panacur c for humans

and any other product that works to rid rope worms? Below is the YouTube link I was talking about. Best, Very kind of you. Veterinarians also recommend it for other parasites. Please accept my belated condolences on your wife’s departure from this earthly world. I’ve been wanting to start Joe’s protocol and have already been taking the turmeric and CBD for a year now since my diagnosis. adopting a metronomic metabolic anti-cancer treatment strategy. Warmly, ( This could be a fun one to try out. Stronger angio-genesis inhibitor is Thalidomide, also discussed on my website, but I think it’s much easier to start with Mebendazole of fenbendazole. In my view this is like a lottery ticket. When dealing with cancer, I would not rely on Fenbendazole only. I … On the other hand they are a very good option in Oncotermia. Consult your veterinarian for help in the diagnosis, treatment, and control of parasitism. We tested his CA 19-9 levels after surgery and before starting anything (19 Aug) which was 3469. Thanks a lot for your very kind words and wishes dear Johan! Is there a risk to fuel cancer with vitamins ? If after a few months I would see no response, I would stop using it. Panacur C may be one of the medicines you can obtain easily. I would also be careful with DMSO to mix it with water in order to reduce it’s concentration (in case that is >70%). I was also wondering if we should consider cycling or the concurrent use of Menbendazole, or some other anthelmintic that might be more effective for MBC? One syringe will deworm a 1,100 lb horse. Panacur Treatment Alternatives. Note that this is relatively old info (from 2016) so prices and outcomes may be different at this point. Going back to Dr Schwartz, I really appreciated him humanly. here, the major action of Fenbendazole against cancer is expected to be via microtuble dynamics inhibition. Would it be for six weeks? Hi Sam, I also gave Buddy 1 Vitamin E (400 IU) pill squeezed in his food. I am anxious to start my brother on Mebendazole since he has hepatitis B. Sometimes I contact people after years of not being in touch, to see how they are. Regardless of the band, I would also try to add some fats in order to increase the chance for absorption (this type of drugs is not so well absorbed as also discussed in the post on Mebendazole). Leucovorin, Fluorouracil,Oxaliplatin,Irinotecan. chemotherapy is often merely another metabolic approach. I’m also warry of counterproductive interactions. We are also taking a lot of the supplements that has been suggested like Aswaganda, Quercetin, milk thistle, and Turkey tail mushrooms. There are so many things to say and it all depends on what are the next steps that you are considering, on your financial capabilities to go to clinics or even better have intravenous treatments at home, and on the type of treatment approach you will take, i.e. Please let us know if the tea helps. Here are some quotes from a private discussion I had with a Dr. on this subjects including some info that may be relevant: “Also, there is a Dr Rigdon Lentz in Prien, Germany who developed a special immunopheresis instrument to filter a blocking agent out of the blood. Nevertheless, it doesn’t have to be made perfectly soluble. Hello Daniel. My heart is aching so much for you and your doggy. Hi all, thank you in advance for your wisdom and research. Again many thanks, Dear [email protected], responding: 7/18/20 at 6:08 AM If there are other questions, please let me know. P063. The best way to mix solutions is with a magnetic stirrer like this: Proline Best to you! High Strength So, I spent hours to looking for. And a low dose statin (optional). A better autophagy inhibitor we discussed on this website for many years is Tetrandrine, which is also a drug found in China that is suggested to be combine with e.g. Fair question indeed. Any input or advice is greatly appreciated. I understand the challenge. Wäre es ein Versuch Wert es mit Cimetidin zu versuchen? Thanks, Billy, RE: Brain Metastases Completely Disappear in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using Hydrogen Gas Inhalation: A Case Report. In this comment section someone also claimed a recovery by FB but when Daniel asked a few questions there never was a reply. I would like to try taking Fenbendazole if it will benefit my illness. My oncologist is planning to having me on Xeloda until it will stop working and then going back again to the 5 fluoroacil infusion, something that I don’t want to do, that is why I am thinking to take the febendazol to help my markers going down, you should look in to oxibendazole and parbendazole as well:, Interesting case report: AB091. We will be praying for the best for you too! I have read that specific enzymes in the liver are needed to metabolize the drug, specifically CYP2J2 and CYP2C19. If it’s an inhibitor, there shoudl not be a major issue as long as the dose of the drug/supplement is increased step by step. Harley the boxer (below) was