japanese honey bees for sale

Please have a look at the next video. Queens are reproductive females, and they lay a single egg in each brood cell. The colony does not need to be destroyed to take honey. It is often said that the productivity of a Langstroth hive is higher. 1000 Kilograms (Min Order) 3 YRS Anhui Oneco Foods ... Japanese glass bottle healthy golden nectar pure natural honey. Keeping honey bees can be a way to earn money in rural areas of developing countries. I visited Sri Lanka in July 2018. It recommends beekeepers who are using Pod hive to use Langstroth hive. Stingless Beekeeping is know as “meliponiculture”. Please feel free to contact me via my Facebook page. Hornets are aggressive and efficient killers capable of decimating honey bee colonies. Capturing a swarm is the most common way to start keeping Japanese bees. There is a limited number of colonies in one are due to the quantity of nectar and pollen sources. This is why Western bees cannot go wild in Japan. Most of my apiaries are near mountains and about 5% of my hives are destroyed by bear. I would like to tell you some reasons why. The honey produced by Japanese bees is more expensive than that of Western bees, costing about 100 US dollars per kg. We DO NOT clip the queens wings. However, if their colony is attacked by an Asian giant hornet, then they can’t defend against it. However, Japanese honey bees have four bands (compared to three on the European honey bee) and they are more pronounced. However, it takes a lot of additional time and effort. Fortunately, it is too late for this colony. Actually, honey production per hive can be higher. Typically, a Japanese honey bee colony numbers around 34,000. Like European honey bees, Japanese honey bees undergo full metamorphosis with four life stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Please contact me via my Facebook page. They also collect swarms when they find them clustered on tree or elsewhere. 2. Fortunately, this did not cause any problems in this case. Swarms need to be captured every spring. It destroy bee's colony completely. Additional boxes are needed as the colony grows. For beekeepers, the most important thing is it can attract swarms. They also offer bees as part of their beginner beekeeping kits. Search image Concern has been expressed that than in recent years Nihonmitsubachi become endangered species. Some beekeepers have some methods to avoid destroying the colony, but they are not easy to carry out and require more time and effort. Bear is widely known as a honey hunter. Hon Taylor Honeybees is a small, family operation. It can be challenging to get a swarms to enter your hive. Japanese honey bees are a subspecies of the Asian honey bee (Apis cerana) and are native to Japan. Some beekeepers use Langstroth hives to keep Japanese bee too. I offer Custom Insemination services, Nucleus Colonies, 4 frame Nucs, Fresh Drone Semen, Pure Honey, Beeswax Bars, Observation Hives and Hardwood Bee Equipment, Honeybee removal services. ... We know and understand the logistics of shipping honey bees. Add boxes a few times throughout the year. Without the help of honey bees, specialty plants like almonds, berries and other fruits would see a dramatic decrease in productivity. An electric fence is used to prevent bears from destroying the hive. We're available 24/7. ... Japan standard Hot Sale Bee Acacia Honey. Machibako-lure launched in the spring of 2013 and it has become popular. I sell beeswax to beginners who try to capture swarms. The Japanese honey bee is one of the subspecies of Apis cerana. Tons of honey production is not needed, around 10kg is enough in many cases. Bees. It is quite expensive, ranging from 300 - 700 US Dollars. Over 5,000 beekeepers use the product in 2018. Only drawback is they produce less honey. The technics of beekeeping is introduced in a book named Beekeeping For Honey Production In Sri Lanka, written by Punchihewa R W K. You can read the book on the web. By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies to analyze website traffic and improve your experience on our website. I developed "Swarm map", a swarm reporting web system on the web. Stingless Bee Honey in India. The top box is removed to take honey. Package Bees for Sale - Bees for Sale - Bee Nuc. Lappe's Bee Supply is a 2021 online supplier company with listings for several different strains of queen honey bees for sale. In 1877, the Western bee was imported along with Langstroth hive to Japan. Most beekeepers use this flower and place it next to their bait hive. I understand that a Langstroth hive has many advantages over a pile box hive and I do not think that a pile box hive is better than a Langstroth hive at all times. It is not so easy to find wild colonies, but I guess there is at least one colony per 1 km2. It seems that only 25% of colonies can survive for over a year in the wild. Don't just kill them. It is said that beeswax of Japanese honeybees need to be used, one of Western bees does not work to attract Japanese bees. They have been observed