of the new calendar year. ChurchSalary features the largest church-specific compensation database available anywhere. And what is it that professionals in similar work in your community are paid? The church almost always has to create broad ranges in the categories of attendance, budget, etc. As a church board, you need to approve the request of the pastor for their housing allowance allocation prior to the year it is paid. Then go back and forth until you feel you have a large enough sampling. Nearly 80 percent of pastors serve in congregations with fewer than 200 people, and 55 percent have fewer than 100 people in their church. A pastor’s leadership builds a church’s ministry, and a pastor’s compensation reflects in part a church’s commitment to quality ministry. Growing churches are led by pastors and church boards that are generous beyond measure. And those in ministry aren't always sure how their pay compares. When putting both sets of results together, this is the compilation which gives you the range from 50 percentile to 75 percentile. According to current compensation research, an ordained Protestant pastor serving a small congregation receives a median salary and housing package of $31,200. So as we go through this material, if you’re a board member, I encourage you to be thoughtful and diligent in what you can do to take care of the temporal needs of your pastor. It always made me think the next preacher was going “well, you paid so-and-so X dollars salary, plus Y dollars to medically support a child– why can’t you add X and Y together and pay me that? The 2018 book is currently sold out, but 2019 and 2020 research should be available soon. I am pleased to note that I regularly work with church boards that really want to do this right. Again, as I stated earlier, the way you treat your pastor in this arena of compensation, will in large part determine how the Lord responds to the financial and temporal needs of the church itself. The best church boards do this with diligence and a great sense of generosity. It’s nice to make the church aware of this for them to give the pastor notes of thanks for their service. I hope you’ve found this blog helpful in setting the compensation for your pastor. requirements. There are also options to do health sharing plans like Medi-Share, Liberty Health Share, etc. A church pays their pastor a salary of $34,000 in 2000. Pastoral Compensation We built ChurchSalary around some of the most important factors in determining fair pay: the role, the church budget, church size, the candidate’s years … Your church reports this value, along with cash salary and utilities, to MMBB for … And their annual salary … More than 25,000 pastors and church leaders are connecting with resources just like this. At the time, I thought it was a bit low, and I complained that this wasn’t fair, because teachers only had to work 9 months and got summers off. Bundles up to 75% off and courses as low as $70! The spreadsheet attachment has used a cost of living calculator to determine what the minimum base salary would be in various locations across the country where ABC-USA congregations are located. Add 1250 before you add 250. 150 to 300 members – $58,357 to $139,000. Your church reports this value, along with cash salary and utilities, to MMBB for … However, housing allowances complicate things. His designated housing allowance would first be subtracted, so it would only say $35,000 in his box 1. The church pays the utilities (which they should) that amount to $2,800 per year. All told, according to Doug Self’s calculations, the typical pastor should get a yearly salary of about $157,500. When I hear that I typically respond with questions of my own, “Do you have an average pastor?” or “Do you want an average pastor?” The answers to those questions are always, “No!” Board members acknowledge their pastor is above average and that is certainly what they want in their pastor. Board member pay attention to this issue. Even if it is USA info the separation of income is telling. Believe me, you’re going to thank me over and over for this recommendation when your pastor starts to near 60 in age. By far, more churches use the pastor’s previous salary as … That means in 2019, the pastor’s salary should be just over $48,000 to have equal value. To identify and implement 5 key sermon starters. But I’ll tell you that I pray you find all the money you need to help your pastor live better than most. When comparing your pastor’s compensation to your community, I like to make comparison to public employees like the public school superintendent, Police Chief or Fire Chief. Bonuses are a great way to do this. Yes, you can do that. Average pastor’s salary in Chicago: $101,987; Average pastor’s salary in Los Angeles: $108,283; Average pastor’s salary in NYC: $115,849; These numbers indicate that some full-time pastors could be making quadruple what other full-time pastors make in the same country, determined solely by the cost of living. Yet, they have bills to pay just like everyone else. The wise and discerning church board will do all it can to create as tight a range as possible to dial in where their pastor should be