romanian grammar rules

The most common indefinite pronouns are:[16], The most common negative pronouns are:[16]. Thematically grouped grammar and vocabulary lessons Romanian.Cojocaru Romanian Grammar. However the feminine singular (o) appears before most verbs, but comes after compound indicative verbs and after conditional verbs. That's the most difficult part. (see above table). Ni s-a spus că, din cauza zăpezii, putem pleca acasă. When a noun is determined by an adjective, the normal word order is noun + adjective, and the article (definite or indefinite) is appended to the noun. Romanian grammar is the grammar of the Romanian language.Standard Romanian (i.e. Samuil Micu and Gheorghe Șincai, published in 1780. (Ind. The accusative forms of the pronouns come in two forms: a stressed and an unstressed form:[16]. Note that some prepositions of this sort have evolved from phrases with feminine nouns and, as a consequence, require a feminine possessive form when the object is a pronoun; e.g., împotriva mea (against me). The sentences are also separated and numbered. Vol. Language learning, getting fluent faster, and Clozemaster. Under: sub. (Ind. However, the word order adjective + noun is also possible, mostly used for emphasis on the adjective. But just because some of them aren’t educated enough and don’t know the many rules of romanian plurals, doesn’t mean that those rules don’t exist. hey I just want to help you learning romanian. Try Clozemaster – over 50 languages and thousands of sentences to help you take your language learning to the next level. Daniela mi-a telefonat acasă. Instead of appearing before the noun, the definite article is added to the end. Learn Romanian grammar. comp. inflection: The English expressions ‘the same’ and ‘the same one(s)’ are rendered in Romanian by the definite demonstrative pronoun acela / aceea + și: As above, the pronoun always precedes the noun and agrees with it, as do demonstratives in similar posiitions. For example, nouns like tată (father) and popă (priest) are masculine as they refer to male people, although phonetically they are similar to typical feminine nouns. Romanian grammar. In the plural, the ending -i corresponds generally to masculine nouns, whereas feminine and neuter nouns ofte… Below, some interjections and their approximative equivalent in English are shown. The possessive markers are: Our children are at school; where are yours? They can only fulfill the syntactical functions of attribute and of adjectival complement, which in Romanian is called nume predicativ (nominal predicative). 5 German Grammar Rules to Get Beginners up and Running. As is made clear, the reflexive pronouns are identical to the personal pronouns, with the exception of the 3rd person, which has entirely new forms. Le (feminine plural) casele (the houses) Indefinite Article: While we have (a / an / some) in English as indefinite articles, we also have un/ o. unii/ unele in Romanian . Grammar Tips: Definite Article: Unlike English, which has only one definite article “ the", Romanian has 4 definite articles: -ul (masculine singular), baiat ul (the boy)-a (feminine singular) fat a (the girl)-i (masculine plural) băiți i (the boys)-le (feminine plural) fete le (the girls). The table below shows the generally accepted etymology of the Romanian definite article.[13]. gramaticale: The vocabulary used is academic, without incoherencies or grammar mistakes. An often cited peculiarity of Romanian, which it shares with Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, and Istro-Romanian, is that, unlike all other Romance languages, the definite articles are attached to the end of the noun as enclitics (as in Bulgarian, Macedonian, Albanian, and North Germanic languages) instead of being placed in front. ** acea aceea. The English version of both variants is identical. The first Romanian grammar was Elementa linguae daco-romanae sive valachicae by For nouns designating people the grammatical gender can only be masculine or feminine, and is strictly determined by the biological sex, no matter the phonetics of the noun. imperf.). There are many functions a simple sentence may take, their number usually being determined by the number of predicates. El e /jel je/ There is no difference in meaning or grammar rules between "El este" and "El e". (e.g. These pronouns describe objects which are either close to the speaker, or farther away from the speaker (formal register/informal register):[16], These pronouns describe objects either different from an aforementioned object or the same:[16]. The next chart includes main personal pronouns (without the polite forms) and their unstressed forms. All thse forms become definite by adding an –a at the end. In the category of personal pronouns, there are three different degrees of politeness when referring to a second or third person. Romanian nouns are categorized into