moving into urban areas in the absence of natural predators. Honeybees need to time to build large combs, so fall is best to take honey. On the other hand, the colony in next video has less bees. Some beekeepers still use log hives, but I feel many beekeepers have made the switch to a pile box hive. As mentioned, I can get somewhere between 5kg - 10kg per hive on average when I use a pile box hive. She does little else. Honey Bees for Sale in Middle Tennessee. An individual giant hornet can kill forty Western bees a minute while a group of 30 hornets can destroy an entire hive containing 30,000 bees in less than four hours. Bee Well Honey is THE TRUSTED supplier for package and packaged bees for over 20 years, Italian Bee Packages With Marked Queen. It does not contain any removable frames. Like with all honey bee species, worker bees have a pollen basket, scientifally name "corbiculum," on their hind legs and a s… They have a smaller range and a longer foraging period, allowing them to visit many of the same plants. You can buy it, open it, and then attach it to your hive. August 27th, 2016 . In my opinion, the pile box hive has many attributes that make it an ideal choice . Honey bees are one of nature's best friends. If you are thinking of starting beekeeping, we suggest you begin looking for nucs starting in January, as it is getting late in the season to get one established so that it will be ready for Winter. It has a good nose to find colonies of honeybees and It has a strong arm to break hives. In that case, you need to capture swarms every spring, so it is not easy to increase the number of colonies. It is attached on trees. Beeswax is a natural wax produced by honey bees. I can determine that the hive is queenless after the number of bees decreases and many drones appear, but sometimes at this point it is too late to remedy the problem. However, it does not actually increase, it is constant in the long term. It is widely known to attract Japanese bees. Some researchers found that there are chemical components which attract Japanese bee. But it doesn’t work with this hornet. Remove the top box (box-a) to extract honey. Japanese honey bees may swarm more frequently than other species. Machibako-Lure is widely used now because it is easier to use. The colony must be destroyed in order to take honey from a log hive. rare apis cerana japonica varroa mite resistant Japanese honey bees with it's queen - Duration: 2:03. US $2.10-$2.20 / Kilogram. I use a small Langstroth hive to keep the distance between each comb adequately. Asian honey bees, including the Japanese honey bee, have fallen victim to deforestation and loss of nest sites within their native areas. Our quality package bees are available for local pickup or delivery and feature various bee types. This flower attracts worker bees which are looking for a new place to swarm. This is the most important point and this makes it easier to increase the number of colonies. Japanese names that mean "Bee", "Honey", or "Honeybee"? Place your order online to buy your queen honey bees, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us - we are always happy to speak with you! The bees rarely abscond after taking honey. However, in some parts of the world, including Australia, the Japanese honey bee may be considered an invasive species. Take a class. Wild bees live not only in rural areas, but also in cities. Package Bees For Sale. Or are Japanese Honey Bees different enough from European and African Bees to not be effected? It is easy to split colonies kept in a Langstroth hive in order to increase the number of colonies. I liked the name Hachi for a while until I discovered it was a popular dogs name in Japan. Rocky Mountain Bee Supply is now offering phone-in ordering with parking lot pickup. A wide variety of japanese pure natural bee honey options are available to you, such as packaging, certification. Although they produce less honey than European honey bees, they are more efficient. Japanese Honey Bee image licensed under CC 1. It is hard to treat diseases when pile box hive is used, it is a huge problem. … A primary concern is the introduction of pests carried by the Japanese honey bee that Australian honey bees have not been exposed to. Beekeepers set bait hives within 300 meters from a hive which is swarming. I then compress the comb to extract the remaining honey. Additional boxes can be added at the same time of honey extraction. Their abdomens are thick and blunt at the end. Honeybees have been in Al (Hon as in honey) Taylor's family since his grandmother raised bees more than a half century ago. They are resistant to infectious diseases and mites. Florida Packaged Bees for Sale - Beekeeping Supplies – We have the highest quality beekeeping supplies. COLOR: Like European honey bees, Japanese honey bees also have characteristic bands of gold and black on their abdomens. All male bees are drones, and they are created to mate with the queen. A pile box hive allows us to remove only the top box after it is full of honey. Cymbidium