one of the first dogs to be treated. Next to this I would also add Mebnedazole or Fenbenadzole as angiogenesis inhibitors. Another idea to increase bio-availability could be to mix the tablet (converted in powder) with oil. That filler is a combination of milk sugar, cornstarch and calcium. Thank you again. A scan one year ago showed no evidence of disease, but a recent scan now shows new (but still small) metastasis to the brain, along with several other small metastasis in the liver, abdomen, and bones. In this case, I would focus on higher doses of supplements, such as those discussed by Johan. Kidney Cancer (they just lopped off part of kidney) cells found on Pancreas (Radiation treatment) and then now lungs (Immunomodulation Therapy only as Chemo pills made him sick). I just came across this paper suggesting that combo of mithocondria and glycolisis help to normalize T cell metabolism in lupus Thank you for your interest in my herbal tea. E as it may increase bleeding risk. In my view, Mebendazole and/or Fenbendazole can be started immediately. Die ist bei niclosamid sehr schlecht. Thank you. Thanks again, If you’re still reading these comments I have an important question about. Adenocarcinoma is tumour type. – fermentation inhibitors or pH modulators + On vectibix and Irinotecan plus 5-fu. Silver has been used medicinally for thousands of years (the thousand year rule again! Do not deworm a dog or puppy that is sick. Your supplements + aspirin are all good in my view. I would not rely on these alone and make sure I would use other treatment options as well. I also would like to know if I spread out the amount I take (I am 60 kg, so 300mg / 0.3 grams) over the day, or take 300mg all at once…. Nie chcemy chemii i biopsji. Authophagy can indeed have both pro or anti-cancer effects. You are very welcome. This community needs scientist like you for many years to come. That means that if the packet of 4g granule has inside ~888mg Fenbendazole, that can indeed be split in to 4 parts, and each part taken/day. I would like to cut off all cancer metabolic pathways whilst sticking to the Fenben protocol. Leave aside the Mebendazole as I will stick to the Fenbendazole. Hi Daniel Aber warum sollte es mit Niclosamide zusammen nicht funktionieren? Have you seen anyone in on your site experienced liver problems due to MBZ? JConnon, Jconnon, here is a pancreatic patient on forum who has what seems to have been a dramatic treatment response Sorry for my bad English…. d).” wiki, “A current is applied until the metal content of the water measures 0.09-0.15 ppm using a water. Co mnie trochę zaniepokoiło. I have triple positive metastatic breast cancer and I have been using fenben since April 2019, so now I am a little bit freaked out. Are you still hormone-sensitive? Are there any metabolics I can add to her Fenbendazole protocol? My wife was diagnosed with bile duct cancer with no stage (and still no stage) stemming from a gall bladder rupture. Although in B-cell lymphoma, thsi is a nice example of the potential of Doxy – Shutting down the energy supply of Cancer Thanks for understanding. Nie wykonaliśmy biopsji . Thanks, For more ideas on Lymphoma, use the search option on this website The drawback is related to the fact that a higher dose may be required to do the job while Diclofenac could come with side effects. So from a mechanism point of view I don’t see any reason why they should not be combined. – Please read the posts here @daniel I have read the study that you attached and I’m little bit confused. I would think that since it starves cancer cells, it would work for any type of cancer. However, I do not agree with various aspects from her technical statements. Thank you so much for reading. It can also be found as whole plant supplement but the extract (Baicalenin and not Baicalin) it’s best. First off, how do we know if TGFB is a tumor promoter or a tumor suppresser? Thank you for trying. Emma. But, they are still there and so concerned about them. And it is not only that the mechanisms that are similar, but also the drugs that affects parasites/viruses and cancer are similar. It’s role depends on the treatment strategy. Can I give him Panacur C along with his ongoing treatment? All the required information is discussed in the article above. Just below, a study : taxol and beta-tubulin ; it gives me great hope if Fenben has affinity for beta-tubulin, LOL. Urinary excretion is not a major path of clearance from the body. 2 million before Tippens switched to a $5 a week medicine that saved his life. Do you think it’s an error to take vitamins exactly as the mice ? Doubly interesting was the fact that the use of vitamins AND fenbendazole had a better effect than vitamins alone, fenbendazole alone, or the control group. 