losing weight, but still look fat reddit

So, my question is WTF body fat, basically. Now, you have to learn how to gain muscle. I lost 10lbs and it looks now what 25lbs used to look like when I was 220.. That last hump could surprise you, don't get ahead of yourself. Still feel like the fat guy. A boost though would be if I had visible abs. It's a struggle, I still panic about it- we all do. I've recently been tweaking my diet to ~1400cal/day and cut back on my drinking (which is probably the biggest culprit, tbh) so hopefully some of the muscle I've been building shows up in the mirror, lol, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. I'm the same fat dork I've always been, and I'm starting to think that's not going to change any time soon, regardless of how much weight I lose or how much muscle I put on. 290lbs->190lbs since January. Exercise & Visceral Fat Loss. I don't want to get bulky or muscular but I would like to tone up. You may be losing weight but not fat because you're losing muscle. I've lost over 100 pounds down from 300lbs to 180ish in less than a year. Instead of the XL graphic T's I always bought, I started buying the medium or large shirts that actually fit. Ignore the extreme advice. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Hopefully there’s some bits in here that help you on your journey. Then logically, a loss of fat leads to a loss of weight. These amazing weight loss transformations from around the world shared by Bored Panda show how weight loss can make people unrecognisable because of the impact on their faces. I am 5'3 and 33-year-old female. 40lbs of "fat" (about 25% of body weight). Although the process of losing weight took discipline, and some days back from the gym I felt exhausted and ready to chow down a Big Mac, this simple formula did the trick relatively quickly. Guys lose belly fat first, but that area can be tougher for the ladies. Sorry to brag, but hooray for me! I'm in a similar spot, CW 163, started at 202, my goal is 157 and I look fantastic everywhere but lower stomach, lower back, I may have to push the goal a little farther, but I'm anxious to be done cutting. That sums up my last 6 months and a brief look back at my year-long weight loss journey. While technically you’ve gained weight on the scale, you may have actually gained muscle and lost fat. I adjusted my food so I lose a little weight or stay even. To look at things in a simple manner, if you have something on or in your body and you lose it, you lose weight. Sometimes I look at the numbers on the scale and think it's broken or that I'll wake up and it'll all be a dream. I'll eventually get over it, and like you am focusing on just getting stronger than worrying about the numbers on the scale. In short, I browsed r/malefashionadvice for a while and paid attention to what the people around me that looked good were wearing. So keep going. The scale is not the best determinant of a healthy body weight. Take your time. If you find yourself asking the question, “how can I practice intuitive eating and still lose weight?” then this post is for you! Realistically I don't need to lose any more weight and should focus on muscle and strength gain which is why I slowly worked up to maintenance once I hit 160, which was my weight goal. Like you said, I knew logically that I was leaner to my 335 pound self, but I grew up being the fat guy and that was embedded into me. Afraid of gaining fat while lifting, check out r/leangains for tips on how to do it carefully and r/fitness for how to do it overall. Reached a "healthy" weight but still fat? Do squats. I've lost 40 odd pounds over the past year, but still feel like I look the same, even though people tell me I look completely different. From intermittent fasting to cutting out protein shakes, … How tall might I ask? The first one is of your typically skinny-fat guy. You know you've been on point with your calories and macros, following the intake that puts you in a […] ShockingFit.com™ – w/ Mario Tomic. P.S. I didn't really start weight lifting until I was already down 70-80 pounds so I had lost a significant amount of muscle mass and strength, so seeing my absolutely pathetic numbers slowly move up to only moderately pathetic numbers keeps me going. I also have one piece of clothing that I've kept. Take a look at the below two photos. When I started strength training things became too stressful and it made dieting harder. Ignore all the other crap. budge, you might still be losing fat. teezygotdoe Member Posts: 20 Member Posts: 20. in Fitness and Exercise. And yet, I am just about as fat, as a percentage of my body weight, as I was when I started. Do I burn calories more slowly than other people? The fat is gone, but there is some extra skin. I still feel the same. Still feel like a chunky blob. A part of me that undermines the progress I've made. I was wrong. I'm not happy with how I look but I'm happy with the progress I've made. Booze can also make you lose the fat-loss war. You have to endue some muscle pain. Down from 225lbs to 170lbs and 6' tall. Sounds similar to bodydismorphism that bodybuilders have but with bodybuilders always feel too small. It was, of all things, clothes. Lost a lot of weight but I still look fat. However, I understand that it's the fact that I'm still seeing myself as that extremely overweight guy who didn't care about his health at all. Most people trying to lose weight want a trim yet toned body. I thought losing weight the way I have been--averaging two pounds a week, eating when I'm hungry, not starving myself--was the way to lose fat, not muscle. What you do not have to worry about is suddenly becoming muscular. I’ve shed a lot of body fat over the last nine months. Knowing that you cannot target specific areas when losing weight, I am struggling to think of things I can do to combat this. Live happier. I eat clean, nothing processed and i drink only water. I don't think it is any coincidence that everyone posting here is telling the same story about "always feeling fat" and looking in the mirror and "still seeing the fat person." Never....even to this day i feel like that little fat kid. Still feel fat just not as fat but that's because I'm still chubby. Do I try and build muscle in these areas and hope that the fat is miraculously replaced? its strange when other people call me skinny because it doesnt match up with how I view myself. It's REALLY noticeable. Still think I'm covered in fat and anytime anyone touches my midsection I feel worse because I know I need to lose more weight. 