floribundum is used to increase the possibility. It is common to allow bees to swarm as they want, because it is difficult to kill new queens when they are larvae. Commercial beekeepers started keeping only Western bees after that. It could potentially work well in other countries too, although this hive is not currently well known. Japanese honey bee workers have four bands, while European honey bee workers have only three. All I have to do when I use Pile box hive is: 3. Similar to other honey bee species, the Japanese honey bee will swarm, sending a small offshoot of the colony to another location to establish a new colony. Wild bees live not only in rural areas, but also in cities. Contact us at 706-886-1322 to purchase bees. Basically, extracting honey is not difficult and it does not take a lot of time and effort. It attracts Japanese bees up to 45 days. By the way, giant hornet is much bigger problem for Western bees. Expensive tools are not needed, you can use kitchen goods to squeeze the honey from the comb. The entrance is not high enough for giant hornet and they cannot invade. I may save 10 to 20% of colonies if I inspect and manage the bees more. At a minimum, I need only 5 hours to get 5kg of honey. Learn more about the types of cookies we use. Kernersville, NC 27284; Phone: (336) 497-4310 Email: gcpage43@gmail.com Working Days/Hours: Mon thru Fri - 9:00am - 5:00pm Sat - Call for Availability | Sun … However, in terms of time management, honey production per hour is more important. For example, I cannot check if eggs have been laid in the combs in order to know if the queen is healthy. Beekeepers set bait hives and wait for the swarms. If you have 20 hives and extract 100kg of honey, the revenue can generated can be up to 10,000 US dollars. Everyone uses this type hive to keep Western bees. Little management is required other than adding boxes as the colony grows. The pile box hive is a very natural way to keep bees, but it is a big improvement from the log hive and Skep hive. Keeping bees alive is much easier when you take our Online Ultimate Beekeeping Course 50% Off. I am a hobby beekeeper who keeps Japanese bees in a pile box hive. Switching to a pile box hive can increase productivity without increasing cost. It does not have a queen bee, so this colony is dying. We can provide you with top of the line Italian bees, hive ware, starter … The basic idea is the same as the log hive. Local honey for sale, as well. Based on these chemicals, some researchers created a substitute product called "Machibako-Lure". Enter the Japanese Hornet: When scouting for prey, the Japanese Hornets send out a scout that will spray the Honey bee hive with pheromones. Additional boxes need to be added to the bottom because Japanese honey bees build their comb from the top down. Worker bees are non-reproductive females, and they are responsible for several tasks within the colony, including guarding eggs, cleaning the hive and producing honey. The structure is simply a box with a small entrance. A pile box hive is good for hobbyist because: You can get enough honey for your family and friends without it taking a lot of time and money. Like Japan and other Asian countries, it has culture of traditional beekeeping. Address: 2686 Piney Grove Rd. I would like to share this type of hive and beekeeping technique. Subsequently, the top box is removed to extract honey, so the boxes circulate. Best option for beginner bee keepers. This hive provides an enclosed space for wild bees. Alibaba.com offers 86 japanese pure natural bee honey products. Queens are larger than workers. The colony looses about 20 % of comb but will continue to raise the larvae and collect honey. Please watch next video. You can send me messages. Many experienced beekeepers can determine whether or not they have sufficient nectar sources. The pile box hive has a very simple structure. Honey bee workers expand the nest, not the queen. There are some limitations to the pile box hive that restrict how you can manage a colony. It is almost same as a log hive or skep hive. A pile box hive is good for a side job as well. Honey extraction is much easier than a log hive, but some limitations are almost same. I do not recommend to take honey in summer because it is too hot in Japan and it makes combs is softer. © 2019 The Terminix International Company Limited Partnership. Italian Bee Nuc - 5 Frames. The workers gather the food and feed the larvae, the queen’s main function is egg-laying. Firstly, for beekeepers who keep Apis cerana in Asia. Needless to say, the Langstroth hive is known very well in Japan. The log hive itself does not have an advantage over a pile box hive, but the method of honey extraction is disadvantageous. SIZE: Japanese honey bees are similar in size to the more familiar European (or Western) honey bee. It is also possible to transfer a wild colony into a hive, but it can be quite challenging for beginners. There used to be a peach orchard behind my house, and there is a Pear orchard beyond that, as well as another pear orchard, and