james white alpha omega tattoo

I suppose such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though. 4) To that end, everything that happens to James White reflects wonderfully on him and proves his case beyond a shadow of a doubt. Pluck a man out of 1950. Salesman: Uh, I think maybe the guy who installed my countertops. And Ill forgive you and Jimmy and anyone else nonetheless. Whats happenin? I know when I first found this site, I read through a lot of the older posts, if I was interested in the topic. Does God forgive those who dont repent? What gives? Mary Kay- I dont think it will work, since the guy keeps on misusing units of logic at whim. Could a Roman Catholic representative point me to a single bishop at Nicea who believed what you believe de fide? Have you substaintiated a single accusation against me? Do you have questions about Catholicism that you want to ask Jimmy? He became Scholar-in-Residence at Apologia Church in Tempe, Arizona in 2018,[10][11] and was installed as one of the pastor/elders in 2019. Edward, His counter part goes off on rants, rages on about yyy, says why he has to be false, etc. The age of the Caliph, wherein both the mosque and the state were unified in one person, haunts Islam to this day. Yes, we must forgive people for calling James White an ignorant moronic idiot, deceiver, liar, fool, troll, stupid, just a general loser. When I first saw them on James White web site I did not think it was funny at all and was shock that he used those images to make a point. So I was finishing up my 21st conference at Covenant of Grace Church in St. Charles when I heard people talking about the coming storm. So I started looking at the weather and my travel plans. In other words, even letting you HAVE the whole text and not arguing you over it, your conclusion is still false and it doesnt neccesarily varify the Roman view. If you understand that salvation CareBear, Finally, White uses quotes when referring to Beckwiths title as a doctor. I consider the discussion way off-track with regards to the original topic of this thread. In truth the Church is too unique to prove herself unique. Esau, I beg anyone who is defending Dr. White to consider this and to realize that this is not about theology, it is simply about love. Posts are filled with illustrations of the situation that make White out ot be the devil and yet Akin seems to have clean hands. There is substantial history to back that up. Do you want a page count, or perhaps a list of sanctioned books? But he didnt. Somehow, I see visions of Wyle Coyote and a steamroller. What in the world does that have to do with anything, other than you assume Divine insufficiency? Every one of the numerous Protestant church-states have had just such a caste, and furthermore, they were always self-appointing. Whites actions dont excuse Jimmys lack of charity, but on a scale of severity Id say that Whites post was much more egregious. I dont want there to be confusion. Every month another new Bible version comes out of the Quid significat hoc verbum? Thats a weak objection. Step up and play the man. Evangelical Seminary (formerly Faraston Seminary). James White chose an approach I would not have. Box 5121 As far as the actual issue at work (come on, ignore the silly pictures), White is a real nitpicker. OK. Were mean. I was right. So some people have tried to love James White and bring him to life, and he has compared them to persons who hate and try to bring death. Islamist= radical Muslim, not to be confused with the non-murderous Muslims. Repeat what argument? Do you also REJECT all those books that the Catholic Church rejected as NOT being part of that New Testament Canon? Edward is of no real concern to me or anyone here in reality. Without it, theres no ad hominem. Quick question, can Rome tell ou who wrote Hebrews without questions? He must either make the sarcasm gentler So you should be thankful for the checks-and-balances provided by those of us outside your walls. The second that both sides have fielded very weak and odd arguments. I had a url. Are Temples Consistent with NT Christianity? But I will reveal the truth to you: Its too late to save James White. The expectation that people drop whatever theyre doing and answer The Prophecy of Ahijah[9] Read Esaus response verses, without the filter of thinking that the Catholic Church and its members are seeking glory. as radical Muslims protesting and urging beheading. The images were not speaking toward persons, and Akin was irresponsible for claiming they were. He has a gift, really. Lamech Carebear and Lane, Perhaps you think Esau is being rude to you. honestly, if your going to be consistant, you need to consistently apply that category error to Edward too, lest your obsession for White be found out. refusals by his opponents to address his unassailable points. Spent a few moments at the start of todays program looking at a clip from Sam Gipp where he says all translational decisions were finished and completed in 1611, something the KJV translators would have righty mocked. I challenge you to back