three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. The usual word order in sentences is SVO (Subject – Verb – Object). (Ind. I: Essential Structures," Ars Docendi, Bucharest, Romania (1999), Gheorghe Doca, "Romanian language. Then, the article and the case marker, if any, are applied to the adjective instead: There are situations in Romanian when the noun in the genitive requires the presence of the so-called genitival (or possessive) article (see for example the section "Genitive" in "Romanian nouns"), somewhat similar to the English preposition of, for example in a map of China. It is seen as a mark of unrefined speech by the majority of city-dwellers, who refrain from its usage. The genitive-dative form can be derived from the nominative. The tendency in contemporary Romanian is to use the nominative forms, however. Unfortunately, because of the verb endings that often indicate the subject of the sentence, the main pronouns are omitted while ‘unstressed’ pronouns, which appear in rather peculiar forms, have a much higher frequency in the language. The ‘dumneata’, ‘dânsul’, and ‘dânsa’ forms are appropriate when addressing coworkers, support people, and acquitances. Vol. Your email address will not be published. Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, and Istro-Romanian.. As a Romance language, Romanian shares … Romanian verbs are divided into four conjugation groups according to the ending of the infinitive: 1. : indefinite demonstrative + indefinite noun, Gen.-Dat. They are classified as pronume de apropiere, pronume de depărtare, pronume de diferențiere, pronume de identitate, which mean, respectively, pronouns of proximity, pronouns of remoteness, pronouns of differentiation, and pronouns of identity. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Pronouns in the vocative case in Romanian, which is used for exclamations, or summoning, also take the forms of the nominative case. English Romanian translation Audio Phonetic Transcription; to be. There are eight personal pronouns (pronume personale) in Romanian:[16]. Clozemaster is a game to learn and practice language in context. mixpanel.track_links('.box-promo-link', 'Blog box promo link click'); jQuery('body').on('click', '#boxzilla-overlay, .boxzilla-close-icon', function() { mixpanel.track('Blog box promo closed'); }); Stay up to date on the latest from Clozemaster and the Clozemaster blog. Standard Romanian (i.e. However, Romanian has preserved certain features of Latin grammar that have been lost elsewhere. I’m not sure whom should I give this present: to the girl or to the boy? The main clause, within a complex sentence, does not rely on another sentence to be fully understood. Examples: As in all Romance languages, Romanian verbs are inflected according to person, number, tense, mood, and voice. If the noun is determined by a determiner other than the definite article (an indefinite article, a demonstrative, an indefinite quantifier), then the genitive-dative affixes are applied to this determiner, not to the noun, for example un băiat – unui băiat (a boy – of/to a boy); for feminine nouns the form used in the dative/genitive singular is most often identical to the nominative plural, for example o carte – unei cărți – două cărți (a book – of/to a book – two books). Îi voi da cartea mâine. [15], Syntactical functions of the adjective can be:[15], An adjective also can have degrees of comparison.[15]. In general, whenever (a, an) are used in English you, you need to use (un) or (o) to say the equivalent in Romanian. I like baclava. : The blond boy is here. The grammatical rules covered by this guide are categorized below. The intensive pronouns and adjectives are used for emphasis. 1. Required fields are marked *. What to Do After Duolingo: The Definitive Guide, Best Way to Learn a Language: A Complete Guide from Beginner to Fluent, Comprehensible Input – How Clozemaster Mirrors Natural Acquisition, How Cloze Tests Help You Learn A Language 5x Faster. Note: The clarification question ‘Ce?’ (What?) E un dicționar portughez-japonez și o carte de gramatică. In other words, it has stand-alone meaning. Since niște is also the plural form for feminines and neuters, the way Romanians clearly identify the gender of nouns is by placing a cardinal numeral in front of the noun. The coordinating conjunctions are of four types (note that the list is not exhaustive): An example of two main clauses (1, 2) linked together by a coordinative conjunction (bold) is: Two subordinate clauses (2, 3) can also be joined to the same end: The same effect of two main clauses (1, 2) being tied together can also be achieved via juxtaposition of the sentences using a comma: Clauses introduced by coordinating conjunctions, James E. Augerot, "Romanian / Limba română: A Course in Modern Romanian," Center for Romanian Studies (2000), Laura Daniliuc and Radu Daniliuc, "Descriptive Romanian Grammar: An Outline," Lincom Europa, München, Germany (2000), Gheorghe Doca, "Romanian language. Each grammatical rule is explained in plain English with several examples, and when needed, counter-examples. Normally, in natural speech, many pronouns occur together depending on verb specifications. Nom.