why did jesus build the church

Jesus’ ministry was about de-centralizing religion, so that the people carried it, not the synagogue or temple or the sanctuary. Jesus declared, "Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up" (Matthew 15:13). Is Peter the rock on which the Church is built? He is the foundation of all Christian experience, and the church is founded upon Him.” What is your life founded on? 4. The purpose of the church is to join people of different backgrounds and talents and provide them training and opportunities for God's work. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy … They met in homes (Colossians 4:15; Philemon 1:2). No, Jesus Christ built His true Church on Himself. Jesus Christ is the Rock and chief cornerstone on which His Church is built—not a man. The apostle Peter was a powerful servant of God, but he was not elevated to this level. Church - Did Jesus Christ build a church and, if so, where ... Third, Jesus said, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Why And it is our oneness that will show the world that God sent Jesus. "I Will Build My Church" -- From All Peoples | Desiring God They argue that it is clearly stated herein that What Did Jesus Mean ‘On This Rock I Will Build My Church ... Did Christ Build the Church on Peter (Matthew 16:18)? 1 Corinthians 3:17. For this reason, many believe there could be numerous gifts not mentioned specifically in the Bible such as intercession, casting out demons, and leading worship. It's not as if Jesus looks around and says, … In concert with His redemptive act, Jesus did three things that established the framework of His Church. First, He chose humans to carry out His work. He appointed Peter to be the visible head of the Church. Jesus said to Peter, "You are Rock and on this rock I will build my Church." (Matthew 16: 18) Jesus said "build," as in to create a structure. Soon after he died and arose from the dead, he did exactly that —He built his church, and he has been building it ever since. The Christ myth theory, also known as the Jesus myth theory, Jesus mythicism, or the Jesus ahistoricity theory, is the view that "the story of Jesus is a piece of mythology", possessing no "substantial claims to historical fact". Second, when Jesus said, "Upon this rock I will build my church," he said it after Peter made his great confession of faith. In which not even the "gates of Hades" (i.e., death) shall prevail against it, either by trying to: 1) Prevent its establishment (death did not prevent Jesus from building His church) 2) Destroy the church (killing Christians does not … For What Purpose Did Jesus Build His Church “Church” is the translation of the Greek term ekklesia, and is used in the New Testament to identify the community of believers in Jesus Christ. Jesus promised to build His church (Matthew 16:18) Jesus is the head over His church (Ephesians 1:22-23) The relationship between Jesus and the church is like the marriage relationship (Ephesians 5:22-24, 32) – one man and one woman (Ephesians 5:31; Genesis 2:24); Jesus and His one church. Jesus The text puts before us these facts about Christ and His church. How Many Churches Did Jesus Build? - Plain Bible Teaching 3. INTRODUCTION 1. In Acts 2:47, we learn that "the Lord _____ to the Church _____ such as should be saved." t Love Jesus Without Loving His Church Jesus built his church not of wood and stone, but of people. Jesus Built ONE Church. Why did Jesus institute the sacraments? - AFC Ephesians 2:19-22 ESV / 202 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are. Jesus is building his church (Matt. Other Protestants say that Peter’s confession is the rock upon which Jesus builds His church. Jesus had just arrived with the disciples at Caesarea Philippi, about 25 miles north of the Sea of Galilee. The reason why Jesus could declare, “Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”, is because the Church that Jesus is talking about is not built with brick and mortar, wood, or stone, but it is built with His shed blood. Thus Jesus built his church. It’s about filling the neighborhood with the good news of the love of Jesus. Academics Pride, Origin Arrogance, In The Church. If the church belongs to Christ, then why… No one should be a member of any spiritual household, religious plant, or church which man was responsible for starting. Understanding this partially hinges on whether we accept that Peter was given the Keys to the Kingdom by Jesus (Mathew 16:18). He would build His church. … Whereas the Gospel of Luke focuses on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, the Acts of the Apostles builds upon what Jesus did and taught (see Acts 1:1), recounting the story of the young, emerging Church and the work of the … Today, obviously, we do not appear to be one – we appear to be split into thousands of denominations and groups. He is also the "chief cornerstone," upon which the church is built (Ephesians 2:20). Jesus is "the Christ, the Son of the Living God." The To Edify the Church—Individually and Corporately. “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church” (v. 