up your words with evidence showing where Dr. White has always proclaim(ed) victory. I do not in any way, retract that statement. View all posts by Jimmy Akin. The 1914 Chronology of Jehovahs Witnesses, Does God Forgive the Unrepentant? Im But, all the same, I think he was right to try to end the debate or at least give White an opportunity to correct his offense and bring the conversation back to a level of civility. Thats what I couldnt quite understand I wasnt aware Wikipedia was an authoritative source in any arena, including theological debate. Huh. As awful as it is, what he did shouldnt make anyone else treat him differently. Logic? Youre so mean No, YOU are the one who indulged conspiracies and claimed that it was done to discredit Catholics. They make the divide wider, thereby reassuring those on both sides that they dont have to take seriously the other side or those on it. Dr. James R. White is a Calvinist theologian based out of Phoenix, Arizona . However, an en masse mailing would be counter-productive for at least two reasons I can think of. Im willing to bet that, once transubstantiation was defined to them, theyd say duh (well, in Latin :-D), but trying to convince them that the canon they just approved contained the entirety of Christian belief would require a bit of fast-talking. We protestants have a collective memory of the horrors of the uncritical acceptance of Romes claim to authority, and when the same mentality appears in the modern guise of civilized discourse, we can nonetheless accurately analogize it to jihad-think. Think fanatically murderous. The point of Essaus post was not to accuse White of proclaiming victory but of avoiding the weighty theological issues and just ridiculing his opponents. As one I would really like to know the answer. It seems to me that White lacks good judgment, a virtue that I learned from the Philosopher as well as Scripture. Since James White isnt an Islamist, Godwins Law doesnt apply. It doesnt hurt that much to say, I was wrong. I really am asking, seriously, how do Protestants make these determinations. No, youre assuming Im assuming that Catholic Answer is stupid and that my friend is presumptious. You should, by your own authority (since you dont acknowledge that of the Church), re-consider all the books that are currently in the bible, but also, in addition, take up all those other books that the Catholic Church rejected time and again in the Councils of Rome (382 AD), Hippo (393 AD) and Carthage (397 AD). We had considered installing blog software that would support comments, but I do not have the time to monitor such a feature to begin with, and unlike Catholic Answers, which has a multi-million dollar budget and a staff at least six or more times larger than our own, the only other staff person does not have time to mess with it either. Mr. White, April 2004. Well, OK: Im surprised that they didnt realize that someone was bound to check. Dearest Heaven Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit who resides with us now, James White does not. Now what? The reality is, these men have no *consistent* way of disambiguating , . Thus far Ive given you a run for your money so far as these pictures have been concerned, so youd probably get on that instead of just ignoring the facts and presuming to be angry. [21][22][23][24], White has written multiple books critical of Roman Catholic theology, including the books; The Roman Catholic Controversy, Mary: Another Redeemer? His pride and absolute joy is his lovely wife Jessica and their 6 children. I think his stupidity is a defense against the Truth that is the Roman Catholic Church. I appears to me that Dr. White is simply a bit challenged by Dr. Beckwiths return to the Catholic Church and has let his emotion get the best of him. Those pictured are, in fact, terrorists and not just rallying Muslims. Unfortunately, not everybody thinks as you do. They arent a few bad apples. The answer to your/Whites laundry list is in the Church Fathers, but off the top of my head, I couldnt give you a specific reference. Hmmmmm, What questions has ChurchMouse asked specifically? James White Teaches Thank you and God bless! It was supposed to be a hypothetical, as follows (changes in bold): He can think youre going to hell and still treat you as decent human beings. I hope that we can all pray for James, his walk with the Lord, and that he would embrace his Roman Catholic brothers and sisters in the Lord. Some of you choose not to read White, too bad, youre about to. I think you should read his book The Roman Catholic Controversy and see what Dr. White has to say concerning the development of doctrine. 500 posts and still no one has interacted with Dr. Whites assertions. 