-Acc. Romanian has inherited from Latin five cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, and vocative.Morphologically, the nominative and the accusative are identical in nouns; similarly, the genitive and the dative share the same form (these pairs are distinct in the personal pronouns, however). Romanian Grammar 101: Noun Cases. Each grammatical rule is explained in plain English with several examples, and when needed, counter-examples. Adjectives that do not have only one inflected form (and thus one ending) are called variable. Usually, the verb ending provides information about the subject. Did you enjoy going to exhibits in Romania? In the plural, the ending -i corresponds generally to masculine nouns, whereas feminine and neuter nouns often end in -e. As there are many exceptions to these rules, each noun must be learned together with its gender. Grammar + Rules - Romanian; my son is a student [masculine + noun] fiul meu este student : her daughter is a student [feminine + noun] fiica ei este studentă : he has a tall brother [adjective + masculine] el are un frate înalt : she has a tall sister [adjective + feminine] ea are o soră înaltă : his brothers are young There are also subordinate clauses other than the relative clause, which is an attributive clause, since it determines a noun, pronoun or numeral, and not a verb phrase. The grammatical rules below are the most important in Romanian and help connect words or shape the structure. In usual genitival phrases such as numele trandafirului (the name of the rose), the genitive is only recognized by the specific ending (-lui in this example) and no other words are necessary. The following example has the verb phrase underlined, and the element of relation, which is to say, the relative pronoun used to link the two sentences, in bold. Have been identified, among them terms related to … In form, demonstrative adjectives appear to be indefinite, while demonstrative pronouns are definite. The stressed form of the pronoun is used (in phrases that are not inverted) after the verb while the unstressed form is employed before the verb. These are the most common relative/interrogative pronouns:[16]. The following examples use prepositions in different ways and places to demonstrate how they behave in a sentence. Rather, they coordinate an existing clause with another, making the new clause of the same type as the other one. Other prepositions require the genitive case of nouns. Posted by Sam Cel Roman on May 5, 2010 April 19, 2011. Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin & Ion Giurgea, eds. The vocative is less used as it is normally restricted to nouns designating people or things which are commonly addressed directly. ‘Ce’ has only one form and is usually translated as ‘what’. past). Check out the The Great Translation Game. Those that denote sounds made by animals or objects are called onomatopee, a form similar to the English language onomatopoeia. 1. With: cu. For the benefit of contributors to the Romanian courses, I’d like to list the features of RO grammar that are hardest to learn. These forms are rarely used—especially the singular ones—and the sentences are usually rephrased to avoid them. Among the … We were told that, due to the snow, we may go home. As in above chart, in the Dative case (mie, îmi, mi / nouă, ne, ni / ție, îți, ți / vouă, vă, vi, v / lui, îi, i / lor, le, li / ei, îi, i / lor, le li) the pronouns appear in front of the verb, regardless of the verb mood or tense: (Mie) îmi place baclavaua. It relies on a main clause to give it meaning. Romanian requires both forms of a pronoun to be present in a sentence if a relative clause is employed, which also reverses the order of the forms (stressed before unstressed). [3], Romanian is attested from the 16th century. They are: alui (m. The actual conjugation patterns for each group are multiple. However, in other situations, usually if the noun modified by the genitive attribute is indefinite, the genitival article is required, as for example in câteva opere ale scriitorului (some of the writer's works). The retention of the genitive, in the third person, is to be noted; the pronoun, like Latin eius, eorum, inflects according to the possessor, not according to the possessed. The adjective verde (green) on the other hand, has one ending and two inflected forms. The demonstrative pronoun replaces a noun while indicating closeness or distance in space or time. The foreign borrowed adjective oranj (orange) is called invariable, as it has only one ending, and one inflected form. Grammar of English word romanian, declension and conjugation rules. While the ‘tu’ form is extremely familiar and therefore used only when addressing family members, close friends, and children, it may be considered an insult if addressed to people who do not fall into these categories. Nouns which in their dictionary form (singular, nominative, with no article) end in a consonant or the vowel/semivowel -u are mostly masculine or neuter; if they end in -ă or -a they are usually feminine. Nouns in the vocative case cannot be determined by an indefinite article. Latin-derived unstressed pronouns, as opposed to the stressed ones, increase the number of pronouns currently in use. -ire (e.g., citi 'understand'). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Romanian adverbs are invariant and are identical in shape (being both homophones and homographs) to the corresponding adjective in its masculine singular form. One Latin element that has survived in Romanian while having disappeared from other Romance languages is the morphological case differentiation in nouns, leaving Romanian the only category I language with this feature. Exceptions are the numbers un/o (one) doi/două (two) and all the numbers made up of two or more digits when the last digit is 1 or 2; these have masculine and feminine forms. This could be explained by a host of arguments such as: relative isolation in the Balkans, possible pre-existence of identical grammatical structures in its substratum (as opposed to the substrata over which the other Romance languages developed), and existence of similar elements in the neighboring languages. Type 3 — verb infinitive ending in -e 4. II: Morpho-Syntactic and Lexical Structures," Ars Docendi, Bucharest, Romania (2000), Rebecca Posner, “The Romance Languages”, 1996, Cambridge University Press, p.70: "the so called neuter form does not constitute a separate class and does not continue the Latin system. (Ind. Italian) As a Romance language, Romanian shares many characteristics with its more distant relatives: Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, etc. Romanian numbers generally have a single form regardless of the gender of the determined noun. Only some recent borrowings make up the very few exceptions to this rule, which seems to be a very stable feature of the language. While the ‘tu’ form is extremely familiar and therefore used only when addressing family members, close friends, and children, it may be considered an insult if addressed to people who do not fall into these categories. For example, in the sentence Le dau un cadou părinților (I give a present to [my] parents), the pronoun le doubles the noun părinților without bringing any additional information. (Ind. There are four basic conjugation types in Romanian. The polite pronouns all have the same forms in all cases (the only exception being dumneata, with the genitive/dative form of dumitale), and they exist only in the second and third person, due to their not being used to refer to oneself: There are many demonstrative pronouns (pronume demonstrative) in Romanian. There are many indefinite pronouns, but only a limited number of negative pronouns. Romanian adjectives determine the quality of things. Această gramatică a fost aplicată pentru formalizarea procesului de flexionare în limba română. Romanian is different from any other romance language (or English) in the way it forms the definite article 'the'. In the second category, for reasons easy to understand, speakers of Romanian tend to simplify the Gen.-Dat. In Romanian, adverbs usually determine verbs (but could also modify a clause or an entire sentence) by adding a qualitative description to the action. [10][11][12] Nouns which in their dictionary form (singular, nominative, with no article) end in a consonant or the vowel/semivowel -u are mostly masculine or neuter; if they end in -ă or -a they are usually feminine. pp). English grammar is not always easy to understand, but by using this guide you should be able to remind yourself of the rules … In consequence, Romanian doesn't have terms for the English noun phrase, or verb phrase, preferring the more commonly understood term predicate for the latter. The above reflexive pronouns are in the accusative and dative cases, and in both stressed / unstressed forms. A subordinate clause cannot have a stand-alone meaning. The particle “a” is the mark for infinitive and represent the translation of “to”. They are normally used for interaction with strangers, or by children talking to adults whom they don't know well, or to teachers as a sign of respect. The neuter behaves like the masculine in the singular and the feminine in the plural; unlike the neuter in Latin which had distinct forms. Most Romanian plural nouns, in their nominative non-articulated forms, end in "i" with another large category ending in "e". Learn to write like a native speaker. As an adjective, the demonstrative could be places either