liverpool record office crew lists

Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events. 1924), Writer On Welsh Nonconformity Historian, Paget, Sir Augustus Berkeley (1823-1896) Knight, diplomat, Paget, Henry William (1768-1854) 1st Marquess of Anglesey, Field Marshal, Pakington, John Somerset (1799-1880) 1st Baron Hampton, politician, Palgrave, William Gifford (1826-1888) Diplomat and Traveller, Palmer, William Waldegrave (1859-1942) 2nd Earl of Selborne, statesman, Parker, Charles Stuart (1829-1910) Politician Historian Biographer Alpinist, Parker, James (1782-1813) West India Merchant of Liverpool, Parker, Sir James (1803-1852) Knight Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University, Parnell, Henry Brooke (1776-1842) 1st Baron Congleton, politician, Parsons, William (1800-1867) 3rd Earl of Rosse, astronomer, Patten, John Wilson (1802-1892) Baron Winmarleigh, politician, Peacock, George (1805-1883), naval officer, surveyor, inventor, Peel, Jonathan (1799-1879), Major General, politician, Peel, Sir Robert (1788-1850), 2nd Baronet, statesman, Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham Fiennes (1785-1851) 4th Duke of Newcastle, Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham Fiennes (1811-1864) 5th Duke of Newcastle, statesman, Percy, Algernon (1792-1865) 4th Duke of Northumberland, Admiral, Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry (1780-1863) 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne, statesman, Phillpotts, Henry (1778-1869) Bishop of Exeter, Phipps, Sir Charles Beaumont (1801-1866), Knight, Lieutenant Colonel and official of Royal Household, Phipps, Constantine Henry (1797-1863) 1st Marquess of Normanby, statesman and author, Phipps, Sir Eric Clare Edmund (1875-1945) Knight Diplomat, Picton, Sir James Allanson (1805-1889) Knight Architect, Ponsonby, John William (1781-1847) 4th Earl of Bessborough, statesman, Portman, Edward Berkeley (1799-1888) 1st Viscount Portman, Primrose, Archibald Philip (1847-1929) 5th Earl of Rosebery, statesman, Ramsay, James Andrew Broun (1812-1860) 1st Marquess of Dalhousie, statesman, Ramsay, John William (1847-1887) 13th Earl of Dalhousie, Rathbone, William (1819-1902) MP Philanthropist, Rawlinson, Henry Seymour (1864-1925) Baron Rawlinson of Trent, General, Rawlinson, Sir Robert (1810-1898), Knight, civil engineer, Read, Sir Herbert (1893-1968), Knight, art critic, author and anarchist, Rice, John Charles (1905-1999) President, North of England Athletic Association, Richardson, Richard (fl 1895-1937) Dr, magistrate, Riddell, John (1785-1862), peerage lawyer genealogist, Riddell, Maria Banks (1772-1808), poet, editor and travel writer, Ridley, Sir Matthew White (1778-1836) 3rd Baronet MP, Robinson, Charles James (1849-1891), curate, Robinson, Frederick John (1782-1859) 1st Earl of Ripon, statesman, Ros, William Lennox Lascelles Fitzgerald-de (1797-1874) 22nd Baron de Ros, General, Roscoe, Theodora (d 1962) Author and Poet, Roscoe, William (1753-1831), banker, botanist, historian and politician, Roscoe, William Caldwell (1823-1859), poet and essayist, Roscoe, William Stanley (1782-1843), poet, Rowden, Edward Wetherell (1814-1870) Registrar of Oxford University, Rumbold, Sir Horace (1829-1913) 8th Baronet Diplomat, Russell, Edward Richard (1834-1920) 1st Baron Russell of Liverpool, politician, Russell, Francis (1788-1861) 7th Duke of Bedford, Russell, Lord John (1792-1878) 1st Earl Russell, statesman, Russell, Odo William Leopold (1829-1884) 1st Baron Ampthill, diplomat, Russell, Sir Odo William Theophilus Villiers (1870-1951) Knight Diplomat, Ryder, Dudley (1798-1882) 2nd Earl of Harrowby, statesman, Ryle, John Charles (1816-1900) Bishop of Liverpool, Sadler, John (1720-1789), pottery printer, Saker, Marie O'Beirne (1848-1912), actress and theatre manager, Sanderson, Thomas Henry (1841-1923) 1st Baron Sanderson, civil servant, Sandford, Sir Daniel Keyte (1798-1838) Knight, classical scholar, MP, Santley, Sir Charles (1834-1922), knight, singer, Sassoon, Sir Philip Albert Gustave David (1888-1939), 3rd Baronet, politician, Savile, John (1818-1896) 1st Baron Savile of Rufford, diplomat, Scarlett, Robert Campbell (1794-1861) 2nd Baron Abinger, Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert (1880-1960), Knight, architect, Scott, James George (b 1853), buildings surveyor, Sheppard, David Stuart (1929-2005) Baron Sheppard of Liverpool, Bishop of Liverpool, Sheppard, Grace (1936-2011), wife of David Sheppard, Bishop of Liverpool, Shute, Sir John Joseph (d 1948) Knight MP Soldier and Businessman, Simon, John Allsebrook (1873-1954) 1st Viscount Simon, Lord Chancellor, Sinclair, Sir George (1790-1868) 2nd Baronet Politician and Author, Smith, Frederick Edwin (1872-1930) 1st Earl of Birkenhead, Lord Chancellor, Snow, Sir Thomas D'Oyly (1858-1940) Knight Lieutenant General, Somerset, Lord Fitzroy James Henry (1788-1855) 1st Baron Raglan, Field Marshal, Somerset, Lord Granville Charles Henry (1792-1848) Statesman, Somerset, Henry (1792-1853) 7th Duke of Beaufort, Spears, Sir Edward Louis (1886-1974) Knight Major General Politician and Author, Spencer, John Charles (1782-1845) 3rd Earl Spencer, statesman, Spencer-Churchill, John Winston (1822-1883) 7th Duke of Marlborough, Viceroy of Ireland, Spiegl, Fritz (1926-2003), musician, broadcaster and humorist, Spring-Rice, Thomas (1790-1866) 1st Baron Monteagle, statesman, Stafford, Augustus Stafford O'Brien (1811-1857) Politician, Stanley, Edward George Geoffrey Smith (1799-1869) 14th Earl of Derby, statesman, Stanley, Edward George Villiers (1865-1948) 17th Earl of Derby, statesman, Stanley, Edward Henry (1826-1893) 15th Earl of Derby, statesman, Stanley, Edward Smith (1752-1834) 12th Earl of Derby, Stanley, Edward Smith (1775-1851) 13th Earl of Derby, MP, naturalist, Stanley, Elizabeth (d 1776), wife of the 11th Earl of Derby, Stanley, Frederick Arthur (1841-1908) 16th Earl of Derby, statesman, Stanley, Mary Catherine (1824-1900) Countess of Derby, political hostess and wife of 15th Earl of Derby, Stanton, Sir Edward (1827-1907) Knight General Diplomat, Statter, Thomas (1816-1891) agent to Earls of Derby, art collector, Steed, Henry Wickham (1871-1956), journalist and publicist, Steel-Maitland, Sir Arthur Herbert Drummond Ramsay (1876-1935), Knight, politician, Stephen, Sir James (1789-1859) Knight, civil servant and historian, Stephenson, George (1781-1848) Railway Engineer, Stephenson, George Robert (1819-1905) Civil Engineer, Stokes, Robert Henry Simpson (1855-1914) Rear Admiral, Stonehouse, James (1809-1890) Liverpool Antiquary, Stopford, Edward (1772-1850) Bishop of Meath, Street, George Edmund (1824-1881), architect, Strutt, Joseph (1749-1802) Author Antiquary Engraver, Stuart, Sir Campbell (1885-1972), Knight, newspaper manager, Stuart, Sir John (1793-1876) Knight MP Barrister, Stuart, Robert (d 1901) Soldier and Diplomat, Stuart, Sir William (1824-1896) Knight Diplomat, Stubbs, William (1830-1866) artist and architect, Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw (1791-1875) 1st Baron St Leonards, Lord Chancellor, Symmons, Charles (1749-1826) Poet and Literary