56 He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me: and I in him. We may point out that he is wrong in his actions, we may disagree with his theology, but we should NOT attack him personally. )to construct a remotely persuasive argument. Why would I take time out of my day to look up a debate, especially when there hasnt been the courtesy of a link provided. Edward likened some Roman Catholics to a freakshow, as James White likened some Roman Catholics blind zealots. Example: The bitterness and disdain you present with such loaded terms take away a lot of the impact your comments might otherwise have they tell all the RCs here that you have no respect for us, either as co-religionists or human beings. As for using the pictures, at least they have made people think about the meaning of charity in communicating Gospel truth. Hes lived in Phoenix since 2015 and resides from sunny (and expensive) San Diego. Not mans cooperation, but Gods sovereign control over the man. Mr Akin should debate Mr White and quit hiding behind excuses. Under current religious and political climates, it is reasonable to assume (and a fairly easy experiment to do to prove) that the context of his pictures could upset the sensitivites of many people, religious and non-religious, and so, in general, using them would not be his most effective means of communicating his frustration. What? Also, those of us in Protestantism do just say God did it as you so immaturely put it. S o, e ven though believers today are not under the Old Testament law (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:15), the fact that there was a command against tattoos should raise some questions. Admin Street2: This thread was about his humor, not his theology. Name Server: It is Augustines antithesis all over again. Finally, these photos seem to me to be on the level of what you see on supermarket tabloid covers funny despite their offensiveness, but in a way that does not reflect particularly well on their creators and sponsors. Its typically the duty of the accuser to prove guilt. Jeremiah, Yes, other than to say it was done so as to forward from jamesrwhite.org to catholic.com. If youll send me your address, I can mail you a book that explains all of this. Another example of uncharitable construction of anothers thoughts. Even between St. Clement of Alexandria, Eusebius, for example! Hmmmand his use of Romanism, etc, merely proves that he is indeed an anti-catholic by defintion even though he doesnt like that term applied to himself. In other words, he owns up to his mistakes. Its as simple as thatand the Jesuitical casuistry used to avoid that fact is almost inspiring. You can find him, as well as many from Apologia, serving on public sidewalks outside of abortion clinics and preaching the gospel publicly in multiple venues around the greater Phoenix area. Esau, It is a thing and gnostic thing were his words. Where have you been? But all your laborious pixel-squirting has failed to obscure the fact White made a hideously stupid comparison. Jesus answer separated the two concepts, much to the benefit of lost humanity. White rips Beckwith, ignoring the likelihood that someones thoughts on a topic may change over time. Hah! Isnt it a deception to use the url http://www.jamesrwhite.org to connect to Catholic Answers? For that matter WHY would someone go through the bother?. I give up. every religious leader (they aren't Biblical Christians) who teach Lordship 18:17). A. James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. redefine repentance to mean a Saying something is true doesnt make it true. if asked specifically.) I mean, what do you tell people who stumble onto the site looking for theological answers who have never heard of James White? We have been sucked into it because White needed something else to direct his attention to. Simply Amazing. thread on this blog, merely pretending that they didnt know about it, asking so innocently why such a website existed with the purpose of sending its visitors to Catholic Answers. Boor. _D_R_A_M_A_ _Q_U_E_E_N_. Assembly of God preacher from New York on the I have no doubt that many believe, truly believe, one way, and others another. MY HEAD HURTS. Why dont the reasonable people on this site and Im sure there are many just say that such conspiracy theories are plainly silly and do what Dale did? It says CY has only 426. We deserve the Klan. How can you make the claim that you havnt seen anything substaintiating Sola Scriptura when you WONT read anything substaintiating it? The Calvinist Club, Sola Scriptura, Purgatory, Purgatory: 1 Corinthians 3 and Tim Staples, Art Sippo on 1 Corinthians 3 and Purgatory, Called to Cyprian Responding to Anders Historical Error, The Audio for the Marian Dogmas Debate has been Posted, Top Ten Reasons NOT to Join the Roman Catholic Church. Is that the same as being a liar to you? Not always edifying, but it sure had its moments. Heh, hehin a funny way, hes doing the kind of thing that Jesuits have been accused of It was silly and unworthy to posit White as some goofball imam. Speaking of which, I sincerely hope thats not the Ella I know. I just want to be the 615 th in Com Box, I really cant believe that there over 600 comments on this post. I dont care enough to count. Fallacious though that may sound. Isnt that a littleobsessive? The nature of canon (mediated) in regard to inspiration is vital to properly understanding the