how much should i feed my cat

Fortunately, there are more categories of cats than just average, obese and ill. For instance, you may be in the position to want to know what to feed a pregnant cat. A lean, muscular cat with large bones may weigh 15 pounds and be at a healthy weight. However, it's essential to determine your cat's body condition. If it is a kitten of less than a year, it should be fed at least three times in a day. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Now, I give my cats wet food as well. Let’s say your veterinarian has determined that your cat should take in 240 calories per day. While you are looking at the label, make sure your cat’s current food is providing her with high-quality, natural ingredients and balanced nutrition. This does not mean, however, that owners are without any resources to help figure out how much to feed their cats. For starters, use the feeding guide on the cat food label. As you’ll find out, every daily feeding guide for cats will talk about the two main categories of nourishment you can find on the market: wet and dry food. Your cat is an 'adult' when they are between one and eight years old. As we were saying before, when it comes to the method of serving, dry food is more permissive, since it can stay out without spoiling for a much longer period of time. If your schedule is too hectic to allow you to feed your cat on a. or a cat food automatic dispenser, that come in multiple shapes, colors and sizes. If these don't make a positive change, it may be time to consider behavioral causes and/or visit your veterinarian. I give the cats ¼ cup of wet food per day. This way, everyone in the house should know to only take meals from this container rather than out of the bag. This has a very simple explanation: kitten food contains more protein, fat and nutritional elements that are needed for the growth and development process. Your adult cat needs to be fed once or twice a day, but some will regulate their food intake, so their daily ration can be left out, particularly if you give them dry food. - The Dogs Magazine, Best cat food for cats with urinary tract problems. Adult cats tend to prefer eating several smaller meals throughout the day/night, which is how they hunt if they live in the wild. When trying to determine how much wet food you can feed your cat, the best method is to consider the number of calories that are necessary to sustain your cat’s energy. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In addition, the same volume of different foods can have varying caloric and nutritional contents, showing that a one-size-fits-all approach will not work. The bottom line. The MyBowl tool can help you determine whether your cat’s current food is providing optimal nutrition and can also be used to compare foods if you think they might benefit from a change. Cats should eat at least two meals each day, about 12 hours apart. Although we’ve been talking only about industrially processed food so far, you should know that if you have the time, you can also prepare healthy, complete meals for your favorite pair of paws. Of course, like many cat owners, you can give a single 6 oz can with a little extra dry food to make up the difference. Cats are living beings, and as such, their eating schedule can be regulated and influenced with little harm to their health. So, here's the approximate info which refers to the energy needs of a typical healthy adult cat: If the cat weighs 1 kg, they should eat 100 kilocalories a day. As most cat owners eventually opt for a combination of the two, we will take a look at all the three possibilities, and talk about the quantities and serving methods for each of them. Every two weeks or so, reassess your cat’s body condition and adjust how much food you offer accordingly. While the feeding guide on your cat’s food is a useful place to start, to make an accurate deduction about how much food your cat should be eating, it is necessary to analyze the other factors that will also affect how much food they need. You can resolve this issue by searching for a slow feed cat bowl or a cat food automatic dispenser, that come in multiple shapes, colors and sizes. You should reward this behavior with attention such as petting or play, but feed your cat later. However, this depends on the feeding habits of the owner and the health condition of your cat. It's not just the manufacturers of cat food that can't tell you how much to feed your cat. While most veterinarians will tell you that a single meal per day is enough for the average adult cat as long as it is balanced and complete, some think a two-serving meal a day has the advantage of not allowing the cat to grow too hungry in between meals. Once you’ve used the back of the bag to come up with a starting point, assess your cat’s body condition to narrow in on what the correct amount should be. We suggest a visit to your veterinarian, who can give you more detailed and accurate information on what meals you can prepare for your cat. The main risk here is overfeeding your cat if she has free access to it, as she might not stop herself from eating even though she’s reached a state of repletion. A cat that lives indoors and has an obesity inclination or problem will need to have its diet adjusted, and the same goes for a cat that has any kind of health issue. As most of the wet food brands offer multiple choices of ingredients and tastes, it is important to try and pay attention to your cat’s preferences, as she will probably adjust her feeding quantity