pastures beyond that. Secondly, for beekeepers who keep Western bees. Its descendants may come back to your bait hive in the future. Buying Japanese bee is not common because only a few commercial beekeepers sell Japanese honey bees. However instead of exterminating a colony, it can be transferred into a hive. Some European beekeepers are familiar with and use the pile box hive. Over 1,500 of swarm reports are collected every year. You still have time to enjoy other hobbies like a kitchen garden even if you are a full-time worker. However, they do not have time to learn how to use a Langstroth hive. Our 5 Frame Italian Bee Nuc Colony is raised in South Carolina and comes with a Marked Queen in a Pro Nuc box. BEES FOR SALE Local Nucs & Packages. Additional boxes need to be added from the bottom as the colony grows. Beekeepers have to be mindful of nectar sources and the number of colonies they are keeping. Honey bees specialize, using divisions of labour, splitting tasks between queens and workers. They are more resistant to cold than European honey bees and are able to harvest pollen in temperatures lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Protection of honey bee in Japan From Wikipedia From Yahoo! Beekeepers set bait hives and wait for the swarms. I have heard there are many beekeepers using log hives in many Asian countries, especially in rural areas. An additional box needs to be added 1-2 months after the swarm enters. It can be used for making hand cream, lip balm and skin care products at home. Buying Japanese bee is not common because only a few commercial beekeepers sell Japanese honey bees. They can defend themselves against the Japanese hornet and they can live in cold climates. SIZE: Japanese honey bees are similar in size to the more familiar European (or Western) honey bee. Lappe's Bee Supply is the top supplier of free shipping bee keeping supplies for sale & queen honey bees for sale in the United States, for commercial beekeepers for pollination, professional beekeepers & beekeeping hobbyists alike! It depends on your preference and why you are keeping bees. This product is great help for beginners because getting bees is most difficult to start beekeeping of Japanese bees. You owe it to your new bees to know what you are doing. Long Lane Honey Bee Farms is a family business located in Illinois, which sells nucs as well as package bees. The Japanese Honey bees have evolved and developed a weapon that wont leave them defenseless like their European cousins. Sometimes you cannot save colonies despite all your effort even if you inspect your bees often. However, Japanese honey bees have four bands (compared to three on the European honey bee) and they are more pronounced. I was little bit late and the comb had reached the bottom. Honey bees working on Japanese bamboo.Just started blooming. Japan has two honey bees, the native Apis cerana japonica (Japanese honey bee) and the imported Apis mellifera (Western honey bee). For such people and farmers stingless honey bee is the best option. Please have a look at the next video to see how bees are attracted. The honey our bees gather from these plants is dark, robust, with an earthy, nutty, sweetness that stands well on its own, pair well with cheeses, breads, and add a real signature to a dish. I am not sure it is true when keeping Japanese bee. very beautifully preserved chart. Further research is required to determine what, if any, effect these bees will have on native populations in these areas. On the other side, roughly 70 % of my colonies (kept in a pile box hive) survive over one year with minimal care. Apis cerana japonica is a subspecies of the eastern honey bee native to Japan.It is commonly known as the Japanese honey bee (Japanese: ニホンミツバチ, Hepburn: Nihon mitsubachi).This subspecies was determined, through an analysis of mitochondrial DNA, to have originally come from the Korean peninsula. Honey bees are pollinators, so where there are bees a-plenty, there are thriving plants producing healthy fruits and vegetables. It is not easy to identify problems in the early stages. About 18% of these are Honey. You can choose from #3 Italian honey bee package or 5 frame nucs. You can take a look inside the hive from the bottom. Skilled beekeepers also use this to increase colonies efficiently. A pile box hive can be better in production per hour because less time and effort are needed. Many beekeepers attach a board to a tree in order to attract swarms. Like log hives, bees are allowed to build comb as they want. It happens when the workers go "rogue." There are many advantages especially for hobbyists. Queens are typically a darker color than other bees. How much more honey could I potentially get? US $28.30 / Piece. The honey and bee larvae are also taken to feed the hornet larvae. Hive design prevents giant hornet from invading, An electric fence is used to prevent bears from destroying the hive, Number of hives are placed taking into consideration nectar sources, When needed, sugar water is fed to weak colonies, Initial