why take strontium on empty stomach

You should also know that your BMD score will be impacted if you have your DXA run on a different machine from the one used for your prior DXA. In addition I take 5 mg of Vitamin K4 (menatetrenone). not writing a paper, thats for sure. Its the dream team for building bone density thats noticeable via DEXA scan just six months after starting daily use. So to me you are like an angel. . You were correct. Thank you, Thanks for reaching out with your question, Mallika! (Moise H, Adachi JD, Chettle DR, et al. Easily exchangeable in bone mineral, Sr was slightly linked to crystals by ionic substitution (generally 1 calcium ion substituted by 1 Sr ion in each unit cell). Heres a link: http://meridianvalleylab.com/ 2. In other words, whether your bone density increases or not, strontium reduces your risk of breaking a bone! That currently is only possible after removing the bone, ashing it and chemically analyzing the minerals. Hello Cinzia, I am intrigued by all this information. For ease and convenience, most people take their Strontium Boost at night right before bed. Hi Lara: Natural strontium citrate has never been found to increase risk of VTE. I believe these will be posted on AlgaeCals website soon. People with chronic kidney disease are less able to remove waste and excess water from the blood. In order to not loose more bone, I decided to also take StrontiumBoost, which I just ordered. PLEASE comment about this. (The creatinine clearance rate is also called the glomerular filtration rate because tiny capillaries in the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney, the nephron, are called glomerular capillaries. I backed off and started with just Algae Cal 2 capsules at breakfast and things went back to normal. So would taking a magnesium tablet solve the problem? When the animals were not given the estrogen, their metabolism of strontium was greatly slowed down. This woman does better with MK-4. It's been compared to calcium in its bone-boosting abilities. I take about 350 mg of magnesium, and 3 tablets of ALTA silica a day, and Vit D3 is 3000, Omega 3 oil. pam. Dr. Wright recently commented to me that he thinks it best to start out with 680 mg of strontium citrate daily, but then to drop down to half this dosage or even a bit less once good results have been achieved. Short-term toxicity of strontium chloride in rats. Would very much appreciate any references you have on this issue and will follow up and get back to you. Here are a number of reasons: AlgaeCal is a tropical species / Aquamin is a North Atlantic species I have read several good stuff here. Subjects were 160 postmenopausal women, mean age 73 years, with a hip BMD value of more than 2 standard deviations below the reference value, so clearly well into the osteopenic / osteoporotic range. You want to identify and eliminate as fully as possible ALL other sources of inflammation in your diet, environment and lifestyle. Triple Power also delivers 2 highly effective natural anti-inflammatory compounds, curcumin and astaxanthin. Great question! The volunteer was recruited in December 2008, as part of the Ryerson and McMaster University Strontium in Bone Research Study and measured at twice weekly, weekly and monthly intervals. If you're going to take the drug long-term, then it may be worth reducing absorption slightly to better protect your stomach. Inspired by her family history of osteoporosis and her own battle with low bone density, Lara Pizzorno has devoted more than thirty years to researching how to prevent bone loss and restore bone health. [] issue, there is some medication you could consider. Last summer (July 2011), I switched to AlgaeCal Plus as my source of supplemental calcium and to Strontium Boost for my strontium supplement. The Advanced Super K contains all three of the Vitamin K (to total 2100 mcg of K activity) per tablet, the Low Dose K2 has 45 mcg of the MK7. BMJ Open. Hi Lara, However, because you have significant bone loss (-2.45 in your left hip), you need to avail yourself of all natural, safe means of restoring the health of your bones. 2001 Sep;69(3):121-9. You want to do exercises that strengthen the muscles running up your back along both sides of your spine these are called the multifidi and erector spinae. However, discrepancy was also observed for several other transporters (such as MDR1, MRP3, GLUT1, and GLUT3) in both the duodenum and colon of human and rat. Thank you. Learn More Integer gravida I am now taking Algaecal for about a month. I, personally, am not one of them. Where did you read that estrogens might decrease strontium metabolism? Doctors began studying gastric emptying times in the . Would love to find a Bastry U. grad here that you guys knew. This means that youll reach the recommended 1200mg of calcium each day, all through food sources! I have two questions..one regarding your recommended daily dosage for strontium and the second regarding your recommended daily dosage for Vitamin K4. Strontium increases your bones ability to absorb calcium, regulates / helps balance the activity of RANKL and OPG, activates Wnt signaling, increases