2. Mebendazole and Fenbendazole So nicely said: a patient revolution. Thanks to Daniel for his dedication. Thank you so very much for your response! However, we have to realise that increasing the blood level of drugs may also come with side effects. WE ARE UNABLE TO PURCHASE PANACUR AS SUPPLY ISOUT EVERYWHERE WE TRY. paclitaxel protein-bound 175mg 1per week As “miscellaneous” I would add Silver Solution as discussed here. Several of our friends quickly died during the implementation of hospital treatment in lung cancer. But we should be careful not to judge the fireman trying to stop the fire. Can you please tell me the statistics for riding humans of parasites’ using Fenbendozole? Should I wait until my white blood count improves and then take fenbendazole? Asking payment for coaching could be another way, but I want to avoid this as much as I can. Given that is offers good protection for the organs and when taken orally and in moderate dose should not have strong antioxidant actions, I would continue to take it. I am not sure what is the condition of her liver but in general these kind of drugs (like Fenbendazole and Mebendazole), at normal dose, have a minimal toxicity on the liver. Can you please tell all of us on this forum, because I can’t be the only person wondering ~. Best, Does anyone have any knowledge they could share? Anti-d... RE: Novel Combination Therapy --- overcome mTOR drug resistance in AML, @daniel (and we don’t even know all of them) It’s important that patients focus on specific treatment strategies instead of trying to address all. 1) where do I find the product? In 2010 the vaccine, now known as ONCEPT TM, became the first cancer vaccine to be approved in the United States. For example, from micro environment (fibroblasts), Glycogen stores, just to mention a few. His CA levels came down from 12000 to 9000. I’d like to point out that the main group discussing fenbendazole use for cancer is actually Joe Tippens’s Facebook group, “”. The admins of those groups purposely ignore and turn a blind eye to those people who make posts of tumor progression while on Fenbendazole. 3. All the best to you and your dear wife and a great New Year! But Joe Tippen’s protocol calls for Curcumin and Curcumin inhibits IL-8. My Father-in-law was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma earlier this year and then relapsed after 3 cycles of chemo (CHOP). Panacur C treats all 4 major intestinal parasites in dogs. Did you have a chance to find additional information? – I would strongly consider an intensive strategy focused on inhibiting glycolisis and would probably not use mitochondria inhibitors with the exception of Metformin (which I would specifically use to slow down growth) then repeats. Crystal. Nutlin could inhibit MDM2 and activate P53, while Oxaliplatin seems to activate P53 even if MLH1 is silenced. And I believe the length of time, Joe Tippens, talks about his taking it with successful results was approximately 12 weeks. Understanding cancer from a metabolic perspective might be of great benefit to you. This is also the reason why there are very limited side effects. If so could this lead to some major issues? Thank you, I see you are extremely patient repeating information, extremely versed in information, and extremely kind. Conclusion. I found liquid FenbendAZOLE for goats, from Merck, as safe guard brand. Indeed, that leads to a relatively low dose. Then, by trial and error, they determined that the related drug mebendazole—which has been used for the last 60 years to treat parasites in the human gastrointestinal tract—might also hold potential for stalling glioblastoma. Duze dawki wit c do 10 g na dobę But he said absolutely nothing to me about these unconventional tests ; he was just looking for traditional solutions validated by the Council of the medical Profession : chemos, only chemos. 5. This becomes a problem when you try to mix it with oil as a topical or suppository, as the Fenbendazole is oil soluble and the balance of the filler is water soluble. Cancer treatment is always the Warburg effect and metabolic medicine! I took into account what you were saying and added Griseofulvin (500) to Fenbendazole (250) (ovarian cancer stage IV since 2014; chemos, surgeries, targeted therapies, etc. I will be ordering Berberine, Milk thistle, Quercetin and Baicalein. Retinoic Acids in the Treatment of Most Lethal Solid Cancers, 7. (it’s what you wrote here. I would have to agree with johan on this point. I would be very appreciate of your thoughts. 