best rep range for natural bodybuilders

When discovering that I was getting little results to show for my hard work in the gym, I lowered my reps. Some people have more type IIa fibers, and some have more type IIb fibers. Training higher reps than 15 builds endurance which is not the goal of muscle training. Emphasising high volume, multiple set training gives me the quickest progression in muscle size. Many people are very naive to the fact that a lot of so-called “natural” bodybuilders are using Performance Enhancing Drugs. over and over. So to gain 18kg of muscle (sorry for using the metric system) in 12 weeks would be very impressive, yet still possible for those genetically gifted. Moderate Reps in the range of 6-12: Sweet spot for building muscle mass and strength. I was wondering your opinions on what would be the best rep range for optimal muscle growth? It has been scientifically proven and it also explains why eccentric training cause more soreness {like running downhill}. Try yourself. Because people are lazy. If that seems to be an issue for you. Then I started periodising on a per-workout basis. A comparison of eccentric and concentric contractions, The amount of protein going into the muscle increases, The amount of protein wasted from the muscle decreases, The higher workload is more effective at creating microtrauma because of the extra time under tension and extra number of fibres recruited (Shinohara et al, 1998; Smith & Rutherford, 1995; Moss et al, 1997), High volume, multiple set programs are more effective at increasing the body's production of testosterone and growth hormone (Kraemer et al, 1991; Kraemer et al 1990). If training a muscle group only once per week the best way to work in all rep ranges are as follows: First 1-2 Exercises - 3-4 sets with heavy loads in the 1-5 rep range with compound movements. No rep range is perfect forever. The 6-8 rep range is perfect, with some secondary work performed in the 8-12 rep bracket. They make the entire set and hence the entire workout super-effective. In this repetition scheme Neural Efficiency (as well as some Myofibril Hypertrophy) occurs. Strong Science – Research On The Ideal Rep Range & Sets To Maximize Results When it comes to the perfect training program, there are three key variables for gaining strength and muscle mass: the number of sets per bodypart, the number of reps completed per set … This calls for intensity and once you develop it, you will build muscle mass faster. To me, HST felt like doing two half-arsed workouts in one session, with one aimed at hypertrophy and the other targeting strength. range of 6 to 12 reps. Less than 6 leads to strength gains and more than Lifting heavy loads also help your brain as it feels not threat to high reps later on. And after every week of low rep training, my strength have improved when I get back to hypertrophy training. No Rocky style but slow controlled bodybuilding! However, there are still reasons to use other rep ranges. If we are looking at a newbie with average genetics with an well constructed diet, supplement and workout regime, along with plenty of time to rest, then to gain at a rate of around 0.6kg per week, would be expected, so he would end up gaining 7kg of muscle in the 12 weeks of training. 3. I’ve been lifting weights and eating a good diet for about six months now and have made great changes in shape but not so much in size. There is an inverse link between strength gains and hypertrophy (Sale, 1992). Do you want to double your muscle gains at each rep? I can conclude from that, that I have more type IIa fibers, so I take that and use it to my own benefit. Their programs work for their (often drugged) bodies, not necessarily your (probably natural) body. For bench presses and squats I usually to pyramids like 12,10,8,6,4 and for back, upper chest, legs, shoulders, I'll do 4x6-8. So I would say this is definitely the best rep range to work in for size, so far from my experience. What Rep Range Should Bodybuilders Train? Releases highest amount of testosterone and growth hormones, Targets type IIB fast twitch fibers {max growth potential} and. High volume, multiple set programs cause more microtrauma and greater hormone secretion-so the end result is more muscle! Then perform each rep in controlled fashion with 2040 tempo. When you lower the weight {eccentrics} you cause more muscle damage than lifting alone {concentric}. These workouts consist of the best exercise someone can do to maximize their time in the gym. I actually lost muscle and began to feel like I didn't even train! This is actual real growth of the muscle fibers. First off, a word needs to be put in on muscle fibers. Next 1-2 Exercises - 3-4 sets with moderate loads in the 8 … Personally, I like to train low reps (3-6) and high sets (12-25). If you can do more than 12 reps then training intensity is not optimal for muscle hypertrophy. Mesomorphs and beginners will be able to add more muscle faster than Average Joe over here. Another factor as I said is the time