osteoblast production and activity and lifespan, improves osteoblasts mineralization of bone, inhibits osteoclast formation and activity, improves bones mechanical resistance to fracture and more. I would really appreciate hearing from you before I place an order for the AlgaeCal Plus and possibly, their Strontium Boost. Strontium-89 (Sr-89) chloride in the treatment of various cancer patients with multiple bone metastases. AlgaeCal has 2 in vitro and 2 human clinical trials proving its effectiveness. A great question. I think this is good advice especially if the patient has impaired renal function and thus subsequent decrease in its clearance by the kidney. As you likely know, rat and human absorption mechanisms are similar, albeit not equivalent. She had test results from a strontium/serum/plasma/urine test that far exceeded the normal ranges. K., and Reginster, J. Y. No adverse effects. 17, no. Since being diagnosed with osteoporosis [-3.5 spine, -2.7 L. femoral neck] and Osteopenia [2.1 L. hip, 2.2 Rt hip. I have not taken it that way and saw such a great increase in bone density. Approximately 50% of patients will have hepatitis (liver inflammation), 30% will have eosinophilia (high levels of white cells in the blood indicating immune system activation), 10% will have nephritis (inflamed kidneys), and 10% will have pneumonitis (inflamed lungs). But, after reading all the current research (more than 70 papers) on strontium, I started taking it again at a half dose to ensure my bones remain healthy. Hi smlhealth, We lose strontium much more rapidly than calcium: three times as much strontium is lost in urine compared to calcium. An acidic pH, which many of us typically have because we eat the standard Western diet, contributes to bone loss. In regards to your question about strontium being taken as a single dose in the COMB study, this is not unusual. For my MK-7 needs, I use AlgaeCals AlgaeCal Plus it provides me with not only K2 (as MK-7) at a dose of 100 mcg an amount shown in the research to be effective but a highly bioavailable and effective form of calcium, also magnesium, boron, and a whole mix of trace minerals all of which play a role in bone health. The supervised exercise sessions were undertaken as group activities. https://www.facebook.com/lara.pizzorno.5/videos/10218830498263978/. Could you please comment about this article re: strontium ranelate. PMID: 25293384; PMCID: PMC4187454. https://www.utoronto.ca/news/u-t-researchers-find-ancient-iceman-s-infection-helps-lyme-disease-bone-loss-discovery. Thanks. Hi John, Heres a quote from a paper discussing the differences among readings from different DXA machines: The theoretical values of the strontium ratio were 11.0 for the Hologic Discovery, 9.9 for the GE-Lunar Prodigy, 9.1 for the Demetech Calscan, and 8.5 for the Osteometer Dexacare G4. Such occurences add smiles to our days ) Thank you for the information about the DXA scan and the TBS. Hello Lara, I have learned a great deal about strontium citrate and the other bone supplements reading the answers to the questions posted. Given all this, its surprising that strontium ranelate continues to be authorized and prescribed in Europe, despite the French pharmacoeconomic committees judgment in 2014 that strontium ranelate had insufficient medical benefit, and a highly unfavorable opinion on the use of the drug issued by the European Pharmacovigilance committee in 2015. Hi Lara, I understand that Strontium Citrate do not cause blood clot. That means I am getting 250 mg of calcium. Scheduling your supplementation like above, will ensure that this does not happen. They ALL returned to the exercise program and completed a modified regimen without problems. Thanks! The question I have is would this lower dosage be a better long-term choice after initial improvements? The UL for vitamin A is 70,000 IU per week or 10,000 IU per day. You should not be consuming more than 1,200 mg of calcium TOTAL daily from BOTH the foods you eat AND supplements. But if you prefer, you can take your Triple Power with food as it doesn't have any interactions. I have plaque in my carotid arteries, 20-40% range, I started getting the MK7 with the Algae-Cal, but was already taking some MK-4 drops (5-8 a day). In contrast, no correlation was found for the expressions of metabolizing enzymes between rat and human intestine, which indicates the difference in drug metabolism and oral bioavailability in two species. Also, keeping the food diary will let you see whether your diet (and your bones as a result of it) could benefit from a wee bit of dietary tweaking. Virtually all minerals must combine with another organic compound to be stable (e.g., citrate, malate, chloride) These stable compounds are referred to as salts. Bone. I have been taking the 3 capsules at bedtime (2230 mg) which is recommended on the bottle but I also take medications for hypothyroidism. No cheese, butter, only almond milk and do take yogurt. If you still experience nausea when taking your supplements with food, try supplementing with HCl with betaine (Heres a link to the discussion of this in our recent ACV post for directions on how to do this: https://blog.algaecal.com/video-lara-pizzorno-apple-cider-vinegar-calcium-absorption/). Aquamin (used in New Chapter) has no published studies supporting its efficacy in promoting increases in bone density. Ranelic acid is the synthetic compound used to create the unnatural strontium salt, strontium ranelate. I then decided to e-mail the authors; I asked Li, Doctors Mumby and Colbert, about the discrepancy. While AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost alone are clinically supported to increase bone mineral density, the mediation youve mentioned will likely be safe and beneficial to your efforts as long as the form youre taking is bio-identical, and youre properly monitoring how youre metabolizing your estrogens. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 22448872 Thanks. Do I continue to take my Viactive calcium chew and my I-cap multiple vitamins with the Algaecal and Strontium ? That said, your suggestion is a good one and I will keep a diary for a couple of weeks and see if something turns up. I took the strontium citrate via a supplement through Orth Molecular called 0ro Bono. Then I read your book and totally tried to follow your advice. Both the strontium and thecalcium supplements are absorbed in our gastrointestinal tracts using the same mechanism. This is the dose I now take myself as my bones have now been in perfect shape for several years thank you, AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost! This is what each is discussing: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12667548/ this paper is discussing a relationship between estrogen exposure (specifically, in a group of older women, many of whom were on conventional hormone replacement [HRT]), BMD and breast cancer risk. Let me know how you do. I suggest you take double the usual dose of Triple Power (so 2 TBS instead of one) for 6 weeks, then you may be able to drop down to 1 TBS without experiencing a recurrence of your thumb joint pain. Health Canada claim pending. I have family sisters with ckd. Strontium is a chemical element that naturally found in our body in small amounts. Thanks, Shaine. Or do you half that too? You will need to get your blood levels of 25(OH)D [this is the circulating form of vit D and the best indicator of body levels] checked to see where you are, optimal range is 60-80 ng/mL. What about someone with coronary artery disease? So, they were looking at short term (in comparison to the rest of a postmenopausal womans life span) outcomes. Modern wheat has been greatly hybridized over the last 50 years and contains WAY more gluten (gliaden) than wheat used to, and the food industry now also deanimates wheat to make it water-soluble, and thus easier to use in producing products. Thanks for responding so quickly regarding dosage for strontium citrate and Algae Cal Plus once I achieve good DEXA results. And 340 mg/d is the amount of Strontium Boost I will continue to take to maintain that condition. I have seen a number of studies showing that unless the subjects took at least 800 IUs of vitamin D there was no improvement in the measured parameters. A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was undertaken in 353 osteoporotic women with at least one previous vertebral fracture and a lumbar T-score <-2.4. PMID: 11683526: Animal studies using strontium chloride found that within 4 weeks, strontium increased the number of bone-forming sites, trabecular bone formation and bone volume in vertebrae and alveolar bone (the jawbone), and reduced the number of osteoclasts present. These claims subsided after Bolland MJ, Grey A. Any ideas as to why I could be high here? Some foods provide feelings of satiety for a longer duration than . The ability of patients with CKD to clear strontium (and everything else requiring elimination in urine) is compromised. Since your bones are now in such good shape, however, I suggest you consider using only a half dose (1 capsule of Strontium Boost) daily instead of the full 2 capsule dose. As soon as I stopped taking the Calcium Citrate, the thumping stopped. AlgaeCal Plus provides 1,600 iu of D3 daily, but some of us need more depending upon where we live (latitude impacts our ability to produce vitamin D from sun exposure) and our genetic inheritance, which can greatly affect our ability to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D, which, for 25(OH)D, should be in the range of 50-80 ng/mL. I learned so much! Hi Lynn, A few, marked low sodium, will be low in salt, but they are also going to be low in all the good things you need to build bones! I just had my DXA run May 1st. Hi Ann, Perhaps the information in Lis thesis article was cited inaccurately? And so are my gluten-free sourdough breads you can find the recipes here (add link). Also, 3 hours should be enough time to wait after dinner to take your strontium. A special form of strontium called strontium ranelate can increase bone formation and prevent bone loss when used in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Please dont hesitate to call our bone health consultants a call at __ if you have further