paid. How to Figure the Salaries of Pastors Based on the Sizes of the Churches Paying the Pastor. Copyright © 2020 Leaders.Church. When possible, it is advisable to get a key man life insurance policy on the pastor. Your church’s accurate report of parsonage value helps MMBB determine death, disability, and retirement benefits An accurate parsonage rental value does more than help a pastor save on taxes. This may seem like a lot, but you’ll really be unbelievably glad you did this when your pastor starts nearing the end of their ministry. The answer is that bonuses for pastors are perfectly legal and legitimate to use as compensation thank you’s and/or motivators. No contracts. Let me describe how this works. As such, pastors of churches with congregations of 300 people earn less than $28,000 annually as of publication according to a Crown Financia… I covered the first set of comparisons above, in talking about Ministry Pay and the Compensation Handbook. Church Board Members: Disagreeing without Drawing Blood? Again, like ministry, not noted for being exceptionally high paying… But they are fair and good barometers to get a local comparison. On the nuts and bolts of how much to pay the pastor, I recommend compensation for pastor move to the 75-percentile level of compensation of all lead pastors. Because they are public employees, their full compensation is available in City government and School Board minutes, which are open to the public. A licensed, commissioned, or ordained minister is generally the common law employee of the church, denomination, sect, or organization that employs him or her to provide ministerial services. For example, if a pastor has an income of $50,000 at his current church, his prospective church may offer him $55,000, or a … Dave Ramsey, argues that a mortgage payment should not exceed 25% of take-home pay. Some church staff members even make below minimum wage—including child-care workers (14.8% are paid below minimum wage) and custodians (6.3% are paid below minimum wage). I recommend the church board set the pastor’s housing allowance on the high side in order for the pastor’s actual expenses to not exceed the housing allowance, in which case they would forfeit the housing allowance tax benefit on that portion higher than the board allocation. I recommend three weeks of vacation includes three Sundays. The Pastor would receive a w2 which lists $6,000 in box 1; any federal withholding in box 2; and the housing allowance (labeled as such) of $18,000 in box 14. I normally recommend churches do their research with two primary staff compensation resources. In this recommendation it means if the pastor will put in 5% of their salary to retirement, then the church board will match it with the church’s funds at 5%. When I became a pastor in 1998, working in a large church with 10 pastors, my church based a new pastor’s starting salary at the same level as the starting salary of public school teachers. With this standard in mind, if housing costs are $1,800 per month, a starting place for a salary would be $7,200 per month. In other words, in an example where the pastor should be paid $100,000, you want a range of $90,000 – $110,000, not a range of $50,000 to $150,000. Your church’s accurate report of parsonage value helps MMBB determine death, disability, and retirement benefits An accurate parsonage rental value does more than help a pastor save on taxes. Don’t make the pastor have to ask for a raise! If the % of Minimum Our Church's Budget Salary to be Percentage It makes a difference who sets the pastor's pay? Required fields are marked *. If you’re not a math person, the 75-percentile would mean that 75% of pastors are paid less than the 75-percentile point and that 25% of pastors are paid more than the 75-percentile. Therefore, just be smart and plan ahead for that which none of us want to have happen. While the Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the average salary of clergy, which includes pastors, at $48,290 annually of 2010, this also reflects salaries of clergy for other religious groups such as Buddhists, Catholics, and Muslims. When a church goes above-and-beyond in these three areas, they see the Lord’s blessing returned to the church multiplied over again. The amount actually used to provide a home, or, The amount officially designated as housing allowance, or. When it comes to setting pastor salaries these days, reports that the national average pastor compensation is $77,096. Many congregations calculate a base salary for the pastor based on his education or the number of members in the church. This is a great addition to my post of Feb 2017. I would also appreciate input about other ways your church determines the pastor’s salary. The pastor needs to submit in writing their request for housing allowance. In this scenario, with the pastor at $60,000 in 2019, I would set the pastor at $75,000 in 2020, $90,000 in 2021 and $105,000 in 2022. In this way, the pastor knows, everybody knows, that it automatically goes on the agenda to review the pastor’s compensation. The pastor's salary at the previous church. As a church plant I know it’s incredibly important to invest in leadership development.”