when does naruto control kurama

Despite the necklace's attempts to suppress it, the Nine-Tails quickly seized the necklace and crushed it. Later on, as Naruto told Son Gok of his desire to save the tailed beasts and become friends with Kurama,[33] the fox having witnessed all of the hardships and deeds Naruto had in his life stood by to see if he could truly aid its brethren through his actions. . Answer (1 of 9): Naruto Uzumaki achieves full control over the Nine-Tailed Fox, Kurama, in Naruto Shippuden Episode 469. Naruto closes the seal on the cage of the nine tails once more. - using chidori with a weapon in hand no longer . After being sealed into Naruto Uzumaki, Kurama attempts to maintain its cynical perspective about the world, but with Naruto's insistence on treating it with respect, the fox overturns its hatred and willingly strives to use its power for the world's salvation. Naruto didn't realise that he was talking about the Nine-Tails until he was taught to take advantage of it. With this, Narutos transformation stopped, much to the shock of Yamato and Killer B. Naruto and Kushina started talking, with Naruto asking how Kushina and Minato met. As he possessed Menma, the Nine-Tails warned Naruto to avoid eye contact with the Sharingan, as it would allow Tobi to extract the fox out of Naruto the same way he extracted it from Kushina. After his victory over Madara, Hashirama's wife Mito Uzumaki sealed the fox . Yin-Kurama alongside the other tailed beasts reunite with Hagoromo and Naruto. Luckily, Jiraiya arrived in time to block Kisame's attack with his toad summon and was able to force both Akatsuki members to retreat. [27] Kurama held great respect to Hagoromo tsutsuki, as it was shown during the tailed beasts' youth that the fox shed tears after the Sage had imparted his final words to them. Yes After he was swallowed by Son Goku . Score: 4.8/5 (60 votes) . However, the Uchiha anticipated the attack and was able to deflect it. While training with Naruto, Kawaki was never able to defeat the Hokage and even without Kurama, Naruto would be able to defeat Kawaki in a fight. 2 Hashirama Senju. Naruto lost his close friend and greatest power when he lost Kurama, but he still has plenty of abilities that make him one of the strongest shinobi. The cause and effect of this control varies between those capable of doing so. Answer (1 of 2): Naruto has insane chakra control, while not evident at first or notable, he was at his first ever exercise able to match Sasuke, the prodigy with vastly more experience and lower reserves than him. Naruto Shippuden: The Fourth Great Ninja War - Sasuke and Itachi Kurama - Watch on . Its pupil alone was bigger than a tall human. Although Kushina was terrified with the responsibility of containing Kurama, Mito assured her successor that the fox's hatred was powerless against her love. Meanwhile, the original Naruto entered the full Tailed Beast Mode to create a giant Tailed Beast Ball with B and Gyki and fired it at the Demonic Statue. However, Hagoromo, who called upon the souls of all of the previous Kage, performed a massive summoning alongside the reincarnated Hokage in order to return the tailed beasts, Team 7, and Madara's body back to the real world. Later, during the final battle with Shin, Naruto brought one of Shin's clones into his subconscious with Kurama glaring down at the boy, scaring him and his clones to surrender. Naruto - (Or any other that has control over the beast) The Nine Tails. - Kamui teleport: removed chat text stating 'entity teleported'. When Naruto fought against the Zero-Tails to free Amaru from its influence, the malevolent spirit sensed the Nine-Tails within Naruto and expressed desire to obtain its power. After both halves of Kurama were reunited, the fox grew even larger than ever before, to the point it was towering over a stump of a God Tree. Main article: Konoha Crush Some filler have Naruto raging out, of the top of my head there's Naruto vs Sora, Naruto vs the akatsuki from the Killer Bee filler, and whilst not technically Naruto, there is Naruto's Kyuubi clone created by Kabuto in . As Shukaku figured that Kurama had grown attached to them, the tanuki teased the fox, to which it quickly rebuffed such an accusation. The process of controlling Kurama was a long and difficult one for Naruto, and it consisted of three phases. [32] Despite audibly reproaching him for making such a claim, Kurama nevertheless had developed a level of respect for Naruto and his determination, even noting that he was different from the humans it had previously encountered, therefore allowing its jinchriki to utilise the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode without consequence during the early stages of the Fourth Shinobi World War. After being sealed into Naruto Uzumaki, Kurama attempts to maintain its negative opinions about the world, but with Naruto's insistence on treating it with . Magnet Release. [17], While Kurama was rampaging in the village, Minato fought against Tobi and soon managed to place a Contract Seal on him, which freed the fox from his control. Yin-Kurama advised Minato to follow suit so that he could provide powerful support for his son. As Naruto failed to cancel the Tailed Beast Mode, Yang-Kurama, realising its extraction was imminent, contacted Gaara to transfer its Yin half from Minato to save Naruto, wishing him luck before it was extracted and sealed within the statue along with the other tailed beasts. Before