5. I see them with every bowl movement and the toilet is filled with them after each coffee enema. One of the best ways to treat these worms in dogs is wit… Hi Crystal, No genetic abnormalities found in gene testing. If you’re not even in the state of CO, perhaps his office might be able to refer you to someone near where you live for the same type of care he offers which he refers to as, Functional Integrative Medicine. Here is a reference from the blog post above on Fenbendazole: When I see all this coherence, I think it would make sense to write it down in a book. Last Updated: August 27, 2020. And many stage 4 cancers tend to use this pathway too from what I can see. I denied a chemotherapy. Milk Quail/ Blessed Thistle/ Desmodium/ Oregano/ Sorrel/ Elderberry/ Red Clover. I will let you know if I have new info from Dr. Lentz. This would be cancelled-out by the anti-oxidant action of Vit E. So as you can see, there are mechanisms suggesting that the combo of Niclosamide with Vit C works well, and other mechanisms suggesting that we should not combine the two. Shanti. Indeed, this is a high dose that was proposed by Simon Yo, MD. But I see that Germany has it, just that you need to order with prescription, The above is an example of a pharmacy in Germany but here are more that may have it: Liebe Grüsse I am sure the intentions of Jane are very good but this is why I do not agree with the concept. . most of the treatments discussed here are relevant for most of the cancers, including basal cell. I haven’t seen this one before. Thank you so much! I’m very aware of the high recurrence rate. My big beautiful goldendoodle had Stage 4 lymphosarcoma. hey If someone had parasites and their immune system was overreacting for that reason, it may be more appropriate. I wonder if you are aware of the Joe’s therapy efficacy without Vit. On your site, for the first time, I read warnings and precisions. Years ago, I used to buy many of my drugs here Because it’s the easiest think to do. Raymond. When it is combined with CBD Oil, Turmeric, and Vitamin E, it has a reputation, both scientific and across the internet for dissolving cancers not only in cats and dogs, but also in humans! The Lung is early stage and he is doing Immunomodulation Therapy that has shrunk the lung tumor since May 2019. I am currently on the 2nd line TKI: Capmatinib (INC280) to treat MET exon 14. Hi Cheers, That is a good question, but I’m afraid it is one that only Joe can answer! Please share with us the doses you are using or planning to use and we can share our view on that. As you well said, the challenge with drugs such as Fenbendazole is the low absorption in the body. I forgot to mention that I have an enormous amount of rope worm in intestines. $16.23 $ 16. The cancer is chronic disease that takes more than several years until it is completely cured. I did order the Panacur C, but it wont be arriving till 10-5. . Reducing fat in the diet may also help and picking up some ingredients from anti cholesterol strategy may also help I would specifically pick up HCA from this. Regarding the vitamins, if possible I would use them if not, I would still expect potential for effectiveness of Fenbendazole. Could you please let me know what is the immunotherapy that your dad is using? Development to extend Panacur C for cancer is still on progress. Dear Barraz, although Astragalus has antioxidant properties, on my scale it’s a moderate antioxidant. 2. She’s been through 3 lines of chemo to no avail and her prognosis right now is dismal, her BC was originally estrogen+ but the liver mets are TNBC. 2. tell you that we are the same age: D. Thanks a lot Manu. December 19, 2020. Alternatively we can simply think of it as it relates especially to mitochondria and the most primitive of all energy production glycolysis. So I would indeed try it with or without fenbendazole, but probably not powder but fresh papaya seeds. for all the cancer fighting warriors and their families, with you best of luck and God bless. As I was writing in an earlier comment, I think its a good idea for any cancer patient to do some cycles from time to time with anti parasites and antiviral medication/supplements, such as Fenbendazole, Mebendazole, Artemisinin, Ivermectin, etc, Cycles with antibiotics such as Doxycycline may be good, specifically in case of lymphomas but I would use only for active disease. It’s … Panacur® C (fenbendazole) helps treat hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, and whipworms in dogs. I find immunopheresys very interesting, and Dr. Lentz seemed to be a very kind doctor. – or they can buy from online pharmacies sending from countries where this is allowed. I would like your opinion on this if you get a chance please do reply. As alternative, you can also order it via online with affordable price. I’ve been on a neverending quest to create a list of supplements that may effect each other, as well as medications. I know there are some discussions about the best choice of Vitamin E, I’ve seen it’s a controversial supplement. Thank you, Vitamin E ist ja ein starkes antioxidants. Proline According to the European Medicines Agency, humans can tolerate a specific dose of Fenbendazole. Nobody can say 100% if that would be of real help, so you need to see what you feel its right to do. I know that is a lot of work but could generate income for your other projects. Thank you for all the useful information on prostate cancer. He used antibodies made in rabbits as the filter.”