historic canon process. (CatholicWayne). Again, instead of focusing on this trent fiasco why doent Jimmy Akin (since he probably is better equiped at dealing with issues white, some of the ones i mentioned in my post above.) That doesnt mean I refuse to read it (or excerpts of it). Humbly, I remain your servant, your brother and your fellow seeker of Gods mercy, Hope that counts for something. Thats important. He (Dr Beckwith) repeatedly (two out of three aint bad) left his readers/listeners with the distinct impression that he had not read Trent until recently and insulted his former Lutheran professors by indicating they had led him to expect: to read this sort of horrible document, you know, requiring people to stick pins in their eyes, you know, and flagellate themselves, you know, However, the spirit behind what such a peson has said is not something I should ever reject, for it is the spirit of obedience to Christ and of a true love of neighbor. The floral patterns are surrounding the combined alpha and omega motif which is further surrounded by a lovely golden frame. And by "it," I mean two things: First, his mind, and second, the debate. You are not in a position to offer any sort of informed criticism. I suppose I should brush up on my regulations though, that or Mr. Akin should deal with the issues. Honestly. I recall someone saying the best example of a Catholic Apologist. Besides, Bills right that its a hijack attempt. But the seed is planted I do not believe that adherents of You are diving into a tangent. 3. LOL. Where? Remember the last time you *actually* did not know whether to laugh or cry? He (Dr Beckwith) repeatedly (two out of three aint bad) left his readers/listeners with the distinct impression that he had not read Trent until recently and insulted his former Lutheran professors by indicating they had led him to expect: to read this sort of horrible document, you know, requiring people to stick pins in their eyes, you know, and flagellate themselves, you know, Theres too much going on in my life tonight to focus. If someone wishes to call me a disciple of White in any sense, he or she needs to realize that such is an ad hominem retort and not worth the electrons it took to display it, when it comes to the arena of critical dialogue. The poster in question had to go down the entire page in order to post a reply; he mischaracterized a large number of posts in order to make his point, which is that he believes the indignation is too thick, and disagrees with the entire point of the post. 54 He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day. His blog posts however are invective. The original post goes to Whites moronic photoshops, which is all Ive focused on. Also: Out of your long post, I found the following nugget of gold that cuts through everything else here and goes to the heart of the matter. By that logic, I have a relationship of some form with Mr. Spock Ive been a fan for years, and have put up posts about him. When did you authoritatively establish what His revelation is? Im waiting. Does Belief in the Trinity Necessitate Polytheism? According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, inspiration is a supernatural fact, known only to God and probably to the inspired writer. I hope that helps. Jimmy, when you take stupid things seriously, you yourself look stupid. White then argues that the clarity of the Canon (mediated) is not dependant upon human beings, councils etc. Its all mathematical! That after I twice said that if you have questions, just ask them. How about you summarize it for me, so I at least have something to work with, instead of just rewriting what I said and ignoring the willingness to hear the arguments, if not through reading the actual book in the next 5 minutes. Could Mary/Foxfire actually be right all along??? Oh, and Daisy, while I appreciate the Biblical quotes, you really need to do two things: What Mr. Greydanus said. We deserve it because in the end, or even in the next millennium, none of this is going to matter in the least. Since the Witnesses are heading back out and going door to door, lets be ready! Lets step back and take a look at ourselves and make sure were doing it right in Gods eyes. If you are wrong about Sola Scriptura, then you are in a state of rebellion against Jesus Christ. Whew, that's good stuff!!! I surmised that much. My favourite example of the argument, courtesy Philip Pullmans interview with Third Way Magazine. Esau, I cannot speak to Jimmys motives, but in my opinion the outrage is convenient in that it allows a clean break while simultaneously indicting James White. Barry- youre really grasping at straws. Have you even seen the posts from the Pro-White supporters? Esua, Other than to say it was done to discredit Catholics as simple as thatand the Jesuitical casuistry used to that! Claim that you havnt seen anything substaintiating it no * consistent * way of disambiguating, right its! Inspired writer discredit Catholics theological debate a tangent by those of us in do. 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