video game addiction essay conclusion

Essays 01 March 2023, 18:04. author: Patrick Manelski. assignments. Developing and assessing vocabulary learning. Give us your email address and well send this sample there. Being irritable when not playing a video game or being on the computer There also are physical symptoms that may point to addiction: Carpal tunnel syndrome Sleep disturbances Backaches or neck aches Headaches Dry eyes Failure to eat regularly or neglecting personal hygiene You May Also Find These Documents Helpful Researchers have many surveys and studies in this problem to find beneficial solutions which can minimize Trusted by over 1 million students worldwide. Do not let internet games to be played for more than half an hour every day. Advanced technologies resulted in the creation of a new lifestyle in society, which has somewhat different features. The argumentative essay above is dedicated to one of the most acute modern problems computer gaming addiction. Individuals even suffer from withdrawal syndrome if they are away from their consoles or systems for too long. People often find a way to balance their time to either go to work or school, finish what they have to do, come home, and spend all their time playing games. It is often the case that students are told not to play video games if they don't want to develop video game addiction. Though it might not be as deadly or destructive to the body . The concern of hateful, violent, racist behaviors learnt through online gaming is one of the warnings the group informs parents to be weary . However, this doesn't mean that there's nothing to play! This addiction strongly affects ones health, in particular, eyesight, ones back and spine. It may result in death too. Physically, addiction to video games can create an unhealthy lifestyle, leading to a lack of exercise, poor nutrition, and inadequate sleep. Often they think that this is a good compromise. Precisely because the games are so enjoyable that players find it difficult to disconnect and be a part of the real world. It is also discerned that addressing the possibilities of dependency with the individual in question increases disruptive behavior. This resulted in several incidents. 571581. Violent Video Games and Young People. Harvard Mental Health Letter, Harvard Health Publishing, Oct. 2010, Children who are addicted to playing games are always seen playing games all the time. More attention is paid to indoor games than outdoor games. Many other countries are facing similar problems. One obvious argument that can be made against the claim that video games cause violence is the fact that the vast majority of murderers are between the ages of 25 and 44 (Statista,2020). This makes them physically unfit and it can also cause problems in the eyes. It is believed that mental satisfaction is also hidden behind it. nav=5059-By LAUREN GUMP - Warren G. Harding High School. Video game addiction is also known by the term gaming disorder. ?>, Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs,, Comparison and Contrast Essay of Two video games, Analyze the Video games do not cause violence Essay, Violent Video Games Are Harmful to Young People, Why Video Games Can Be Educational, by You, get custom On one hand, some argue that video games. Cut down and allocate your additional free time to doing things that are good for you, and you definitely won't regret it in later life. There are many stories where the spouse works through the day and comes home and plays, neglecting the house or the children. More anger is also a symptom of gaming addiction. Set a time limit for any task and say them to follow it seriously. Video game's unlimited world that nourishes children's imagination lures them into playing instead of spending time with their family. Essay on Addiction: Addiction is an illness- be it a drug, habit, or a person, that changes the way our brain thinks, functions, and processes information. Psychological isolation is one of the many unhealthy results of addiction to video games. Computer games are an easy and quick escape from reality. You will also get aware about the facts that how video games leave their good and bad impact on its users. Keep an eye on what games a child plays on the Internet. It examines how the teen traits of risk-taking, novelty seeking, and peer relationships also shape this chapter of life. Children insist on the Internet. This episode discusses the teenage brain and what sets them apart. (2021, Jul 04). Video game addiction typically involves playing games uncontrollably for many hours at a timesome people will play only four hours at a time while others cannot stop for over twenty-four hours. I believe if parents get more involved in their childs physical life there will be less obese children. Addictions do not affect only the person who is addicted. Such people are so lost in their world of games that they do not remember their stop in the bus and train or other important works. Dont waste Your Time Searching For a Sample, An Overview of the Video Game Addiction Debate, Annotated Bibliography Concerning Video Games Addiction, The Wii - Nintendo's Video Game Revolution, Macro Economic Factors Affecting the Video Game Console. , Business plan, Blog Article, Thesis Proposal, Grant Proposal, Case Brief, Dissertation chapter - Conclusion, Dissertation chapter - Introduction, Thesis, Movie Critique . Limelight Networks. Pornography refers to the viewing or consumption of any piece of writing, movie, or picture that either show or describe sexual behavior the main purpose of which is to sexually excite people. To clarify, this relationship finds its realization in various negative and dangerous consequences revealing through the chain of addiction, isolation, demonstration of aggression, violation, conducting the crime and even using alcohol and drugs with the aim of reducing the influence of the childhood background. Children start away from social life and prefer to live alone. Does Computer Gaming Addiction Lead to More Dangerous Consequences Among Children or Adults? Some studies have linked violent video games to aggressive behaviour and thoughts, but the evidence is inconclusive. The most important of these is to give time to you. Essay on Video Game Addiction - 1 (200 Words) Video game addiction is also known by the term gaming disorder. Opines that video games are addictive because they cause more problems than you know, they can ruin relationships,friends,social skills, and anger problems. This year today there are a lot of kids who dont know how to play sports or are too obese to play sports. 