the Fourth Ninja War started, Naruto was asked to learn to control Kurama's power. As Naruto continued to taunt Isshiki, Kurama quickly told him off, stating that from the beginning Isshiki never had any intentions to kill him, but could just easily change his mind and slaughter them both, to which the tsutsuki commended the fox before sealing them away in a giant coffin. The Tailed Beasts can die, and it seems that is really what happened in the anime's latest episode. As a last-ditch ability, Kurama could enter Baryon Mode. Naruto's first use of the Nine-Tails' chakra. Naruto, thus, had to prove his worth in order to gain Kuramas respect and, after that, his friendship. Throughout the series, several shinobi jinchriki or not have demonstrated the ability to gain control of one or more of the tailed beasts. Reassessing their strategy to destroy the mysterious black substance, Naruto and Minato formed a senjutsu-enhanced Tailed Beast Ball, but Obito quickly created a full-blown replica of the Ten-Tails' tree form, and its roots started chasing and absorbing chakra from anyone in its path. Additionally, while Naruto is in Sage Mode, Kurama gained similar thick dark patches circling around its eyes. They soon arrived at the arena where the Chnin Exams were held and proceeded to attack, creating chaos. Within Naruto's subconscious, as he spoke to the spirit of Hagoromo, Yin-Kurama along with the chakra portions of the other tailed beasts, including Gyki and Shukaku, which Obito stole from Madara and also sealed inside Naruto, manifested to join the meeting. Does Naruto Die during the 4th great Ninja War. Kurama was widely known as the strongest of the nine tailed beasts. Kazuma, a former member of the Twelve Guardian Ninja, collected and sealed the chakra within his son, Sora, hoping to make use of its power for his own agenda. The first thing he had to do was defeat his inner hatred, i.e., the darkness within him. The Kazekage clan of the Hidden Sand Village are pros in Magnet Release. Naruto then happily wakes up and comments that the Kyubis chakra is trapped in the side of his mind, and by using it, he takes the form of the Sage of Six Paths. 30 seconds . During the pain arc, he mastered sage mode to become a perfect sage. Yin-Kurama, alongside the chakra portions of its brethren, helped Naruto create an onslaught of Rasenshuriken that dealt a significant blow against Kaguya. [23], Kurama was characterised as a snarky and shrewd individual. To understand how this happens and what is involved, we actually have to go through the full story of Naruto and Kurama. Later, a grumpy Kurama responded with a pout when Naruto told Himawari that the Shukaku doll was cuter than a Kurama-doll. Kurama tells him then, that if Naruto knew the consequences from the beginning, he might not have agreed to use the Baryon mode as his last resort. Shukaku, vowing to get back at the fox for teasing it, was intrigued to learn that Himawari once knocked out Kurama, and decided to play nice with the young girl in hopes of learning how she did it as a chance to have some mocking rights on the fox. Kurama wasnt always the good guy, but it did help Naruto overcome a lot of obstacles over the years. Soon afterwards, when Naruto encountered Sasuke again for the first time in almost three years, the Nine-Tails began to offer Naruto its chakra, but he firmly rejected its assistance. [22] Throughout the years, Kurama weakened the seal through the cracks of its formation by constantly leaking out small portions of its chakra, which had positive side-effects on Naruto such as amplifying his naturally large chakra reserves and healing ability, being able to heal from minor wounds within seconds to major injuries within a day. Although Naruto's strength abilities increased, Orochimaru recognised the Nine-Tails' power, and countered it with the Five Elements Seal. After that, Naruto told him that one day he would do something for his hatred, but he replied that he should not be so naive since he is the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, a living mass of hatred and that no child was going to influence him, but, in the end, Naruto tells him that he is not the boy from before. Meanwhile, as their battle strategy unfolded, Kurama's Yin half within Minato noted that Naruto's actions and speech about his father was touching enough to move this half of it. Now, the Naruto manga is 700 chapters long. At first, Naruto thought that Kushina was the nine-tailed true form but was later beaten up by an angry Kushina, who then apologized and said that she hoped Naruto didnt get the hot-tempered attitude from her. He uses the Wind Style: Rasenshuriken, which eventually defeats the Nine-Tails, as Naruto draws the chakra out of him. However, despite keeping the childbirth a secret, a masked man called Tobi tracked down their location, killed their escorts, and held Naruto hostage, forcing Minato to quickly rescue him and teleport him to safety. When Naruto joined them, he and Sakura were both shocked by the fact that they couldn't escape the dimension, causing Son to state that Naruto was still a bit dumb, making Yang-Kurama grunt. Using the telepathic link, Naruto called for his comrades who rallied to his side all donning Tailed Beast Mode mantles as they entered Kurama's tails. Kurama facing Jigen with Naruto and Sasuke. The Nine-Tails then spurred Naruto on as he countered the Uchiha's attack. By Arthur S. Poe / December 12, 2022. [14][15] After