2. For women, the difference (at an average height) between 160 and 140, or even 140 and 120, is just insane. It wasn't weight loss, or improved athletic ability, or even new relationships that changed my self-identity. It's hard. With further weight loss, this is a temporary contrast. But at the end of the day I just keep working. You cannot target fat loss, but you can target muscle gains. I've lost 110 pounds, from 270 to 160, and every time I look in the mirror I see the extra fat around my abdomen and think I could stand to lose more weight. You still have 20 lbs to go by your own statement and without a picture we can't really say otherwise. Here’s to a much better 2021! (A lot of their fashion advice doesn't work for Canadian winters when it's -40.) Oftentimes, traditional weight loss programs focus on cutting body fat and hitting lower numbers on … They were loose, they were comfortable, and I figured since they hid my gut they looked better. By that, I mean the person goes from looking good (but still a little chubby) to looking amazing- ie: what I consider to be thin and slender. I bought nicer pants, wool coats, and leather shoes or chukka boots instead of skater shoes or hiking boots. For women, the difference (at an average height) between 160 and 140, or even 140 and 120, is just insane. Well, not exactly. A place for people of all sizes to discuss healthy and sustainable methods of weight loss. It makes me feel better. It makes perfect sense that you have that desire. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The important thing is to not let it control us. Yep, I agree. Having more muscle on your frame also makes you look much better once you've lost some fat. When you start walking up stairs without getting winded. A beer every once in a while won't hurt you, but it's imperative that you stop indulging in weekend binges. It won't happen. That's interesting. Maybe it's the lose skin, though it's slowly going away, or my height. Take some new progress pictures and compare them to the 'old' you at 218lbs. While the rest of me has seemed to have shrunk, my arms, thighs and stomach area seemed to have stayed just as 'squishy' and fat as they always have been. Instead of looking skinny-fat, you have a lean and athletic physique. Actually weight lifting a lot can help your body focus on burning fat rather than muscle. Buy the new clothes. I know that I could lose another 15-20lbs but my lizard brain says that's not enough. It was a gradual process with me; I slowly stopped feeling bad because I was fat and started feeling worse and worse about being too small. I assumed that the last 25ish lbs would go the same as the previous 25lbs did. You can see that due to water retention scale weight remains stagnant but fat loss is still occurring. It also sucked because I had to eat more and that was hard to balance and initially threw me for a loop. https://www.google.com/search?btnG=1&pws=0&q=phantom+fat&gws_rd=ssl. Again, completely subjective, but for me it's the difference between 'damn, look at how much weight he/she lost' to 'WOW I want his/her body!'. From looking at too many progress picture albums on imgur, I notice the greatest difference in the last 20-30 pounds. Literal same boat 300>170. I've lost 110 pounds, from 270 to 160, and every time I look in the mirror I see the extra fat around my abdomen and think I could stand to lose more weight. Okay so I'm fourteen and I gained a lot of weight during December because it was my best friends birthday, Christmas and New Years so I kept helping my mom out with making treats. Do you take measurements? Keep being healthy and doing things for YOU and eventually the wound becomes a scar and doesn't hurt anymore, it's always there, but it doesn't have to ruin your life anymore.1. I've inched back up, but it's muscle/water v. fat, and I just don't get tired doing simple stuff. The stairs thing was huge. People might be commenting on how good you look, but in your head it doesn’t feel like it. I went from 219 to 142. Who’d of thought it beer belly is a real thing not just an excuse! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You gain a couple of pounds. Danilova is amazed that our bodies are capable of looking so different at the same weight. I started dieting at 203 lbs. The weight is all lost but the fat in your belly remains, but once you know the cause you’ll be able to cure this problem. I had kept buying XL shirts and 38" pants. I just lost control when something happened to me and the weight piled on. You learned how to lose weight. No one noticed when I went from 177 to 150 but once I got under 150 people started noticing (I'm at 134 now with another 11lbs to get to the healthy range). But the fact that I can get up stairs without feeling like I am dying, is huge. As she shares on her blog, she's been skinny, had extra body fat, and went through pregnancy — and never looked extremely different. While water retention can be frustrating and a total mindfuck, it’s not permanent. Agreed. I keep my "before" photo on my phone to look at when I'm having a hard time. I am closer to my GW than I have ever been before in my life. I went from 199 pounds to now 142. Alcoholic beverages are usually high in calories that your body just stores as fat, but just as crucially, it also impairs your judgment. Would be interested to hear from people a bit further into the journey. It's very hard. You’re Not Keeping Track of What You’re Eating . It won't happen overnight. That was the straw that broke the camel's back and got me out of the rut. Over the last 10 years I've lost more than 120 lbs of fat; there was a decent amount of muscle mass put on in the last 3-4 years when fittit convinced me to started lifting. When I was down 30, it was insane. If you have bingo arms (skin hanging below your upper arm), then build your biceps. 350 to 230 and declining here, you're spot on. Right now I'm focused on building muscle - I want to be strong not just skinny. I of course look smaller than what I did before but I still have a chubby belly and back fat. I switched to slim-fit dress shirts that didn't balloon like a tent around my gut. But still the same. I have also gained muscle – a bodily development that previously was as foreign to me as the female menstrual cycle. Starting to see my top 2 abs as well as obliques.I still feel flabby and not healthy if that makes any sense. Keep at it. Ditto. Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 400 lbs, you are welcome here! Most people regret that they let themselves get fat. Absolutely pathetic numbers to moderately pathetic numbers...love how you're so humble. As she was explaining the computer system I heard her say, "...then check this box here because she's not overweight...". Loose thighs? If you lose more than 5% of your weight in 6 to 12 months, tell your doctor, especially if you’re an older adult.

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