. from an anti-metabolic approach. Aside from that, it says in the article that Fenbendazole induces cytochromes p450 which is a family of enzymes that contain heme(IRON) as a cofactor. I would only buy it from a drug manufacturing company. Treating the tumor with the device is painful and my wife does not like it as her pain threshold is very low. Serif Mert. ” Drug interactions may occur if salicylanilides such as dibromsalan and niclosamide are co-administered. I don’t want to be responsible for someone else’s life if I don’t mention the risk part of Fenbendazole, even if that risk is miniscule. I’m in Adelaide, where could i get the Fenbendazole? Or start with a lower dose and work up to a gram? It is available as 1Gm, 2Gm and 4Gm powder packets. Thank you, I understand that it’s difficult to you, and I don’t want to embarrass you. They are many who started selling Fenbendazole last year. We have implemented as many of your suggestions as possible with several more supplements on order. Panacure C is just a brand name for Fenbendazole. 3. What doze would you recommend me to take and how long? This is consistent with the highly encouraging results from the Turkish clinic with a pancreatic patient series. Andre. There are a lot of anecdotal reports on this treatment approach, but having now a case report published by a US conventional Cancer Center is great. I do know that incidence of cancer is largely reduced when Glutathion remains high in the body. This is a very good question. I am so sorry to hear about your bothers health challenges and hope you will find the way to success. All this time 9 months now my blood as been stable in a range (wbc 1.1-1.9); RBC (3.0-3.6) and platelets (65-130). Thanks for sharing this blog. Thank you for your comment. Mostly, the dog owners use it when their pets have worm issue. Pitavastatin may raise Calcium blood levels in my wife who has hypercalcemia (very high level of calcium in her blood), so may need to avoid this. Shanti, I just wish pharma would invest money into the research of FBZ in regards to cancer but I’m doubtful of that ever happening. 2) I would probably buy enough for e.g. Usually it is taken 800mg/day (400 morning and 400 evening). To improve radiotheraphy, I would consider this strategy, Wow, thank you very much dear Daniel! With the silver nanoparticles, ppm is a fairly awkward What might be the best way to balance absorbability and metabolism of Fenbendazole? While most of them may have some indirect angiogenesis inhibition (specifically Mebendazole), in my view these are not very strong angio-genesis inhibitors. Thank you, But could be wrong.. Hi- It is a good question, it is always important to ask when we have doubts, especially on such a critical topic as cancer. Johan mentioned an article on Maitake beta Glucan I’ve been using beta 1,3D Glucan at 1500mg to 2000 mg daily for 6 months but no idea what it’s made from and find no source of Maitake beta Glucan or is it two things I need to use? my question is: In case this is an adrenal tumor the approach could be totally different. Based on instructions, it is capable to get rid of... Panacur c for cancer. ), Hello Daniel, hello everyone. Stubborn infection that went on for years and now it doesn’t seem to want to leave with Flagyl (go to antiparasitic for giardia and also possibly losing some potency to it). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I will decide next week. Why had I not seen it ? The point is that if you feel you want to combine the two, there is also literature supporting that the combo could be better than one alone. Because of the angle we take here to look at cancer (e.g. Https: // I need to check again, but I think I know a women who used it alone (without Vit e) and could see results. Would the Metformin, Atorvastatin, Doxycycline not contra-indict the efficacy of the Fenbendazole protocol? If anyone is using the Fenbendazole protocol, I have a unsealed bottle of 30 softgel (Gelatine caps) full spectrum CBD capsules at 25mg per capsule to give away free as I have a tincture source that works better for us. There is unlimited free access to a nurse for any questions that come up between consults. I have previously looked at the referenced post. Also, what supplement or OTC drug would you suggest to replace Vit. 5. Amazing blog. What more can be done in such a situation? 2. We have since stopped the Fenbendazole. If you’re aware of this, could you please direct me to more information on this topic. Thank you for your comment. to add to my last comment see the last few sentences here We commissioned the CEA marker – standard This small trial indicated that it may not be necessary to continue with 1st line ADT such as Lupron while on Zytiga: Your Mom is ER+ like you mentioned and if her Cannabis oil is not at this ratio then this can explain the progression of disease. Assuming that all Fenbendazole and Vitamin combinations are working against HIF as suggested in the paper at the link you added above, we could reproduce the anti cancer effect with various HIF inhibitors. 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