18). Why did Christ chose Peter, an uncultured man prone to failure, as a foundation on which to build his church? a. The Church is built upon what Peter said Christ is - The Son of the living God - the eternal one who came in human flesh. That’s the most important thing we have to believe about Jesus: that He’s God’s Son and that He came to save us. Second, Jesus immediately follows with, "I will build my church." Then Jesus promised, “I will build my church,” note that He was promising to build one church, not many. If Jesus died sometime around 30 A.D., why did it take nearly three centuries to found the organized Church? Jesus then proceeded to make Peter the rock on which he would build the Church. Thus Jesus Christ Himself founded the church. Jesus is a wise man, and He is going to build His house upon a rock, but the house He is building is His family (see Matthew 12:48-50), the people whom Peter would begin calling from the Jews on Pentecost and from the Gentiles in Acts 10. https://www.clintonnc.com/news/42042/upon-this-rock-i-will- The love for Christ Jesus, the grace of God for mankind. He appointed Peter to be the visible head of the Church. That may be spiritual community for you. But the word CHURCH does not appear till the New Testament. What Jesus Really Said . Jesus told these men, He would build His church on this confession, and "the gates of Hades" would not prevent it. Church of the Holy Sepulchre. (Show students your rock with the church sitting on it.) That is why Christ said, “I will … The Church's mission is to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and make disciples throughout the world, teaching them exactly what Jesus taught ( Mark 16:15. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. (Matthew 16: 18) Jesus said "build," as in to create a structure. The Basic Argument. 2:5) were being added to the building. 7:24) in Matthew’s Gospel. They scattered. The church is built with people, but death does not overpower the church. THE AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH (Matthew 18:19) In verse 19 we find the authority of the church. Except for Jesus Christ, Paul the Apostle is considered and recognized as the most significant influential spiritual figure and contributor to … That alone does not mean that Jesus did not say the Aramaic equivalent of synagogue, as the word synagogue does not necessarily refer to a building, any more than does the word ekklesia.In fact, in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 we read about a … 330 million deities receive the rituals and sacrifices from those who are ignorant of a loving God. : 1) The church is the body of Christ - Ep 1:23 He said, “I will build my church.” Jesus is “the wise man who built his house upon the rock” (Matt. It was what Peter had revealed to him by the Father in Heaven. Because Jesus is the one that builds the church. Yet, it was Jesus who framed the gospel as good news about a new reality (God’s Kingdom) through the presence of … Acts 5:42- "And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ." Jesus told Peter, "I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18).Soon, after he died and arose from the dead, he did exactly that —He built his church, and he has been building it ever since. … He did not choose a conscientious manager or a charismatic personality, but a man who was all heart and apt to behave irrationally at times. Jesus said that He would build His church on the rock. The simple answer is that this is the only way that the Church would remain pure, and not fall into apostasy (Psalm 127:1): Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Yes I know that you want to throw the Bible at me now. God used Peter greatly in the foundation of the church. Because of the high estimation of it in the Scriptures; e.g. The Call of Paul (A.D. 30–33) Within this context there are six distinct Greek words that are built upon the same root. How many times does Jesus mention the church? God has chosen to work through the localchurch in making disciples (Matt. First, Jesus would not build His church upon any person other than Himself. Matthew 16:18 has been used to claim Peter and those considered his successors were given nearly unlimited spiritual authority. However, when we speak of a “church,” we are often referring to the building in which a local group of Christians meets. Another reason many think that early Christ believers did not mourn the loss of the Temple is because, for many NT authors, Jesus stood in place of the Temple or sacrificial cult. To participate in God’s work on earth, you mustbe connected with a local church. Why did Jesus institute the sacraments? On Thursday night of Holy Week Jesus was arrested about midnight in the garden of Gethsemane and taken to the house of Caiaphas, the high priest, for a preliminary hearing. “You are Peter (petros) and on this rock (petra) I will build my church.” Since Peter’s name means rock, and Jesus is going to build His church on a rock – it appears that Christ is linking the two together. Why do Protestants believe this? Jesus appears to be using a play on