java code review checklist with example

Specification / Design [ ] Is the functionality described in the specification fully implemented by the code? Download this checklist for reviewing Java code and you'll be on your way to better programs and happier clients. Adhere to DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and SOLID principle. Presence and implementation of non functional requirements like archiving, auditing, and purging data and application monitoring where required. People uses a printable checklist to help them ensure that they don’t forget something. Functions should not take too many input parameters. Could this have been written differently?, etc. When I have been looking everywhere not met, but in this blog I have finally found free. Checkstyle. The contents in this Java-Success are copyrighted and from EmpoweringTech pty ltd. of the repetitive code? When performing a lot of operations on the String, use StringBuilder or StringBuffer. Use proper logging frameworks like slf4j and logback for logging. Example: `khmer.ReadAligner` - [ ] Deallocator defined and cast to `(destructor)` in tp_dealloc - [ ] The object's deallocator must be `Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_free((PyObject*)obj);` - [ ] Do _not_ define a `tp_getattr` - [ ] BONUS: write … An article about why code review is necessary and effective, and a sample code-review checklist for coders to review and alter for their specific needs. For example: "Table'Name" Identify sources of “trusted” information and ensure that if the source is taken on trust, all the routines that are able to write to it uphold that trust. * Gets the user for specified code and role. Use static code review tools like Sonar, PMD, and FindBugs to review the code. Built on Forem — the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. Java Inspection Checklist, Page 3 13. Java won't optimize anything in these cases because you're adding the person object to a list, so its not a short lived object. Don’t preserve or create variables that you don’t use again. Are there variables or attributes with confusingly similar names? Studienergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass eine Review von 200 bis 400 Zeilen Code in 60 bis 90 Minuten die besten Ergebnisse erzielt. String in Java 60. By following this tutorial (updated and revised for Java 10) to the end, you will be able to master the List collection in Java. Write thread-safe code with proper synchronization and use of immutable objects. You have source control for the history. evaluateLeaveLoading(String customerCode), etc. The main idea of this article is to give straightforward and crystal clear review points for code revi… A simple checklist — a place to start your secure code review. Ensure that the unit tests are written properly. I didn't give it much thought. It … This is one of the benefits of volunteering to review code via open-source project contribution. In number 16 I would just add a default case to every switch case for enums, it is a good practice and helps developers when they add a new value to the enum. 5. For example, Java creates a new String object for every concatenation operation. Why was it done this way? Initialization and Declarations [ ] Are all local and global variables initialized before use? For example, the Java String class is immutable and declared as final. Java Code Inspection Checklist 1. Sensitive information like password must be encrypted. So, as a general practice, always do a null check on a variable before any operation. Code Review Bundle contains two separate tools: Review Assistant and Code Compare.Code Compare adds value to Review Assistant when tools are used together.Review Assistant is a code review plugin for Visual Studio. Thanks @pedroduarten9 I agree with you on both points. This paper gives the details of the inspections to perform on the Java/J2EE source code. if anything missing please comment here. How would you go about evaluating code quality of others’ work? Second rule is that it should be smaller. Code reviews are classless: being the most senior person on the team does not imply that your code does not need review. Good: List names = new ArrayList(); Mechanical Engineer to self-taught Java freelancer within 3 years. Java Enum 57. Sr. Code Review Questions 1. Without further ado... Let's go through it... We know NullPointerException is the most common exception in Java and can cause big problems. However, I've updated it to Java already. I still don't get what you're trying to show here. Declare the variables with the smallest possible scope. 3. Thanks for pointing it out. Regarding the number 17, I feel like the example looks not very valid eventhough the point is valid. The best way to ensure that your code reviews are as simple and effective as possible is to create a code review checklist that covers everything that you have agreed is important to ensure the maintainability of your code. Use white-spaces to separate combined statements to make code more readable. As you say - comments are really useful in very specific cases. In general, if you can't find anything specific to point out, either the code is perfect (almost never true) or you missed something. 