they have spent lifting. Here are the three most common: Low reps in the range of 1-5: Mostly strength gains, little muscle gains, builds muscle slowly. Why 6 to 12 reps per set works like crazy, When to perform low/high reps for muscle hypertrophy, Vince Delmonte’s 26 week Muscle Building Program, Bodybuilding Workouts & Muscle Building Workout Routines that Build Muscle, Why Beginner Bodybuilders must use Light Weights for Muscle Gain, How to do a S.W.O.T Analysis of Your Bodybuilding Workout. This makes the best use of time under tension concept in muscle hypertrophy. During the study, the hypertrophy rep range group (that performed the best) completed 10-12 reps for the lower body at roughly 65%-75% of their max. For someone with favourable genetics, who hasn't lifted before, and has an immaculate diet, supplement and workout program, along with plenty of time to rest, it is fair to say that to gain at a rate of 1.5kg per week would be impressive, yet still possible. It also takes a lot of time for you to recover. Also I target 2 reps higher than my initial plan, it prepares my mind better. High intensity strength training is very taxing on the central nervous system, and overtraining can occur easily. This gives the brain a target and keeps motivation high as all you need to do is focus on getting back to zero. Nobody can give you a magic number, it's up to you to find out what works best for you. If you want to train for strength, employ set/rep schemes such as 5x5, 6x4, 8x3 with high rest periods in between sets. I've found that working in this rep range the strength gains outweighed the size gains, however I still did get size gains working in this range. 6-12 reps with moderate to heavy weight: the "hypertrophy" rep range, often used by bodybuilders 12-15+ reps with light weight: the "endurance" rep range, often used by people doing sports In this article we will explain why they all allow you to build muscle and we will talk about their pros and cons. If What rep range (or ranges) would you use per set? I hope this article helped shed some light on how you should approach your workouts. At this stage, your focus will be shifted to the commonly touted ‘hypertrophy’ zone of 5-12 reps. There could be arguments for years and years on this topic, and I'm not going to tell you what's best and what's not, because what works for me won't always work for you. However, when I begun training well (this was when I trained more as a bodybuilder, rather than a powerbuilder), I used to perform sets of 8, 9 and 10. Training with high reps is … The more creatine, the more you can lift, increasing your strength gains. Remember not many muscle builders get the reps right, but not many have the body of their dreams either! Give detailed reasons why you believe these ranges are the best, and use as much personal experience AND scientific proof as you can. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. An effective science-based way to pack on muscle quickly is to use a periodised routine that emphasises high volume and multiple sets. This phase lasts for 9 weeks. I rarely step into this rep range (only when performing olympic lifts), so I cannot give you a real prediction to whether this is the optimal rep range to work in. Muscle endurace begins to become a factor, but this is not what you are looking for as a bodybuilder. The Perfect Rep range for muscle bulk and hypertrophy is 6 to 12 repetitions per set with upper body performing best between 6-9 reps and lower body at higher 8-12 reps per set. Nor can a power lifter workout entirely in the 1-6 rep range Natural bodybuilders and power lifters workout in both rep ranges: 1.Natural bodybuilders will use high weight/low reps (1-6) for power movements such as squat, deadlight,...etc in order to raise their testosterone levels and maximal growth. ... For a beginner, the example I laid out above is a great outline for any newcomer to follow to get the best of both worlds in their workouts. And so the circle of growth continues! This has very little impact on size gains but increases strength will be definitely be great. Make Little to no protein turnover occurs when using this particular rep range as load is too high and mechanical work is too low. Using this rep range you will receive lots of growth as well some strength gains. Sarcomere hypertrophy increases contractile proteins in muscle thereby increasing strength directly and also size. Instead of getting lost searching for the perfect program, you need to adopt a set of strategies and methods that have been proven to work for everyone. HST is an example of a routine that periodises on a per-exercise basis (i.e HST uses rep ranges between 2-15 for every exercise). This simply means Bigger Muscles. In this repetition range, mostly Myofibril and Sarcomere Hypertrophy and very little Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy occurs. Strength training does cause hypertrophy (Hakkinen et al, 1985), but it won't cause maximum hypertrophy. Take each set to momentary