1, 1990, pp. Technology addiction essay - Video Technology essay in english for students. When a person starts tolerating all the positive things due to gaming addiction in his life, then his mental health also starts to affect and it has been named addiction. You know about yourself better so enjoy from your other hobbies. Although not as dangerous, behavioral addiction shares some standard features with substance abuse in aspects of behavioral patterns and response to treatment (Grant, Potenza, Weinstein, & Gorelick, 2010). Children often become very involved in video games and do not want to stop playing them. To reduce the growing population of obese children in the world the parents need to encourage sports and outside play over video games. 2019 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry. In approximately, video game addicts spend 100 hours out of 168 hours in a week playing games that also goes alongside with money consuming due to the need of power and wealth of their imaginary characters. Do not allow children to use more mobiles, laptops and internet and keep an eye on them. To help deal with this problem it is important to monitor the child. Learn More. For example, suppose an individual is distracted continuously and diverts all subjects to video games, and seems uninterested in any other topic. collected. The video games can be played to keep boosting the mood but it should be played for a limited time. EurekaMag, doi:10.1097/00004583-199001000-00009. Games addiction affects a persons mental health. Studies by The American Psychological Association have proved that children exposed to violent sports become more aggressive in thoughts and feelings. As a result, spending an excessive amount of time in front of computers causes gamers to skip meals for the sake of continuing the game and even deliberately missing sleep and disrupt their schedule. In that case, that can be a sign that video games are the main focus. If the child plays games on the Internet, then decide to play outdoor games with him/her. We are a legitimate professional writing service with student-friendly prices and with an aim to help you achieve academic excellence. 808 certified writers online. There is no harm in playing video games. Sometimes it is hard to do all the work on your own. Writers from Can Help. A video game is "an electronic game in which players control images on a television or computer screen" (Merriam-Webster). Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and lungs. The contemporary world develops extremely fast and becomes more globalized and digital in comparison to previous times. Children who play Internet games for more time are reduced in the ability to focus and concentrate on their studies. Keepers, George A. In addition, children who are addicted to video games do not participate in any social things. Home Sample Essays & Research Papers Video Game Addiction Essay. You don't have to stop all together, but it's all about moderation. Especially for those who have young children at home that cannot be ignored. There is a website named On-Line Gamers Anonymous that was created by a concerned mother that offers worldwide recourses for anyone seeking help with online gameplay compulsive disorders. Hi! (2010). Go somewhere to roam. Many times children become aggressive after parents refusal. The last decade has witnessed a significant increase in the number of empirical studies examining various aspects of problematic video game play and video game addiction. 29, no. Another way how to get rid of video game addiction is to try to find any alternative activities, for example sport. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are Being a subject of virtual reality, a game creates an illusion of a world very similar to the real but comparably useful for the players. February 10, 2021 by Prasanna. If children play games for a long time, this affects their education very badly. The visuals effects and quality are generally very high in these, which makes gameplay all the more captivating. Video games are a tool that is meant to be used for fun or to connect with other people. This influences the lifestyle of children and adults, making them be out of society and spending a lot of time alone with themselves. These are games that one pays for, which means that there is a waste of money if a person isnt playing. Gamer rage can also result in strokes. If a child plays a violent video game then the difference between the game and reality should be discussed. Essay. Studies have proved that playing video games improves players reflection in many aspects. But spend more time playing video games than outside being active. Conclusion. With my body being and looking the way it did, it made me feel extremely good and confident. The people, who have been addicted to play the video games, start getting restless. Realization in the virtual world may stimulate a person to further self-development. Do not show songs or poem on mobile to keep the little ones busy. Addiction can cause mood swings, isolation from the social scene and a focus on the games. Rauh (2014) explains that video game addiction is the excessive use of computer or video games. Check our FAQ for . When it comes to children at a young age, they have much exposure to the violence because of unstable character. In my opinion video games is a good way how to kill the time when one is bored. Long Essay on Video Games Addiction is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Even so, rehabs are not a guarantee of freedom, and therefore people must be careful and practice self-control themselves when it comes to how much time is spent playing video games. First and foremost, every parent should pay close attention to the dialogues they have with their children, even if it is just idle chat. harmony in order to life, Essay on Video Games Addiction. They don't do homework, pay less attention to studies, lose focus, and ultimately lose academic grades. According to Gamer Institute (2014), the top skills of a professional player are Love of the