14. See other posts from the series. Are the Java class libraries used where and when appropriate? Externalize configuration data in a .properties file. calculateGst(BigDecimal amount),, etc. Java Inspection Checklist. This Java code review checklist is not only useful during code reviews, but also to answer an important Java job interview question. Return an empty collection or throw an exception as opposed to returning a null. Remove console print Statements (SOPs), use logging instead (never log personal information), Use the @deprecated Don’t write unit tests for the sake of writing one. do not think so because Java Code Review Checklist PDF Download This limited edition. The `tp_name` filed is a dotted name with both the module name and the name of the type within the module. So, as a general practice, always do a null check on a variable before any operation. It the usage will always be in regards to a single class (or within a single class) then put the constants in that class. I'll update the article to mitigate this confusion. This code review checklist also helps the code reviewers and software developers (during self code review) to gain expertise in the code review process, as these points are easy to remember and follow during the code review process. The purpose of this article is to propose an ideal and simple checklist that can be used for code review for most languages. For one thing, checklists also serve to ensure that the same level and type of scrutiny is brought to each author’s work. Will update the article. In today’s era of Continuous Integration (CI), it’s key to build … Here is all Checklist for Clean Code. It'll help them to ensure code quality and consistency. Wrapper Class in Java. It’salways fine to leave comments that help a developer learn something new. My bad. The purpose of this article is to propose an ideal and simple checklist that can be used for code review for most languages. Are the Java class libraries used where and when appropriate? Security code review is to do code inspection to identify vulnerabilities in the code. 2. But this article is called checklist for JAVA beginners. Keep synchronization section small and favor the use of the new concurrency libraries to prevent excessive synchronization. Throw exceptions early and catch them late. This article provides a broad overview of the review process for the code written in C# using Visual Studio 2015 and also uncovers best practices for code review. for pointing it out. Key Areas like Security, Exception Handling, Performance, Memory/Resource leaks, Concurrency, etc, 03: 7 Things you must know about Java locks and synchronized key word, 00: Top 50+ Core Java interview questions answered – Q11 to Q23. Sharingknowledge is part of improving the code health of a system over time. Use exceptions as opposed to return codes. The equals and hashCode contract must be correctly implemented to prevent hard to debug defects. Make sure to use a system/configuration variable to replace the password, Commit messages should contain the task information. - Must write Log frequently for easy debug by seeing the logfile (follow the frequent of old Code) As an enhancement system this checklist is applied for the team's source code only, not the original code provided by the customer. If you take only a few seconds to search for information about code reviews, you’ll see a lot of articles about why code reviews are a Good Thing (for example, this post by Jeff Atwood). Are there variables with confusingly similar names? Just keepin mind that if your comment is purely educational, but not critical to meetingthe standards described in this document, prefix it with “Nit: “ or otherwiseindicate that it’s not mandatory for the autho… If needed, reviewer may like to get clarifications from the code writer. equals perform the actual comparison of two strings, whereas == compares object references. Storage Usage Defects (SU) Are arrays large enough? The try-catch block should be used for exception handling with proper logging in the catch block. We strive for transparency and don't collect excess data. Are descriptive variable and constant names used in accord with naming conventions? 10 points checklist on Code Review For example, retrieving data from a database. Code review is really the only way to find obscure or confusing code, because other people are reading it and trying to understand it. While searching through countless published code review guides and checklists, we found a gap that lacked a focus on quality security testing. The security code review checklist in combination with the secure code review process described above, culminates in how we at Software Secured approach the subject of secure code review. Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. Java Swing Tutorial 64. * @author – Name Minimize the accessibility of the packages, classes and its members like methods and variables. 6. Following is a curated list of top code analysis tools and code review tools for java with popular features and latest download links. Similarly, Ctrl-Alt-L in IntelliJ. How would you go about evaluating code quality of others’ work? Generic Checklist for Code Reviews Structure Does the code completely and correctly implement the design? In Intellij the default formatting rules (point 3) make 4,9 and 10 redundant because it does them automatically. You are advised to take the references from these examples and … Code Decisions code at right level of abstraction methods have appropriate number, types of parameters no unnecessary features redundancy minimized mutability minimized static preferred over nonstatic ... Code Review Checklist . Could any non-local variables be made local? It is my bad. [ ] Is there any excess functionality in the code but not described in the specification? We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. Java Inspection Checklist. For instance, use Ctrl-Shift-F in Eclipse. Encoding function into data meta-data and language interpreters – By encoding some function into data and providing a mechanism for interpreting that data, we can simplify modifications that affect the parameters of that data. Thanks for the guide. 4. Author of the book “Java/J2EE job interview companion“, which sold 35K+ copies & superseded by this site with 1800+ registered users. profile | reviews |  Good reads reviews | LinkedIn | LinkedIn Group | YouTube.

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