muscle failure when you cannot life another rep in proper form. The rate of hypertrophy that occurs during this "healing" process depends on the type of muscle fibre involved. The Perfect Rep range for muscle bulk and hypertrophy is 6 to 12 repetitions per set with upper body performing best between 6-9 reps and lower body at higher 8-12 reps per set. One rep maxes also increased significantly, with 11kg added to the bicep curl and 32kg to the leg press. And a higher rep range of 10-15 reps as this is generally easier on the elbows. As we have heard countless times before, "everybody's different," and "science isn't always right" so I'll give you my personal experience with working in different repetition ranges. There's a chance that what works for me may not work for you, but for the purpose of the question, I'll state what I've been doing. Once you use 35lbs for example and get 8 reps and move to 40's you most likely wont even get 6 reps and definitely wont keep your form. Compared to rep ranges, set ranges are much more based on the theory, "different things work for different people.". To build muscle most effectively for the natural trainee with average genetics, 80% of your time and focus should be spent in the 5-8 rep range. The correct rep range is vital to increased strength, but if the lifting tempo is too slow or too quick, you will not get the correct hormonal response, because it changes the time under tension. At that point, calories need to be reduced again to the neighborhood of bodyweight times 12 at a 40/40/20 ratio of carbs, proteins and fats. The Topic: What Is The Best Rep And Set Range For Building Muscle? A fast recap of intensity principle: As you know muscle hypertrophy depends on training intensity. Be the first to receive exciting news, features, and special offers from! I've been doing HST ( while, and you use different rep ranges for that. There are a lot of debates going on at the moment on youtube, facebook and so on about wether working sets in the higher rep range (15-20) or even ultra high rep range (20-50 or even higher) have their place for natural bodybuilders. However, your body recruits less muscle fibre the more it adapts (Ploutz et al, 1994). My free 6 week program takes full advantage of the rep scheme of muscle building to help you build bigger and stronger muscles in just 6 weeks. Weight training increases the release of these muscle-building hormones in your body (Raastad et al, 2000). Some of the most muscular bodybuilders in the world are born with myostatin deficiencies, explaining their freakish size. Another thing needed to be said about fibers is, your fiber type distribution is GENETIC. In one creatine study, experienced weight trainers gained in 2.6kg (5.7lbs) of muscle over a 6 week period . All rights reserved. You can then take this template of strategies a… Squats, overhead presses, deadlifts, and bench presses are great exercises to include here. So get that extra rep or two tiger! Muscle growth (hypertrophy) is caused by a buildup of proteins. The strength based 4–6 reps can also have a place as you can train in that rep range for a week every 6–8 weeks or so to give your muscles a new stimulus and keep the body guess a bit while … Some exercises, such as deadlifts, are better suited to lower reps for example. It does this by increasing the level of creatine phosphate which is the stored form of energy in your muscles. But not all rep ranges create the same effect. They believe that staying away from failure will allow you to train more often, with more volume, and that will stimulate more growth. Because moderate rep training {6 to 12 reps}: If you are a Hardgainer: You should start at lower end of 5-6 reps as you can train type IIB fibers with high intensity. Some people respond fantastically to high volume splits where a 4 or more exercises are used per bodypart and set ranges are more often than not above 3 per exercise. And to build muscle mass you need to train in the range of 65 to 85% of your one rep maximum. Maybe it's time to stop training like you are on steroids and follow a workout designed specifically for natural lifters instead. I switch between 6-8 reps and 8-10 reps probably every 6 months. This is the best range, according to science, to train in as a bodybuilder. High Reps training in the higher range of more than 12 or even 20 reps works very good for exercises like squats, deadlifts, triceps, calf raises and abdominal training. Obviously, traditional strength training with low volume and low sets (1-6 reps, 3 or less sets) is not the best approach. So you need to do at least 6 full repetitions and no more than 12 full repetitions for maximum growth. Creatinine Monohydrate is the ONLY proven supplement that helps you lift more. During the last few reps, almost all motor units fire and hence almost all muscle fibers are firing. Science says that growth here will be mostly myofibral/ sarcomere hypertrophy and will be accompanied with strength gains in other rep ranges and improvements in neural