Biographer, Syson, Charles (d 1912), accountant and money lender, Talbot, Sir Wellington Patrick Manvers Chetwynd- (1817-1898) Knight Serjeant at Arms to House of Lords, Taylor, Gerald Kyffin- (1863-1949), soldier and politician, Taylor, Sir Herbert (1775-1839) Knight, Lieutenant General, Taylor, Mike (fl 2014-2018), cinema projectionist, Temple, Henry John (1784-1865) 3rd Viscount Palmerston, statesman, Tennent, Sir James Emerson (1804-1869) Knight, traveller, politician and author, Thesiger, Frederic (1794-1878) 1st Baron Chelmsford, Lord Chancellor, Thom, John Hamilton (1808-1894) Unitarian Minister, Thomson, Sir William Taylour (1813-1883), Knight, diplomat, Thornton, Sir Edward (1817-1906) Knight Diplomat, Trafford, Sir Cecil (c1599-1668), Knight, Royalist, Traill, Thomas Stewart (1781-1862), physician and specialist in medical jurisprudence, Trevelyan, Sir Charles Edward (1807-1886) Knight, Governor of Madras, Twemlow, Jesse Alfred (1868-1954) Palaeographer, Tyrrell, William George (1866-1947) 1st Baron Tyrrell, diplomat, Underhill, John Green (1814-1835) Antiquary, Vane, Charles William (1778-1854) 3rd Marquess of Londonderry, General, Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart Henry (1878-1949) 7th Marquess of Londonderry, politician, Victoria (1819-1901) Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Villiers, George William Frederick (1800-1870) 4th Earl of Clarendon, statesman, Vivian, Hussey Crespigny (1834-1893) 3rd Baron Vivian, diplomat, Vivian, Richard Hussey (1775-1842) 1st Baron Vivian, General, Wade, Sir Thomas Francis (1818-1895) Knight, diplomat, Wainewright, William (1777-1857) Secretary Liverpool Parliamentary Office, Wakefield, William Heaton (1861-1936), advertising agent and antiquary, Wallis, D E (fl 1955-1956), student at Calder High School for Girls, Walpole, Horace (1717-1797) 4th Earl of Orford, author collector antiquary MP, Walpole, Spencer Horatio (1806-1898), statesman, Walsham, Sir John (1830-1905) 2nd Baronet Diplomat, Warren, Samuel (1807-1877), lawyer and writer, Weedon, Tony (fl 1976-1988), employee of Liverpool Grain Storage, Wellesley, Arthur (1769-1852) 1st Duke of Wellington, Field Marshal, statesman, Wellesley, Arthur Richard (1807-1884) 2nd Duke of Wellington, Lieutenant General, Wellesley, Henry Richard Charles (1804-1884) 1st Earl Cowley, Wellesley, Richard Colley (1760-1842) Marquess Wellesley, statesman, West, Lionel Edward Sackville- (1867-1928) 3rd Baron Sackville, Westenra, Warner William (1765-1842) 2nd Baron Rossmore, politician, Westmacott, Sir Richard (1775-1856) Knight, sculptor, Whately, Richard (1787-1863) Archbishop of Dublin, Whiteside, James (1806-1876), politician and judge, Wilberforce, Samuel (1805-1873) Bishop of Oxford and Winchester, William IV, (1765-1837) King of Great Britain and Ireland, Williams, David (1786-1860), warden of New College, Oxford, Williams, Colonel George (1765-1880), magistrate, politician and founder of the Liverpool Volunteers, Williams-Ellis, Sir Clough Ellis (1883-1978), Knight, architect, Wilmot, Sir John Eardley Eardley- (1783-1847) 1st Baronet MP, Wilmot-Horton, Sir Robert John (1784-1841), 3rd Baronet Politician, Wilson, Sir Henry Hughes (1864-1922), Knight, Field Marshal, Wilson, Henry William (1797-1871) 11th Baron Berners, agriculturalist, Wilson, Sir Robert Thomas (1777-1849) Knight, General MP Governor of Gibraltar, Wood, Charles (1800-1885) 1st Viscount Halifax, statesman, Wood, Edward Cuthbert (1879-1966), dentist, antiquary, Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley (1881-1959) 1st Earl