. In this case, doing bonuses can be useful. Now, here is something fundamental for all church boards to remember when fulfilling the task of determining the pastoral compensation. Maybe use the first five years of their ministry with you to increase 1% per year i.e. Therefore, they need to have a provision for the pastor to do so without any infringement on personal vacation time. In this calculation, the church should shoot for a total package compensation of $180,773 but would operate with a range of $157,359 – $180,773. You’ll be able to move them out the door without feeling like you’re kicking Grandpa to the curb! This is a primary role of the church board to take care of the compensation of the pastor. But, somebody at the church board level needs to be charged with remembering this. We’d love to invest in you, too! This is an area where the thought is truly what counts. 501 to 1,200 members – $84,270 to $184,025. Board members need to put the “annual time to review the pastor’s compensation” on their personal calendars and have the church secretary or board secretary put it on the church calendar. Some churches will allow something like 6 or 8 days per year. This … The fair rental value of the home, including furnishings, utilities, garage, etc. Since the vast majority of churches in the U.S. are small, the overall compensation package for Protestant pastors is low when compared with teachers and social workers. Example – #1 – this pastor receives a cash salary of $45,000 per year and lives in a church owned parsonage with a monthly Fair Market Rental Value (FMRV) of $1600; the annual FMRV is $19,200. By the way, the 2022 amount allows for inflation which will have moved the $100,000 figure higher over three years. For our pastor in the above example, even though he gets paid $40,000 a year, that’s not what it would say in box 1 of his W-2. Their website is: Using Ministry Pay, here’s a sample of a church in the upper Midwest where I ran the numbers for them; church of 1700 in a city. It shouldn’t be, but it is. The spreadsheet attachment has used a cost of living calculator to determine what the minimum base salary would be in various locations across the country where ABC-USA congregations are located. And when it comes to paying the pastor, I don’t hear this often, but sometime a church board can fall prey to the “let’s keep the pastor poor” mentality. I’ve found in most cases I end up adding both of them to get the sufficient sampling size. Location, Location, Location. One of the most common questions that I am asked is: “How do churches determine the salary of a pastor?”. The wise and discerning church board will do all it can to create as tight a range as possible to dial in where their pastor should be paid. Normally, pastors receive a w-2 at year end, even though there may not be amounts shown in the federal w/h, state w/h, social security and Medicare boxes. The salaries of pastors in the U.S. is largely affected by church size. Get creative with this benefit. Your email address will not be published. You want the pastor’s spouse covered in the event of the pastor’s death because the membership of the church will be expecting the church board to take care of the grieving spouse. If you find yourself at $60,000, then I recommend taking the next three years to literally set the pastors compensation for each of those years in advance of when they happen. Church polity also impacts the size of pastors’ salaries. 10 Steps to Navigating Change with Your Church Board. There are couple of things to be cautious of when using these kinds of resources. By far, more churches use the pastor's previous salary as … I know that’s subjective but that’s where you want to be. Church Government: Democracy or Theocracy. The second comparisons made are local to your community. If the CRC in the US does the same to calculating pensions as the CRC dies in Canada then my point is even more valid. The salaries of pastors in … Benefits. Believe me, if you take care of this when a pastor is in their 30s and 40s, you won’t find yourself stuck with an aging pastor you can’t get out the door when they hit their 60s and 70s. more and more because of the present situation and modern demands of the Millenials. [email protected] You have to rebuff the let's keep him poor or let's not get carried away, here mentality. In that case, don’t worry. How can a fair, equitable salary for pastors be determined? Manfred Holck, Jr. gives some practical guidelines. 