efficiency. DIFFERENT REP SPEEDS for Natural Bodybuilding GROWTHhttp://www.naturalgallantbodybuilding.comWant to Support my work? Probably not. There's something called the "general adaptation syndrome", which means your body will adapt to the program very quickly and you'll run into a massive plateau (Selye, 1976). The best response will get $50 in credit to use in our online store! This is where heavy/light splits work great where you focus on 5-8 reps one day, and 8-12 on the other day. This continues for up to two days after weight training (Gibala et al, 1995b). Without getting too scientific here, type IIa fibers do posess some aerobic qualties, and can also generate anaerobic qualities. This section will last another month. Then do a SWOT analysis of your muscle building workout to increase your lifts every workout. Is the 6-12 rep range best for muscle growth? But are they right? The body responds to the damage by increasing the amount of protein going into the muscles. What is the best rep range for Building Muscle? Again, this is different for everyone. On the other side of the fence, you have people like Bill Pearl, who believes that there are better ways than training to failure. Next Step: Reps or repetitions are only ONE aspect of training variables, although the most important. Protein buildup can happen in three ways (Booth & Thomason, 1991): Weight training causes microtrauma (tiny tears in muscle fibres)(McDonagh et al, 1984; Gibala et al, 2000). I have seen people put on 10kg of muscle in 12 weeks…but they were previously trained individuals who were coming back to training after a long layoff. Exercise science has come a long way since the 1940s. This is also the case with my personal experience, as I have benifited using this rep range when training primarily for size. Natty competitions like the PNBA Elite World Tour or the Natural Olympia competition are huge in the natural bodybuilding world, showcasing some of the BIGGEST muscle bodies. They shouldn't. Use 80-95% 1RM for 2-6 sets of 2-6 reps for these compound lifts followed by hypertrophy work in the 6-8 rep range. Until then work those reps for muscle bulk. Rep Range for Best Muscle Gains. So to sum everything up for you, here’s what your push workout could look like: … The type of hypertrophy I'll be discussing is mainly sarcomere, since that makes up most of the muscle, that's what should be mainly trained. 12 means less intensity. I will also tell you My Top 3 Tips to blast each repetition! A Word on The Repetition Continuum for muscle and strength: You can do an exercises for any number of reps from 1 to 30 or even 50. Download free 3-day, 4-day or 5-day workout routines. Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy does not directly increase strength, but it increases size, what a bodybuilder trains for. But only if you can do them with proper form. Hey, if they can train like that often and grow a lot, then why should they stop what they're doing? Discover effective bodybuilding workouts and muscle building routines with strategies to make every workout a killer one. "Reps or repetitions are the most basic elements of a workout. The true answer is most commonly not liked to be heard, why? Definitely possible for all newbies to gain that much, but it must be stressed that they would need to follow their diet, supplement and workout plan, almost religiously, and "avoid slacking off.". Arnold recommends high rep arm workouts to shock muscles into new muscle growth. You can add more load when you reach the high rep range of 12 reps and above. The strongest lifter with the most powerlifting records? A fast recap of intensity principle: As … I’ve found that my body responds best to that rep range but I switch it up for higher rep ranges every now and then to give my joints a break (it’s called being over 30). If you were looking to build muscle as fast as you can, how many sets per bodypart and per workout would you perform? The rate of repair and muscle growth is also positively affected by testosterone and other hormones (Kraemer et al, 1990; Adams, 1998). However with little Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy occurring working in this rep range, is not the most beneficial for size. Phase 1 of the best workout routine for natural bodybuilders features three full body workouts. It works because brain never overrides your voluntary commands, within limits of course. Looking to take your bodybuilding workout to the next level? First and foremost you will get full muscle fiber recruitment from the first repetition. We're now able to pinpoint why higher reps and multiple sets work so well at a biological level. In total the offseason is about 2 … P.S. It's those very people that go in and out of the gym with no results week after week. There is a lot of talk about training to failure not being necessary for muscle growth. Why? For building muscle the 8–12 range is going to be pretty ideal. Final Word: My friend, muscle building is about doing the small things right