html5 should not use markup instead of scripting where appropriate

[Priority 2] [Use] markup (and style sheets) where possible rather than images [Use CITE, DEFN, CODE, SAMP, KBD, VAR, INS, DEL where appropriate] - Lists - [Usage] 3.6 Mark up lists and list items properly. There are three valid ways for a boolean attribute to be applied. Control codes should be replaced with appropriate markup. Browsers will automatically position the annotations above the base characters in horizontal writing … ), etc, etc. canvas, video etc.) I think the challenge is generalized tag names that have specific applications. Micro formats are designed primarily for humans and were introduced to give our markup context. It was created to give “front-end developers” some specialized knowledge to justify their job titles ;), How come ‘Pagination controls’ are deemed unworthy of nav tags? HTML user agents (e.g., web browsers) then parse this markup, turning it into a DOM (Document Object Model) tree. But what if you flip the code on its head and type required="false"? Ah,

. That kind of sucks, especially if your page is “assembled” instead of “authored.” And this is the problem that HTML5 solves with the new sectioning elements and the new rules for the existing heading elements. Richard is Head of Interactive at KMP Digitata, a digital agency based in Manchester, UK. The element is used to draw attention to enclosed text without implying any added importance or emphasis. Coding defensively I guess. So, would it really be that bad if you enclose a single h1 within a header? Hosted by (mt) Media Temple. You’re site is still going to be hit by HTML4 browsers and they do need them.. You’re [sic] site is still going to be hit by HTML4 browsers and they do need them.. No they don’t. I don’t see the point in bothering people about adding in type attributes on script and style tags when using examples with XHTML-style closing slashes everywhere (they are just as useless, aren’t they). Co-author of Beginning HTML5 and CSS3: The Web Evolved. It is now suggested, by the spec, that you should use the newer elements, such as section, article, and so on, to give better semantic meaning to the HTML outline of the document. This site doesn’t render correctly on IE8! not In some limited cases, you can use regular expressions to validate the input, but in more complicated cases you should validate user input by using .NET classes that determine if the value matches allowed values. well I’ve noticed some of my frequent errors but I’m still learning the HTML5 so this article was very useful, thanks. Certainly not what you wanted. @fjpoblam — “it is virtually impossible to write the ‘perfect’ HTML5 website”. You duct tape it up, invite him in and then send him off down the road. Wouldn’t maybe the tags and text are generated by a database that may at some point include more text and tags, if the content editor adds them. Unquoted 3. I’d always figured that the element had more use than for just images. Authors should not use the canvas element in a document when a more suitable element is available. Or is better? Great article :) I would be inclined to go by the w3c, no? HTML5-enabled browsers that support HTML5 video are instructed by the spec to ignore any content inside the video element that’s not a source tag, so the fallback is safe in all browsers. Since all browsers expect scripts to be JavaScript and styles to be CSS, you don’t need this: You can also reduce the amount of code you write to specify your character set, amongst other things. These questions are also included in the HTML5 element flowchart mentioned earlier. You should use markup instead. I know you said you’re not a journalist, but you’re a smart guy! However, as you can see Bruce see’s it from a different angle. I find it interesting that you recommend NOT to use for pagination controls while your colleague Tom Leadbetter says that CAN BE considered for pagination according to the following link: HTML5]] Polyglot markup should not use any elements excluded from HTML, XHTML, or both. RE: self-closing tags, those aren’t the only typos (link/input)…. Cheers. A DOM tree is an in-memory representation of a document. We’d love to help get the wording or examples in the spec changed to make them a little more specific, so leave your thoughts below, and don’t forget to escape your HTML! In particular, how does it help people using assistive software that parse the outline (e.g.