before or after the noun, the first possibility being easir to use and more frequent. comp. We start with the prepositions: And: şi. It is also noteworthy that Romanian terminology for the terms simple sentence, complex sentence, and phrase is somewhat counterintuitive. Pronumele negative și nehotărâte, these two types of pronouns are used to express negation, as well as indefinite concepts. If the group contains elements of both genders, the masculine form is used. What’s up?, What happened?, What’s going on? This grammar was applied to formalize the inflexion process in Romanian. A remarkable counterexample for this is the adjective-adverb pair bun-bine ("good" (masculine singular) – "well"). Romanian grammar exercises pdf TITLE Romanian Grammar Workbook for Peace Corps Volunteers. : modified demonstrative + indefinite noun, Nom.-Acc. Romanian articles (definite and indefinite) Romanian pronouns; Romanian verbs; Furthermore we'll add exercises for you to practice what you've learned. The grammatical rules covered by this guide are categorized below. In Romanian there are many interjections, and they are commonly used. For native speakers, the general rule for determining a noun's gender relies on the "one-two" test, which consists in inflecting the noun to both the singular and the plural, together with the numbers one and two. The genitive forms of the pronouns (also called possessive pronouns, pronume posesive):[16]. a fi /a fi/ I am. The former has no formal equivalent in Romanian. Otherwise, the stressed form is usually left out, the only exception being its usage for adding emphasis to the pronoun. When used in the plural, the second person pronoun is a polite one, for use in formal occasions, or among unacquainted adults, whereas its singular forms are less polite, their use having become pejorative in modern use (see below). ", Graham Mallinson, “Rumanian”, in “The Romance Languages”, Taylor & Francis, 1997, p.400: "“Also doubtless a result of Slavic contact is the existence of a so-called “neuter” gender in Rumanian.”, "Morphology of the eggs, and what it can tell us about Romanian nominal inflection". In addition, their definite and indefinite articles (the, a/an) depend on their case. I would offer you a coffee if you had the time. The Romanian term propoziție means as much as simple sentence (or clause). Personal pronouns come in four different cases, depending on their usage in the phrase. There are adjectives that have distinct forms for all combinations, others that don't distinguish gender, and a few that don't distinguish either gender or number. All my friends to whom I sent invitation came to the party. English grammar is not always easy to understand, but by using this guide you should be able to remind yourself of the rules … The table below shows how the genitival articles depend on gender and number. Romanian Translation for grammar rules - English-Romanian Dictionary All pronouns in the Accusative case follow the same pattern. Standard Romanian (i.e. -e ( include ), 3. Romanian nouns are categorized into three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. : The boy is blond. Type 1 — verb infinitive ending in -a 2. Tu ești /tu jeʃtʲ/ He is (long form). My books are in Romanian; hers are in English. Before: înainte. Studiu de caz: PPT file illustrating the Morphosyntax of the Pronoun, Very detailed Romanian grammar (PDF; 183 pages; 4.6 MB), Romanian Grammar Workbook (1996) for Peace Corps Volunteers, Romanian <-> English online dictionary and Romanian verb conjugator (few mistakes), Romanian online dictionary and lemmatizer,, Articles with Romanian-language sources (ro), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Singular feminine nouns and proper names ending in an unstressed, Singular feminine nouns ending in an unstressed, Singular feminine nouns ending in a stressed, Singular masculine and neuter nouns ending in a consonant take the ending, Singular masculine and neuter nouns ending in unstressed. "Valori referențiale generate de articolul definit și de cel indefinit românesc în determinarea substantivului. The professor that took the floor is from University of Bucharest. The most frequently used Romanian pronouns are personal, possessive, relative, and demonstrative. -a (e.g., cânta ' sing '), 2. Hoffman CN. are available for each of the three persons: While the second person possessives function very much like the first person pronouns, notice the three degrees of politeness. These enclitic definite articles are believed to have been formed, as in other Romance languages, from Latin demonstrative pronouns. In many high frequency idiomatic expressions such as: Let ’ s?... ( o ) appears before most verbs, but comes after compound verbs... Form questions is somewhat counterintuitive frequency idiomatic expressions such as: Let ’ s see who wins,. 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