and doing each rep perfectly is the most important step. I've found that, by using the 2:1 rotation, I can give maximal attention to training each characteristic. The chest grows best from slightly lower rep ranges than other muscles. Training in the 1-5 zone has shown excellent strength gains but minimal muscle gains. In terms of science this is the best rep range to work in because maximal sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (increasing the volume of the tissue that supplies energy to the muscle or is involved with the neural drive) occurs. Here are the 3 best tips for awesome reps, sets and workouts: 1. In today's article, I'm going to explore what the science says. But remember you are not training for explosive sports, you are training for muscle mass. If you are training with adequate intensity {70 to 85%}, forget load, just chase more reps. Get personal records on big moves through 6 weeks. So as long as you’re lifting with proper form in the 5-10 rep range, progressing in weight is the most powerful driver of muscle growth. For this question, I'm going to presume that the person is a beginner. In contrast, imagine that you work in the 5-8 rep range with 80-85% of maximum. Obviously, people with more favourable genetics, will gain more muscle than those with less favourable genetics. sure that you select a weight which allows to fail each set in the As a newbie weight trainer, the immediate change they will notice is an increase in strength.℠ and BodySpace® are trademarks of Phase 1: Foundation for Natural Bodybuilding. Type IIb fibers are strictly anaerobic, but they can generate more force than type IIa fibers can, so these are used in low rep, high weight exercises (1-3 reps with greater than 90% of 1RM). I have used low rep training {1-3 reps} for 1-2 weeks every 6 to 8 weeks as low reps build type IIB fibers even more and trains the brain to lift heavier loads. I’m 17 years old, 5’6” and a measly 123 pounds. Because these muscle have good amount of slow twitch fibers which respond best to higher reps. Low rep training builds excellent neural reserve and allows you to lift heavier for reps. Training to failure will work better for people who are beginning to lift, and people with great genetics. Anabolic Hormone Zone. Capillary density increases with little Sarcoplasmic growth with rep ranges above 15. They may respond better to a more "abbreviated" style of training, where often 1 exercise per small muscle and 2 exercises per large muscle are used with sets per exercise never above 2, and often 1. Good arguments here. This is roughly 1-1.25 gram per pound of protein, 1-1.25 gram of carbs per pound of bodyweight and 1.5 tablespoons of … You can Download my free 6 week muscle building Program or use Vince Delmonte’s 26 week Muscle Building Program which helped him gain 41 pounds of muscle mass in 24 weeks. Many bodybuilders spend lot of time on the latest theories of muscle building or researching which supplement stacks work. This way, you're not stimulating growth as much in one session, but you're doing it more often. You have the Mentzer HIT "mob", who belives that all you need is one working set to failure in order to stimulate growth. In other words: Crappy Reps = Stinky Workout. The best rep range for building mass is 6-12 reps. It’s been proven to have a slight advantage in studies, and it allows you to pack in a higher number of quality reps over the course of each week. At this point, more motor units join in. Sets and reps can be varied per exercise, per workout or per week. I've been doing anywhere between 6-10 lately. Its difficult but it ensures you maintain constant muscle tension - the key to muscle growth. Other variables like workout planning, nutrition planning and supplementation together help you design your complete program. Using this rep range you will receive lots of growth as well some strength gains. So in conclusion, with set ranges, it is really dependent on what your body responds well to, more than anything else. I had a similar experience when I used AST's Max-OT principals. Best for Bodybuilding. I made good size gains using HST, but I didn't become a big fan of using such varied rep ranges each workout. These are used for mid to high rep exercises. And finally, carbohydrates and fats can fluctuate based on your own personal preferences. Here's what I would consider applicable for 12 weeks (assuming that they're an intermediate lifter, besides the beginner): Topic of the Week gives forum members the chance to share their knowledge with the world! Cool, now which side is the best? In this repertition range we have Myofibril, Sarcomere, and Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy occurring. I really don't see any point in discussing personal evidence, because it's not plausible. The Best Workout Program For Natural Bodybuilders Frustrated by your lack of bodybuilding progress? Check it out. This probably explains why I was unimpressed with HIT. 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