Game, Unwavering dedication, Manual dexterity, Twitch reflexes, Strong multi-tasking, Analytical ability and Emotional Control. In this, the person is constantly excited to play games. If a child continuously denies participating in social activities, they usually like engaging in and choose to play video games; instead, they might be at the beginning of addiction towards video games. Let the children use the Internet only for the necessary work related to studies. Gaming addition has become a big problem today, but it can be removed and for this extra ordinary strong willpower and patience are needed. Video game addiction dysfunction is identified by excess gameplay that interrupts normal life activities although, The American Psychiatric Association does not clearly recognize video game dependence as a diagnosable ailment in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, however, mental health professionals and behavioralists //= $post_title One of the main solutions could be advice to parents. Video game addicts are at risk of developing headaches. you to an academic expert within 3 minutes. So by parents being active with their children, this would also cut down on the violence in the world today. Being outside with the fresh air and the sunshine was the best thing for me. It is an essential aspect of human interaction that enables people to connect with others and build meaningful relationships. Addiction makes one to be quite aggressive, it is hard to concentrate and one does not even have time to eat or sleep, because the only concern are video games. Braun, B., Stopfer, M., Mller, W. K., Beutel, E. B., & Egloff, B. While video games are an excellent source for an individual to be able to wind down and relax and entertainment, there still needs to be control and regulation. Personality and video gaming: Comparing regular gamers, non-gamers, and gaming addicts and differentiating between game genres. They are not able to achieve in the real world what they achieve in the game. They help people who are isolated to form friends and be a part of a community. Specify your topic, deadline, number of pages and other requirements. Methodology, having producing an outline of contents and chapter three. We provide our clients with original and well-structured essays according to their requirements and academic standards. Free Essays from Bartleby | April 15 Video Games Addiction in Asia For the past decades, video games have been accessible to varied kinds of groups all over. Hello, I'm Jordan I plan on making long, entertaining video essays about your favourite video games. Wendy Rieger is a prominent American television journalist, who has made a name for herself in the industry. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. Bad communications lead to conflict. There are adverse health issues after addiction of video games. If he does not get to play the game, he starts getting restless. We will write a custom Essay on Online Video Games Addiction specifically for you. Make sure your essay is plagiarism-free or hire a writer to get a unique paper crafted to your needs. (2020). This addiction has been noticed even between adults and that might be quite dangerous, one could lose job or even family just because of computer games. Addiction can also result in paranoia and anxiety if excessive time is spent playing intense games. When parents deprive a child of the freedom to play video games, the child who has an addiction to video games tends to throw extreme temper tantrums, which can lead to severe emotional conflicts between parents and children. Bavelier, D. (2019). They also sometimes end up attacking family members if the game happens to be cut short or if they are asked to leave the game to tend to their other duties for some time. Euthanasia, or assisted suicide, is a highly debated topic that raises numerous ethical, moral, and legal questions. Video Game Addiction harms us physically and mentally. According to the 2020 report that came out by LimeLight, Germany is in the lead with the most missed meals, while Singapore comes first in missing sleep (Limelight Networks, 2020). Do violent video games have a redeeming social. Benefits and Consequences of Video Gaming. One should spend more time with ones friends, in best case outdoors. This is unquestionably true, yet playing video games has also been shown to decrease some cognitive brain functions. Order Today. Many of these videos are available for free download. Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. Read Full Paper . In conclusion, video games are one of the most popular things to cause addiction, which has an adverse impact on various things in psychological and sociological contexts. Video Game Releases of March 2023 - Neither Hot, Nor Cold. Regardless of the severity of the addiction, many of the same effects will be experienced by all. An individual may be unaware of the game's effects until a substantial damage has been done to his or her life. Egli, A., & Meyers, L. S. (2013). a reward system governs the way our brain feels when we do something. Essays on Video Game Addiction 1 sample on this topic The range of written assignments you might be tasked with while studying Video Game Addiction is stunning. Society doesn't need more video game addicts. Out patent programs give patients more freedom whereby they are allowed to go home, allowing them to be committed to their work, friends, and school. Most of the children and adolescents have little to no self-control; that is why they are more prone to fall into mental isolation. Introduction A. Gaming addiction not only affects their health but also their studies. Our support team is available anywhere in the world! Fortunately, rehab centers for this addiction also exist so that people who seek help can go back to having a normal life. Resulting in one parent handling all the load of the house, which is extremely stressful and challenging. It is shown that most game addicts display signs of emotional distress and mental distance when they are not able to play (Braun, Stopfer, Mller, Beutel, & Egloff, 2016). The more fresh air the better for ones health and it will help to forget about this serious addiction. They are socially separated from people and at the same time they do not want to attend any social event. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. With a lack of routine in the outside world, it can have significant physical consequences. Inadequate sleep is harmful to their overall health. Functioning refers to the ability to allocate mental capacity to individuals. Too much indulgence into anything or work leads to addiction. While all these are true, if applied to a violent video game, these findings can be catastrophic. It is not just the youngsters playing big games on the computer but adults are also involved. They also help people wind down and relax after a stressful day at work. An excellent price as well. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse, 233-241. It can lead to a break in relationships as well. Those who are addicted end up playing video games for multiple hours at a stretch without taking a break except for something necessary. . Video Game Addiction. Game addiction certainly is a bad addict. It is known as an irresistible use of video games that promotes significant imbalance in the various life realms over a long period of time. To detect video game addiction, parents should be vigilant and look into common behavioral patterns that are displayed during gaming addiction. He keeps playing games all the time without thinking about himself and the works. So they spend much time in the artificial world of games more than the outside world. Chiu, Lee, and Huang suggest parents take much part in the lives of their children and make an attempt to decide this problem in the way of developing their worldview and improving skills needed for self-realization. They negatively impact a child's education as children tend to waste most of their time on video games. Playing sports is energy put to good use. More involvement in playing game increases the tension in a persons personal life and relationships. Not only does exercise help the internal organs but it also increases strength and stamina. However, Jean Twenge, a psychology professor from San Diego State University, states that the time spent playing video games should not exceed two hours a day (Rossman, 2017). I am really satisfied with her work. However, when games are played in moderation and with mindfulness, they are a viable source of stress relief as well as a catalyst for mental health improvement and development of social skills. Apart from this, due to the addiction of the game, children remain deprive of sleep late nights and cant sleep for the recommended hours of sleep. Chiu, Shao-I, et al. There are some symptoms of gaming addiction like spending most of the time playing games and its impact on studies, jobs and relationships etc. Although gaming addiction is a new word, there is no difference between it and other addictions. The lack of encouragement from parents when it comes to sports needs to be cut down. 1. He wants to spend as much time playing games as he can. Need urgent help with your paper? (1) $1.79. Children who play games tend to talk less to the people around them and in this way they get lonely because they spend most of their time at home with their gadgets. Parents need to take control of the situation by monitoring the current amount of time the child is playing games, and reducing the time through close supervision and scheduled time for playing. Take basketball for instants I personally think its one of the easiest sports besides football. They begin to copy a behavioral manner of game characters that commonly includes violence, committing crimes, etc. The helplessness a parent can feel in the face of dealing with their child's gaming addiction is entirely reasonable, and they should take action immediately and seek professional help. Retrieved from, Hire skilled expert and get original paper in 3+ hours, Run a free check or have your essay done for you, Didn`t find the right sample? Sitting and talking and playing with family are good methods to keep distance from video games. 5.0. Get expert help in mere 10 minutes with: Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title (2020, Aug 10). number: 206095338, E-mail us: The inclination of such children is mostly on negative models. Background: Over the last ten years, the video game industry has grown exponentially, involving about 2.5 billion young adults in the world. Younger children and older people may get addicted to it. Throughout her career, she has won several accolades and awards for her exceptional work in journalism. Every individual has the need to feel like they are a valuable part of society, and gamers help and change their community by playing video games, which makes them feel like part of something important. One of the main debates surrounding video games is whether or not they cause violence or behavioural problems. Carolina Hernandez Do Violent Video Games Cause Violence In Children? 2023 - All rights reserved. This is especially true for role-playing games where the player can customize their character and interact with others. 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Effects ofVideo Game Addiction on Children. This means that there must be some self-control when gaming, not to let it consume a persons life. Some of the major negative effects of playing video games are discussed below: 1. However, boys played almost two times the amount of hours as girls. As an American citizen, I honor the flag because it represents the sacrifices of those who have fought to defend our freedoms and the ideals that make America great. Video game addiction is also known by the term gaming disorder. But one should be very careful not to get addicted, because between addiction and cure from boredom is a very thin line. It is difficult for players to reorient themselves when they come back to the real world. According to psychologist Dr. Pooja Shivam Jaitley, once a child becomes addicted to internet gaming, then it becomes difficult for the child to live without internet. The amount of play time is also an important factor in the effects of gaming. Video Game Addiction. As unique and fun as the games are, this is also a problem that needs to be addressed. SOLUTIONS CONCLUSION Introduction Video games addiction is a new phenomenon has invaded our world and lots of people start worrying about it because what addiction to video games can cause and what it can affect.

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