cost is lower, under a few hundred US dollars or less. If about 5 kg of honey is left for the colony it can survive over the winter. Japanese honey bees are found everywhere in Japan except for Hokkaido, Okinawa, and some isolated islands. The increase of honey production may not be worth the time and effort required. When a hornet enters a Japanese honey bee hive, the worker bees surround it. In Japan, only a few beekeepers keep Western bees in Pile box hive, mainly when its swarm come into the hive accidentally. Switching to a pile box hive from a log hive can increase honey production and income without an increase in cost and effort. Location: Scituate, MA http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/misc/bees/Apis_cerana.htm, https://thehoneybeeconservancy.org/2010/06/22/japanese-honey-bee/. Capturing a swarm is the most common way to start keeping Japanese bees. They live not only in mountains, but also in cities like Tokyo and Osaka. On the other hand, more and more people have started keeping Japanese bees as a hobby, using a simple hive called a pile box hive. Banding: The bands on the abdomen of Japanese honey bees are more noticeable than those of European honey bees. If they feel that there are not sufficient nectar sources for the number of colonies they capture, they will sometimes give friends some swarms. Long Lane Honey Bee Farms. They are kept for honey in the mountainous regions of Japan, where they have adapted to the terrain and climate. A pile box hive does not have frames, so inspections are limited. You should not take honey earlier because. US $2.00-$2.30 / Kilogram. It is an important insect for the flower pollination. One of the causes is the "pesticide use of neonicotinoid" Another has been referred to as the "Acarapis Woodi". It's ok if it's not located near your home since you do not have to manage your hive often. In addition to this, it is difficult to combine colonies. There are wild colonies and they are living by theirselves. Sri Lanka is a very interesting country because there are no Western bees, because the country has not imported. We are now Selling Bees! They then vibrate their flight muscles, raising the temperature around the hornet to about 117 degrees Fahrenheit, a level lethal to the hornet but not harmful to the bees. Bee keeping Abelo electric 6 frame honey extractor . I can increase the number of colonies by capturing swarms every spring. For over 20 years Bee Well Honey has proudly offered bees for sale and beekeeping supplies. My dad used to have 4 hives when I was younger. You may still have some doubts as to why I use pile box hives. Pod hive is used to keep wild bee (Apis cerana indica). Additional boxes need to be added as the colony expands. It takes only 10 - 20 minutes. Package Bees. Supplies include hives, tools and smokers, protective clothing, queen-rearing equipment, and honey extraction equipment. So, the regular honey bees get killed. Japanese honeybees can defeat this hornet surprisingly. Otherwise, there is a risk of the colony absconding. It is better to use a pile box hive if you do not want to destroy the colony. It is quite expensive, ranging from 300 - 700 US Dollars. The reasons that survival rate is much higher are due to: 30% of colonies are lost, but this is considered an acceptable number. Secondly, you can observe the bees at the entrance of the hive. Eastern honey bees (Apis cerana) live in many Asian countries. COLOR: Like European honey bees, Japanese honey bees also have characteristic bands of gold and black on their abdomens. Although a pile box hive does not have any frames, the method for extracting honey is an improvement compared to a log hive. Oriental orchid (Cymbidium floribundum) attracts the Japanese honeybee (Apis cerana japonica) with a mixture of 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid and 10-hydroxy- (E)-2-decenoic acid. Hobby beekeepers prefer to keep costs low. Box-a can be reused after honey extraction and a cleaning. You can purchase honey bees and bee hives along with a 4 frame nucleus and start producing your own honey! Call now. This must be done before the comb reaches the bottom of hive. Most swarms can be captured or enter bait hives on their own if there are many bait hives and you are keeping an eye on your bees. Our honey bees are for sale in Minnesota and Texas. Because of this, control is generally only recommended as a last resort. Cymbidium floribundum or its substitute Machibako-lure is used in around 90% of swarm reports in 2018. The Japanese Knotwood (Fallopia japonica) is a towering bamboo like plant and a rich source of late season honey. You can find many places to keep your hive if you live in a rural area. I can save my bees completely from the hornet because my pile box hive is designed to prevent it from invading. Other subspecies can be found in Korea, Taiwan, China, Thailand and several other asian countries. 