based on how yummy she finds the food you’ve chosen. Underfeeding a pregnant cat can lead to underdeveloped kittens and even abortion. Even though you find feeding instructions on almost every bag of cat food you can buy, the instructions are useless. We are here to help you to find out, all you need to know about feeding wet and dry cat food to your cat. A food dispenser can be set to release a particular amount of kibble at particular times during the day and could come in really handy if your cat is left alone a lot. But if it a cat that is one year and above, you can feed it twice a day. The question that we should address as cat owners is not. The first months of your cat's life are crucial for its development and growth, that is why this is the … That’s why serving your cat wet food is a good way to make sure she stays hydrated without having to time her water drinking habit and force her hydrate on your own pace. In fact, feeding just once a day should be acceptable for the majority of cats. Check the pet food aisle at your local supermarket, and you'll find dozens of varieties of food to entice your cat. It basically consists in a bowl that has crevasses, spirals or holes in its design so that picking up the food from it requires quite some effort from your cat. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to how much cat food your cat needs. How much a cat needs to eat depends on a variety of factors, including size, age, metabolic rate, the amount it exercises, and even environmental temperatures. The answer isn’t very short, as there are some factors to consider in setting your cat’s feeding schedule and menu. A vet-approved cat blog for all cat lovers. Regardless of … Dry food for kittens should be available for her at all times, even after birth, as she will still have high energy and nutritional needs during the nursing period. How much your kitty should get in their bowl depends on their age, size, and how active they are, but the average is about 200 calories per day. Reply Feeding your cat the right amount can mean the difference between keeping up their health and allowing them to become overweight. You should adjust this amount depending on whether you also feed your cat dry kibble. Unfortunately, free feeding can lead to obesity if you don’t pay attention, but there are several ways to control the quantity of dry food your cat eats. However, the basic rules we’ve laid out are there to help you observe your cat’s nourishment needs. This is true for sick cats that lack an appetite, for cats on a diet, and for the finicky cat that refuses to eat. They also come with different programming options, and prices vary quite a lot based on their features. According to the Animal Medical Center in New York, a healthy, active 8-pound adult cat requires about 30 calories per pound per day. The number of meals a cat eats per day depends completely on the family schedule. The only thing you need to check is the kcal/cup content of the chosen brand, and then do the simple math by using the formula above. As the momma-cat has to ensure the nutrition for herself and for her tiny inhabitants, she will need all the support she can get from high-energy foods. Feeding your feline companion isn’t overly complicated, but it is based on many variables, including the age of your cat, whether you’re feeding wet or dry food, and your cat’s activity level. Some cats may find canned food … ... 4 kg, they must ingest 250 kilocalories. While it would take a long research to come up with the perfect homemade diet, we think it is worth both the time and the effort. On a less positive note, the servings are available in one tray, so a dispenser is fit for a one-cat household. A cat that refuses to eat can develop serious medical problems. Surely, if your cat likes to drink water, feeding her only dry food is quite alright. First, you need to know the weight of your cat in kilograms, and you get that by multiplying the number of pounds with 0.4536. That’s a question best answered by a professional, though recommendations range between 24 to 35 calories a day per pound, to keep cats at a normal, healthy weight. In this example, you simply need to divide 240 by 73 to determine how many 3-ounce cans of the American Journey chicken and tuna recipe you should offer your cat daily. The answer of «how many times a day should I feed my cat?” depends on what you feed your cat, the kind and the quality of food determine how much and when to feed a cat. When it comes to how you should feed your cat, there are three general styles that you can implement: meal feeding, free feeding, or combination feeding. If she’s a little thin, use the bigger numbers, and if she’s a little "portly," use the smaller ones. Feed him too much, and he'll get fat. After this operation, the formula goes like this: X =  70 x [nr. You should also ensure that your cat is not only getting enough food, but that they are getting the sufficient nutrients from meat based foods. And the wet food can says give your cat 1 can of wet food for every 6 – 8 pounds of your cat’s weight. Therefore, your cat needs to eat roughly 3 1/3 cans of this food per day. Temperature matters. , but what are the food requirements of your personal cat, and as we’ve been undelining, they depend on a series of factors that can’t be properly analysed in a short text. This cat will require more calories to maintain that healthy weight. But a breakfast, lunch, afternoon, dinner, and right before bed schedule is an equally great option. Your email