is my rabbit too skinny

This time last year i lost my 7 year old rabbit his breed are only supposed to live to a minimum of 5 years. My auction girl has put on a few pounds in the month since I brought her home and I definitely think she's looking a lot better. Close. In fact, my husband and I basically "adopted" this young man into our family because he's almost like a son for us. It's very clear that the whole situation with my daughter is affecting him too and causing him a lot of sadness. Hi My one rabbit is very skinny. From standing they flop on to one side quite quickly and lay still for a few seconds or minutes. My two … When you notice yours is less fleshy or being replaced by bones, it is a clear indication that you are becoming too skinny and that requires immediate intervention. report. I need some advice for what to do with my boyfriend - he's always been SKINNY, but with some recent added stress, he has dropped from about 130 to 122. If you see your rabbit do this, it means they are very happy & relaxed. Or is she good the way she is? 5. Some of the more common reasons cats will cut back on their food intake include: A painful problem in the mouth such as a growth or dental disease. Plotting your child’s height and weight can give you a good idea of whether they are too skinny. This is the general expectation of water consumption, since rabbits that are fed large amounts of water-containing foods, such as leafy vegetables, will drink less water than those that are on a dry diet of hay and pellets. Is my facial hair too thin on the sides to keep? But how do I tell if she is still too thin? It’s normal to have concerns over your huskies weight, not a week goes by when an owner doesn’t ask; is my husky too skinny. Give your rabbit more space. True diarrhea occurs when both are watery and, while rare in adult rabbits, it requires immediate veterinary care. Share Share I'm inclined to agree with Cameron's answer and I'll tell you why. In chameleons it is not easy to see if it is skinny or not. If your cat has trouble keeping weight on, get a vet's addvice. (He's 5'10" and 22.) Take your rabbit to a different room to allow it to explore the new smells. Just like humans, rabbits are healthiest when they’re at an ideal weight — not too thin and not too fat. You cannot leave it and hope he will recover on his own, once a rabbit is behaving like this it is highly unlikely they will recover without medical care. An occasional piece of high-fiber fruit, such as a pear or apple, is fine as a treat, but other sugary fruits, such as bananas and grapes, or high-fat seeds and nuts, have no place in a rabbit, guinea pig or chinchilla’s feeding plan. DON'T DELAY in taking him there. She does not like grass or hay, but I noticed that if she doesn't eat grass, she would have bad stomach and I have to clean her bottom every day. There are several reasons why your cat is getting too skinny, and it’s always best to check with your veterinarian if you have real concerns. These foods are not normally part of a rabbit’s diets, and although they love them, rabbits should generally not be offered them. Hi I was just wondering if you guys think my guinea pig Bella is too skinny? I think she looks a little skinny in the belly area. Calculate your child’s BMI. Posted by 1 year ago. Competition at the food bowl created by other cats or a … Also, I’m not saying that skinny guys aren’t really guys, but I always associate guys with muscles, broad shoulders, strong, and so forth. I have been feeding extra food and she does eat it all. 12 comments. Maybe it’s something as simple as your cat not getting enough nutrients from their food, and your veterinarian will be able to rule out medical conditions. Have they been behaving differently or showing some unusual symptoms? Rabbits do a “Happy’ flop or as some call it the ’Dead bunny’ flop. Beth is right if you keep them in that shape all the time they do not have reserves when they get sick and a few of my dogs have gotten very thin when they got ill but being healthy dogs before that helped and they were not down and out too long. I can't tell if they are male or female by the color of the cere yet, but behaviorly I suspect the larger one is female and the thin one male. The one is nice and fat like the parents, but the other (a recessive pied) is noticably thinner. While society may send a message that your lil’ nugget has to have rolls of baby fat to be healthy, this isn’t really true. Body mass index considers factors including height, weight, age, and sex. So I try to force her to eat grass. Weight loss occurs when too few calories are being consumed. This is not always an issue, but it certainly can be. She has been making a nest inside the box for the past week or so. I am increasing worry about this. If your cat's ribs are visible and palpable with no fat covering on them, she is too thin. … Understanding the basics of rabbit weight management can help keep your bunny healthy and promote a long life span. Rabbits have specialized digestive systems, and are prone to issues such as diarrhea.

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