questions or concerns. Therefore, a rat model can be used to predict oral drug absorption in the small intestine of human, but not to predict drug metabolism or oral bioavailability in human. So many thanks, Dave and Susan. Nowhere in the above study, is it proposed that strontium is weakening bone. What is the answer to Goutermans question? Trabecular bone is the soft, spongy, more metabolically-active inner portion of our bones. Patients who've taken levothyroxine with breakfast showed significa. In adult bone, our model is based on the impact of changes in the bone remodeling rate on the degree of mineralization of bone tissue. One of strontium's isotopes Strontium-90 has a more sinister reputation. Monitoring bone strontium levels of an osteoporotic subject due to self-administration of strontium citrate with a novel diagnostic tool, in vivo XRF: a case study. Does anyone have any information about the dangers to my baby? The calcium source from this brand is also algae as is the source for all the nutrients listed. Meunier, P. J., Roux, C., Seeman, E., Ortolani, S., Badurski, J. E., Spector, T. D., Interesting what you are saying about gluten. This medical group utilizes integrative medicine to support health while treating cancer. Since the volunteer had no prior history of strontium based medications or supplementation, baseline natural strontium levels were obtained followed by a 24h measurement of first intake of strontium citrate supplements (680 mg Sr/day). Am I understanding the new bone/old bone terminology correctly here. We just need to keep anything high in calcium (100 mg or more) a minimum 2 hours away from strontium to avoid an absorption interaction. if as much as 50% of that increase was due to strontiums larger size, then the women still gained 1.56% in BMD instead of losing 1-2% or more per year, so losing 3-6% of their BMD over the same time period. [again, areas richer in trabecular bone] This is demonstrated in Figure 5, which shows that the strontium content was higher in cancellous bone than in cortical bone of cynomolgus monkeys, treated for 13 weeks with various strontium doses. Riedel C, Zimmermann EA, Zustin J, et al. I am still, however, in the osteopenia range (but at 85%-89% of normal). Kind regards I did notice something interesting on the label though. I will run a DXA on Monday . I just ran a PubMed search for Meunier PJ 2002 again, and the article appeared I have no idea why it did not come up for me when I checked earlier. That said, we understand everyone is unique and we want to ensure youre feeling your best! You do not have to be suffering from 1/2 hourly hot flushes! Large doses of vitamin C, zinc, and iron, in particular, can upset an empty . The derivation of this figure has not been published, but the results shown in Table 1 suggest that it is an average of the figures of 41% and 66% derived from the SOTI and STRATOS studies assuming a BSC (bone strontium content) ratio of Rspine 50.61. So, somewhere between 41-66% is overestimation AND that also means that somewhere between 34-59% is actual improvement in BMD. (Here is the reference for this study: Ma B, Zhang Q, Wang G, et al. In doing so, I read through much of his published research and that of a number of others regarding gluten. DXA does not check for quality thats what TBS analyzes and quality is critical for your bones ability to resist fracturing, which is the real goal here, right? Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. In most people, strontiums effects on glutamate secretion promote relaxation and deeper, more restful sleep, but in some people, these effects cause next day grogginess or nap attacks. You could try taking your Strontium mid-day to see if this helps. A brief shake of the head. Their metabolic byproducts are highly inflammatory and cause damage to the gut wall, so they can get into your bloodstream and make their way to your joints, causing inflammation and pain. Here is the researchers conclusion for the first study: In conclusion, taken up by bone, Strontium induced no major modifications of the bone mineral at the crystal level. Consequently, they have a very large interface with extracellular fluids, and numerous interactions between ions from the extracellular fluid and ions constituting apatite crystals are thus possible. The most likely cause is thyroid dysfunction. I surprise how much effort you put to make such a magnificent informative web site. LIPUS stimulation on metastatic bone tumors induces differentiation of osteoblasts without proliferation of tumor cells. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26516910 Hope this helps, Lara, I have recently been diagnosed with coronary artery disease AND low bone mass. Too high a dosage promotes bone loss. (Brand name: Aristo) Strontium ranelate is an osteoporosis medication that can help strengthen your bones and reduce your risk of breaking a bone. fort bliss soldier killed in car accident, helluva boss character maker, evoshield helmet padding, Also means that somewhere between 41-66 % is overestimation and that of number. 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