his victory over Madara, Hashirama's wife Mito Uzumaki sealed the fox within herself, becoming its first jinchriki. Kushina tells him that his chakra cant hold the Nine-Tails much longer and tells Naruto to take out the Nine-Tails. Naruto became able to take control of the nine-tails Fox by passing the ritual of the 8 Tail's Jinchuriki: Killer-Bee. As the First Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, it should be no surprise that Hashirama Senju is one of the most powerful ninja out there. Over time, it came to care for Naruto's family, finding them entertaining to be around. Main article: Akatsuki Suppression Mission During their fight, Kurama was initially overwhelmed by its opponent, but eventually the fox was able to blast the golem away into space with a Tailed Beast Ball. The change in dynamics between Naruto and Kurama. By saving him, Motoi and Killer B became friends and partners again. When Naruto learns Kurama's name, their hearts fully merge and he is able to obtain a new level of power. Their words made it conclude that no matter how the humans said it, it would always come down to the same thing, with the exception of Naruto, a thought which silenced it. Later, using the connection between his and Kawaki's Kma, Jigen teleported to Naruto's house instantly to bring back Kawaki. After a brief fight, Tobi tried to instil doubt into Naruto by telling him what would Jiraiya and Minato say if he ended up neglecting the legacy they left him. From this, Naruto was on a task to find a way to control the Nine-Tails' power, in order to fight a fated battle with Sasuke. [71] Kurama had also shown remarkable leadership skills, being able to calmly and effectively instruct its allies on how best to engage the Ten-Tails. As Momoshiki created an amplified Tailed Beast Ball to obliterate everyone with it, Naruto entered Tailed Beast Mode in order to stop the attack, and warned Kurama that it better not have gotten out of shape, to which Kurama refuted and declared it was going with all the power it had stored up. During Naruto's conversation with Nagato, the Nine-Tails became angry with Nagato's words and its chakra began to leak out while Naruto was in Sage Mode, allowing the two forms to synchronise.[74]. As Naruto was prepared to die, Kurama revealed that Naruto would be fine, as it was Kurama's life that was gambled from using Baryon Mode. After Isshiki's defeat, Baryon Mode proved too much to handle for Kurama. The Nine-Tails became impressed with Sasuke's growth and ability, but as it stated that Sasuke's chakra was similar to Madara Uchiha, Sasuke effortlessly suppressed the fox's residual chakra with his Sharingan. Share. In the story, Kurama is a nine-tailed fox demon sealed inside Naruto Uzumaki, who is the protagonist of the Naruto franchise. Does Naruto Become jinchriki Of All the Tailed Beast during the 4th great Ninja War. Already dying from the extraction, Kushina used her remaining strength to restrain Kurama, planning to seal the fox back inside her so it would die with her. [44] This caused both Naruto and Kurama to develop a strong fear of Himawari, even when she's her usual happy and sweet self. [7], Over time, Kurama's size grew to roughly equaling the Hokage Rock, and Gamabunta being only the size of Kurama's torso. Main article: Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring Naruto agreed to it, declaring that the moment he decided to become Hokage, he knew the risks and was prepared to die. In the movie Naruto Shippuden Bonds, Naruto fights rages out against the zero tails. This caused her to hug her son for joy. As Naruto continues to fight, Kurama continues to ponder within his mind, saying that he has seen everything Naruto does and that it doesnt matter what he says to him or the other Tailed Beasts; he has to convey his true emotions. It then used Madara's body as a medium to resurrect its true creator. As Naruto exclaimed with great confidence that he would find a way to deal with Sasuke and end the war, the Nine-Tails, recalling its jinchriki's growth, condescendingly complimented him for finally learning how to stand up for himself, before being unnerved by Naruto's promise to someday resolve the fox's own hatred. Kurama and Naruto, with the other tailed beasts in a meeting. Main article: Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie Arthur S. Poe is a writer based in Europe. But as the episodes went on, we could see how things were going to turn out. Nonetheless, when the father-son duo prepared to deal with Obito, the two halves of Kurama also bumped fists as they prepared to initiate their strategy. During the fight between Naruto and Dot Kazahana, he managed to knock Naruto, who was at the disadvantage due to having the Chakra Negator on him, through the ice of the lake they were standing on, causing him to sink beneath the waters. Using the Rasengan Naruto had created, they all attacked and broke through Obito's shield, allowing Naruto and Sasuke to deliver a devastating blow against Obito and forcing out the chakra of all the tailed beasts. Naruto agrees and gives Kurama a fist bump, and they become very proud. The battle continued, resulting in Sasuke's Susanoo and Naruto's Tailed Beast Mode form being destroyed. Before Kurama's life finally faded away, it warned Naruto that he would lose all access to Kurama's chakra and abilities, meaning he would have to be more careful from now on. 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