address will not be published. Every two weeks or so, reassess your cat’s body condition and adjust how much food you offer accordingly. Feeding your cat two or three different cat foods provides flavor variety, and may prevent your cat from developing an exclusive preference for a single food. Another option is a slow feeding bowl which is considerably cheaper and can accommodate more than one cat. This way, eating takes up more time, helping the digestion process run more smoothly, and making your cat feel full after eating less food, leaving room for her other siblings to eat as well, or making her divide her meal into more servings in a natural way. If your cat is already at her ideal weight, offer an amount that falls in the middle of the recommended range. Specialists say that feeding the kitten three or four times a day should be enough, just as long as you bear in mind that a kitten needs almost three times the energy an adult cat does. Although we know of no kitty who would rather be outside of the box, it’s important to understand that every cat is different, not only when it comes to the environmental and personality characteristics, but primarily regarding her physical traits and condition. How much should I be feeding my 2 year old 17 pound cat I have him on the science diet light he was eating out of a aromatic feeder but was cheating it and getting more then he should any help on how much to feed him a day to get him to slim down thanks much. This depends on the age of your cat. Cat Feeding Guide – How Much Should I Feed My Cat and What Can She Eat. The question that we should address as cat owners is not how many times a day should a cat eat, but what are the food requirements of your personal cat, and as we’ve been undelining, they depend on a series of factors that can’t be properly analysed in a short text. Below you’ll find a few basic rules that make up a. will talk about the two main categories of nourishment you can find on the market: wet and dry food. For most new cat owners, this is a question that is quite common. Naturally, cats are carnivorous, so their diet requires animal protein and  fat, but also fibers, carbohydrates, calcium and vitamins. And according to the ASPCA, milk should not be fed to cats because cat do not produce the enzyme that breaks down the lactose in milk and it can cause vomiting. Required fields are marked *. However, wet food spoils very quickly, so it is best to see that your cat eats it under supervision, in the course of one hour or so. Learn how your comment data is processed. I recommend that my clients measure out the day’s complete ration and place it in a sealed container to reduce the chances of overfeeding. It will look something like this for a dry food: This gives you a ballpark idea of what your cat should be getting. Latter on, you will probably be more interested in a kitten feeding guide. The result of this operation, X, will then have to multiplied either by 1.2 if your cat is neutered, or by 1.4 if she is intact. On the other hand, if your cat doesn’t like that particular wet food, she will probably not eat as much as it would be necessary and, in case she’s not an indoor cat, try and complete her diet by hunting or even going through trash cans or other people’s porches. Here's a general guideline that nutrition experts agree on: A healthy, active, 10-lb adult cat requires 270-320 calories per day. First of all, you can always simply measure the amount of food you leave in her feeding tray, depending on the number of meals you want to feed her during the day. Even though there are cases where a cat gains too much fat during her pregnancy, the bigger danger appears when she is malnourished. Cats over eight are considered 'senior'. Meal feeding With meal feeding , that means that you are offering food several times a day in the canned and/or wet form. To keep in tip-top condition, your cat’s diet needs the right balance of proteins, fats and oils, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. Some people feed their kitties twice a day, and might or might not need to add a supplement feeding during the day; it all depends on the food, its quality and its portions. How much should I feed my indoor cat? Not only do kittens require a more rich food that the adult cat, but they also need to be fed more times a day. If your cat is already at her ideal weight, offer an amount that falls in the middle of the recommended range. Once you have found the amount that maintains your cat’s ideal body condition (i.e., not too thin, not too fat), you can use monthly weigh-ins in addition to body condition scoring to make small adjustments to how much you are offering to keep her right where she needs to be. You can also apply the grams of food/kg of body weight, but different brands put different ingredients in their products, so the energy and nutritional values will be different in a set quantity of each, ending in you having to check the package indications every time you change the food type. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If your cat feeds on a set schedule twice a day, then you could theoretically split a cup of dry cat food (typically ~300 calories) between two meals and provide your cat with sufficient calories for the day. ... 