words. “You are Peter (petros) and on this rock (petra) I will build my church.” Since Peter’s name means rock, and Jesus is going to build His church on a rock – it appears that Christ is linking the two together. God used Peter greatly in the foundation of the church. God’s Church is not the building; but rather, it is the group of called-out individuals who have dedicated their lives to following Jesus Christ, who is the Head of His Church. Acts 8:4- "Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word." Spread of the Church through the Apostles of Christ. Jesus Christ was building His Church. See Matthew 16:13-19. But did Jesus really say he would destroy the temple and build it again in three days? No, he is not. Remember when the Church first started, they were still going to the Temple to Pray. In our first lesson, we began looking at “The Church Jesus Built” - cf. God revealed this to Peter, not "flesh and blood." The most important step you … God’s Church is not the building; but rather, it is the group of called-out individuals who have dedicated their lives to following Jesus Christ, who is the Head of His Church. It might surprise you to know that Jesus never called it a "Great" or "Commission". More and more "bricks" ("living stones"--1 Pet. With so many different churches existing in the world today, with conflicting doctrines, you may be wondering why it's important that Jesus Christ should be the builder and foundation of the church. First, He chose humans to carry out His work. Jesus Christ is “the author and the finisher of [our] faith.” 9 Uniting ourselves to the body of Christ—the Church—is an important part of taking His name upon us. 1 Corinthians 8:1. When Jesus made the grand announcement that His church would be built upon His own deity, it was that which was in complete harmony with the great divine purpose of the Almighty. Today, a church building is considered an important part of Christian worship. Haggai 1:1-15 ESV / 82 helpful votes. 4. YouTube Search for the True Church (1) — Watch a 30‑minute video, first in the series "The Search for the True Church". Its members are described in the book of Revelation as those who “keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17). 1. Either the Church did or did not exist in the years stretching from Pentecost to 1 Thessalonians. Ultra Member. The term translated as church is ekklesia which is simply an assembly. Mark 14:56–59 goes like this: Who was the real rock Jesus or Peter? Holiness Of The Saints Sacrilege God Destroying The First Temple The church. . The reason Christ did not set up His Kingdom when He first walked this Earth is that God’s ruling family government was not yet ready. If it did not exist, it is hard to conceive how one could still believe Jesus was its founder. The Jews did reject Christ and crucify Christ, but He arose, He did build His church. In Matt 16:18 Jesus said, "I will build my church." Beneath the backdrop of a temple built on a rock and devoted to the idolatrous worship of an emperor, Peter, whose name means “rock,” is chosen to lead God’s Church. Jesus’s naming of Peter contradicts human reason. In St Paul’s letters, the members of the Church are considered as “fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief cornerstone.” (Eph 2:19-20). The plain, simple truth is that Jesus Christ founded on earth directly and personally an organized religious society which he called his Church. Bible verses about Church. 4. Jesus told His friends not to do life alone. 18 I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. Jesus is our role model for how to love people. It literally means “assembly,” “congregation,” or “meeting.” It is worth mentioning that in the New Testament, no synagogue, temple, chapel, tabernacle, building or any other meeting place was ever called a “church.” Jared W. LudlowThe book of Acts was written by Luke after his Gospel as the second part of a great two-volume work on Jesus Christ and the early Christians. Once again, it just does not fit the context to have Jesus building the Church upon himself. Church — Did Jesus Christ build a church and, if so, where is it? The word “church” comes from the Greek word ekklesia which means “called out ones, congregation, or assembly.” The church is a group of people from every tribe, tongue, language, and peoples who have been called out of darkness into Christ’s marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). In prayer toward Mecca 5 times a day ended up in Rome the years stretching from Pentecost to 1.! But did Jesus ever mention the word. church is founded upon Him. What. Said `` build, '' as in to create a structure in to create a structure very... Great '' or `` Commission '' told His friends not to do life alone in! //En.Wikipedia.Org/Wiki/Christ_Myth_Theory '' > 13 upon the same root said, `` you are rock and on this I! Build it again in three days 1 Corinthians 15:54-57 ) Why did ever! That identify those who are influenced by a different gospel with grace—unmerited favor—to build His church upon Himself debated! 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