300 to 500 members – $68,591 to $156,217. Ministry Pay is a web-based site that allows the board to put in the specific demographics related to the church such as church size, budget, area of the country, etc. Today, we’re going to dissect the issue of a pastor’s salary and benefits; how to set it and establish the best possible compensation for the pastor. If the church is a cheapskate in supporting missionaries, it can forget about manifold blessings from the Lord for it to do week-in and week-out ministry. That means in 2019, the pastor’s salary should be just over $48,000 to have equal value. The pastor's salary at the previous church. To develop your best strategy for starting sermons. Then I recommend building in an acceleration of this match all the way to a 10/10 match. SAVE NOW, There has been considerable interest on my previous posts dealing with pastors’ salaries. Salary Calculation by: GB This is the only way that I know of to calculate the salary. In January 2019, it was almost 234. A pastor's pay depends on the church congregation, and members pay their leaders in a number of ways. I was glad to be off that committee. Thanks for being with me on this important discussion in caring for your pastor. The pastor's salary at the previous church. Determine the starting place for a fair ministry salary by calculating average monthly mortgage/rent in your area and multiplying by four. This Pastor is 40 years of age, married and has 2 teenage children. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, … With both of these resources, the church is able to determine the 25, 50, 75 and 90-percentile of compensation. If you’re bringing on a new pastor, then simply put the 5/5 match in place at the outset. When the church has multiple staff, this becomes a natural part of the review process for all who receive compensation from the church. Determining your executive pastor’s salary; 7 Kinds of Executive Pastors. Also, many churches use some combination of these factors. Compensation Handbook for Church Staff is another outstanding tool I’ve used for years. Your email address will not be published. The troublesome point (for *me* anyway) was not really determining a preacher’s worth, how much above and beyond that should she/ he be paid so that she/he can afford advanced medical care for a child? There are two important considerations to keep in mind with respect to staff salaries—the amount of the salary, and the use of "salary reduction agreements." Here are some other helpful blogs you might find of interest for the pastor and church board member: Click here to get immediate access to this free masterclass. So, do this add-on once and you’ll be good to go. The average Associate Pastor salary in the United States is $71,887 as of November 25, 2020, but the range typically falls between $60,265 and $83,518.Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. Always remember, compensation reviews always come around. I agree with your numbers. You’re not going to make your pastor rich, but you want to be on the high side of being fair. While the church hopefully did give the pastor a raise last year, that was then, this is now. Whenever possible put the money in an after-tax retirement account. If you change your mind, you can unsubscribe anytime. If you have to add another one, always add on the high end first, not the low end. In the U.S., pastors are normally considered employees for federal tax purposes, but self-employed for social security purposes. In other words, in an example where the pastor should be paid $100,000, you want a range of $90,000 – $110,000, not a range of $50,000 to $150,000. What is it that pastors nationally, regionally, etc. Also, go to for more information on this subject. The very first thing a church board needs to do is come to an understanding of pastoral compensation. And for administrative services, a grade-school principal makes $20 per hour. Common Church Staff Salary Breakdown. It would clearly create a hardship on the pastor to have to come up with 5% out of their pocket if they have not been used to doing so at this point. Vermont beats the national average by 7.5%, and New York furthers that trend with another $6,478 (17.0%) above the $38,041. These are public employees. Again, let’s use our illustration of the 75-percentile point being $100,000. This is the minimal start point. In January 2019, it was almost 234. However, there are some exceptions, such as traveling evangelists who are independent contractors (self-employed) under the common law. Certainly, the traditional group health insurance options are out there. The pastor’s salary at the previous church. It is worthwhile mentioning again, though, that I recommend targeting the 75-percentile. A Guide for Determining Pastor’s Salary. The second benefit I recommend is that of retirement. In other words, if the church average attendance is 750, you’ll probably have to include ranges of 500, 750 and 1000 in order to hit the mark. I recommend starting a new pastor at three weeks’ vacation per year unless they already have more vacation from their previous church. Your sermon-writing ability will grow exponentially. You will be unbelievable glad you did! , it is clear that vacation is vacation, not outside ministry separation of income is telling fund retirement for. To establish the new calendar year over $ 48,000 to have a large enough sampling Associate pastor make in area. Always add on the high end first, not outside ministry vacation and sick leave with pastors ’.. Sets of results together, this is an uncomfortable subject for pastors are making a … the Based... Things that will propel you to the curb match in place in the United States times a church pays utilities. In similar work in your ministry, with new Hampshire and Vermont close in... 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