3 kg, they should take 210 kilocalories. If your cat only eats at meal time, he will need more food than a cat that gets treats throughout the day. How much to feed a kitten 9 weeks or 10 weeks is about four times daily since their belly is still too small to contain all those required amount of foods when less often. The type of food you are feeding to your cat plays an important role while answering the question “How much should I feed my cat?” The basis of good cat food is a protein like fish, meat, or chicken. If your cat needs to gain or lose a lot of weight, talk to your veterinarian. First, you need to know the weight of your cat in kilograms, and you get that by multiplying the number of pounds with 0.4536. Also to be considered, wet food has a special term of availability if left at room temperature, so it is best to leave only the dry food out for free feeding. If you’ve been recently introduced to the science of being owned by a cat, one of the first questions you’ve asked yourself was probably how much to feed a cat in order to keep her healthy and happy? Senior cats. As a cat parent, you may be wondering if you’re feeding your cat the right amount of food – is it too much or too little? He or she can rule out any health disorders that might be causing, or might have developed as a result of your pet’s weight, and can put together a plan that suits your cat’s particular needs. As you might observe, almost all cat feeding guides recommend feeding the pregnant cat kitten food. Cats require Taurine, an amino acid that is found only in animal based protein. However, if you are gone for long periods of time, you can’t protect your cat from the nasty effects of eating too quickly or too much at a time. So using this as a rule of thumb, an active 10-pound cat would require about a cup of dry food a day, or a little over a single 6 ounce can. 240 / 73 = 3.3. Also, take note that the amount listed is "per day," not "per meal." There are numerous answers to this questions. It all depends on your cat’s preferences, your schedule and your budget. The average cat feeding guide for wet food, Can my cat eat dog food? But you can help get your cat off on the right paw by establishing … Pingback: Can my cat eat dog food? As most cat owners eventually opt for a combination of the two, we will take a look at all the three possibilities, and talk about the quantities and serving methods for each of them. How many meals should my cat eat each day? As a point of reference, Purina® Cat Chow® Complete contains 388 calories per 1 cup and 291 calories per 3/4 cup. The answer isn’t very short, as there are some factors to consider in setting your cat’s feeding schedule and menu. The average cat feeding guide for mixed food, Fortunately, there are more categories of cats than just average, obese and ill. For instance, you may be in the position to want to know, . But be aware that the ranges are pretty large to accommodate the needs of different individuals within a certain weight range. Your veterinarian may also recommend feeding more or less wet food depending on your cat’s weight, health and other factors. Finally, as cats are not all the same, we’ll gaze at some of the different food requirements for the cats that have a more fragile condition than your average one. Contrary to the simplicity of the question, the right answer is much more complicated. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program that is developed to provide the means for sites to earn fees by linking and advertising to They should ideally be offered food at least 4 to 5 times per day because eating smaller frequent meals has been associated with greater urinary tract health and is consistent with their natural feeding pattern. Also, kittens will switch more quickly to solid food, if they come in contact with it from the beginning. Feline Nutrition How Much to Feed Calculator Recommended daily feeding amount at 2, 3 or 4 % of the cat’s ideal body weight Cat’s ideal weight lb Daily feeding amount at 2% oz Daily feeding amount at 3% oz Daily feeding amount at 4% oz Wet food, on the other hand, is often around 250 calories per 6 ounce can. If your schedule is too hectic to allow you to feed your cat on a well-adjusted routine, don’t feel guilty! Latter on, you will probably be more interested in a, Cat Food Ingredients - What You Should Know, Cats are living beings, and as such, their eating schedule can be regulated and influenced with little harm to their health. If you’ve been recently introduced to the science of being owned by a cat, one of the first questions you’ve asked yourself was probably, in order to keep her healthy and happy? If you have a kitten you should feed him more times a day than an adult cat Kittens up to 5 or 6 months at least should eat more often than adults. Feeding your cat a mix of dry kibble and canned food also affects the amount you should give. It might sound a bit complicated, but good-quality complete feline food should provide everything your furry friend needs, and unless advised to by your vet, a well-balanced diet means your cat won’t need any other diet supplements. The Merck manual for veterinarians teaches us the formula to determine the number of kcal a cat needs every day. However, free-feeding the household cat has become a common practice in today’s daily rush, with the only disadvantage that you can’t closely control how much your cat eats at a time. Finally reach at least three times in a manageable way can be by., their eating schedule can be regulated and influenced with little harm to own. What can she eat out how much food you offer accordingly muscular cat with large bones may weigh 15 and! Of the recommended range ballpark idea of what your cat likes to water! 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