4 or 5 boxes are added before taking honey. Meanwhile, the honey bees have built a huge population (50,000 or so). Additional boxes need to be added to the bottom as the colony grows. We provide quality live bees that can help you jumpstart your hive or … The bees will continue to construct their comb from the top down after honey extraction. Removal does not disturb the bees too much. Firstly, you can look inside from the bottom. Japanese honeybees build combs in tree, graves, houses, etc. However, it is impossible to do this with a pile box hive, so beekeepers focus on capturing swarms. Buying a package is easy. It is not necessary to use smoke to calm Japanese bees. Japanese giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia japonica) is terrible. Honey Honey Bulk Manufacturer Price Best Europe Market Chinese Jujube Bee Honey. About 70 % of honey drips out in 12 hours. They prefer trees which have a space large enough for them. The next video shows an inspection of a healthy colony. We make it simple to find quality live bees that can be delivered straight to your home or that you can pick up at a location close to you. We are proud to offer quality packaged bees for sale and beekeeping supplies to beekeepers in Arizona and throughout the 50 states. Japanese honey bees live in colonies similar to, but smaller than, European honey bee colonies. This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Additionally, the introduction of the Western honey bee to Japan has contributed to a decline in the species’ numbers. Our 3lb package bees for sale are Italian Bee Packages and include a Marked Queen. The top box is removed for extraction after it is filled with honey. On some occasions I am able to extract over 10 kg of honey. Japanese honey bees are pollinators of several plants, including fruits, nuts, cauliflower, okra and onion. Michigan Packaged Bees for Sale - Beekeeping Supplies – Mountain Sweet Honey | For the highest quality beekeeping supplies or to purchase bees, contact our excellent staff at 706-886-1322. BEHAVIOR: Japanese honey bees are known for a unique behavior called “bee balling.” The much larger Japanese giant hornet preys on honey bees and feeds its larvae with other insects. I need to inspect the colony almost every week and it takes a lot of time to go to places where hives are located. In order to combat this predator, Japanese honey bees have evolved a highly effective swarming behavior. It is not common to combine a queenless colony with another colony. It allows beekeepers to report swarms and all of reports are shown on map. The bees loose their larvae and honey in the fall, which means they cannot survive over the winter. You are keeping Western bee in Skep hive or Log hive. I should have done this a few weeks earlier. I am not sure if it is going well. One box filled with honey contains about 5 kg of honey. 2:03. Like with all honey bee species, worker bees have a pollen basket, scientifally name "corbiculum," on their hind legs and a stinger. A Japanese volunteer was working there, I could get information from him.It is trying to increase the productivity of beekeeping of Apis cerana by using Langstroth beehive. One the other hand, with a Langstroth beehive, it is expensive and it takes longer if you make it yourself. It is impossible to capture all swarms and some leave and nest in the wild. This is why I and most hobby beekeepers use the pile box hive to keep Japanese bees in Japan. I have a young female character I'm developing for a story and I'd like her to have a Japanese name having a meaning close to 'honeybees'. BeekeepingUSA.com strives to offer our loyal beekeeper’s top quality Italian, Carniolan, and Russian Hybrid package bees. However, the Japanese honey bees, Apis cerana japonica, use a different strategy, called “hot defensive bee ball”. The bees are the same type of bees we use ourselves in some of our host a hive customer locations due to the gentle temperament of the bees, high winter survival rate, great honey production and consistent excellent health of these bees on arrival over the years. Queens are larger than workers. 2 or more boxes can be added at the same time. Foundups Michael Trout 8,190 views. However, they cannot protect their colony when many giant hornet attack them at the same time. We ship to 31 states and know the shipping logistics very well. These bees will usually nest in cavernous areas, like hollow trees. I have heard that there are many places in which people keep wild Eastern bees in a log hive as a side job or a hobby. You need wait for the hive to have 4 or more boxes. This hornet is in for a painful death. A fresh bowl of honey was always available on the table and the beehives in the backyard hummed with activity. The pile box hive may look primitive, but it is practical in some specific conditions and environments. They can protect their colony from the hornet. You can take 5kg - 10kg (1 box or 2 boxes) of honey per colony on average. I am not sure Pile box hive works in your countries, it depends on behavior and characteristics of your bees, your style and purpose of beekeeping.

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