of Halifax, statesman, Woodhouse, Sir Percy (1856-1931) Knight Businessman, Wormald, Dame Ethel May (1901-1993), Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Wyke, Sir Charles Lennox (1815-1897), Knight, Diplomat, Yorke, Charles Philip (1799-1873) 4th Earl of Hardwicke, Admiral, Alexander, Louis (fl 1900-2000) Cabinetmaker, Liverpool, Baines, Hilda (b 1907), Music Teacher of Liverpool, Bender, Charles (fl 1900-2000) Rabbi And Zionist, Liverpool, Boult, Wilfred Swanwick (fl 1877-1879), civil and electrical engineer, Brown, Hugh Stowell (fl 1866-1869), Baptist pastor of Liverpool, Chaplin, CG (fl 1940-1942), engineer of Liverpool, Clegg, William (c1930-1949), of Liverpool, Cohen, Sheila (b c1931) Evacuee, Liverpool, Cox, Stanley (fl1946), schoolboy of Yverdon, Crowley, Doreen (b c1928) Evacuee, Liverpool, Dodd, Ernest (fl 1952), secretary to the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Ekarte, G Daniels (fl 1923-1964) Pastor Of African Churches Mission, Liverpool, Gardner, Katy (fl 1993), academic researcher of Liverpool, Gayle, Lilian H (fl 1938-1951), Liverpool, Gordon, Charles Gordon Snowdon (1886-1961), magistrate of Liverpool, Greenhill, Hilda (fl 1900-2000) Schoolteacher, Liverpool, Hollinghurst, Frances (fl 1968-1974) Chief School Meals Organiser, Liverpool, Horn, William (fl 1853-1865) of Liverpool, Hughes, Sheila (b c1928), evacuee of Carmel, Hughes, Margaret (b c1931), evacuee of Carmel, Jeffery, James Redcliffe (fl 1868-1870), draper, Kaplan, Louis (fl 1951-1977) Zionist And Labour Lord Mayor, Liverpool, Knipe, Hilda (fl 1995), nurse of Liverpool, Lea, John (fl 1976-2000) Liverpool City Councillor, Liverpool, Levin, Ian (fl 1900-2000) Lord Mayor, Liverpool, Maginsky, Olga (fl 1950-1980), novelist and playwright of Liverpool, Makin, Barbara (b c1930) Evacuee, Liverpool, Mcgunigle, Fred (b c1928) Evacuee, Liverpool, Miller, Kenneth (fl 1964-1995), supporter of Everton Football Club, Naylor, William Todd (fl 1830-1839) Merchant, Liverpool, O'hanlon, R (fl 1940-1965) Liverpool, Liverpool, Parker, Charles L (b 1932), evacuee of Liverpool, Parkinson, Dorothy (b c1930) Evacuee, Liverpool, Poole, Reginald (fl 1939-1941), Chief Control Officer of the Air Raid Precaution, Liverpool of Liverpool, Pritchard, George Frederick (fl 1896), Liverpool, Roberts, Charles B (fl 1886-1901), Liverpool, Ronson, Robert Herbert (d2000), diarist of Liverpool, Rose, Louis (fl 1900-2000) Trade Unionist, Stoke Upon Trent, Sewill, Joseph (fl 1853-1856) Watch And Clock Maker, Liverpool, Tickle, Eileen (fl 1933-1936) Teacher, Liverpool, Tickle, Marjorie (b1920) Schoolgirl, Liverpool, Tinsley, Richard Norman (fl 1940-1944), Liverpool, Tomlin, Alfred John (fl 1844-1872), curate, Vasmer, David (fl 1971-2001), Liberal councillor, Watson, James Leadley (c1803-1872), travel diarist of Jamaica, Webster, John (fl 1794-1795), steward to Sir William Philip Molyneux, 2nd Earl of Sefton, Wharton, Richard W (fl 1896-1924) Grocer, Liverpool, Whitehead, Samuel (fl 1873-1874) Pupil, Turners Academy, Liverpool, Wilkinson, Dorothy (fl 1933-1936) Secretary, East Hartford, Wilson, James Moncrieff (fl 1865-1866), actuary of Liverpool, Wilson, Henry Threlfall (fl 1850-1869), shipbroker of Liverpool, Unnamed male (fl 1861-1864), horse breeder of Liverpool, Gascoyne-Cecil, family, Marquesses of Salisbury, Plumbe family of Liverpool, Aughton and Ormskirk, Woodhouse family of Bronte House, Everton, About our Of view, the project either grew a life liverpool record office crew lists its own, got. 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