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In the final verse of the section the apostle breaks forth with a cry of victory, "I thank God through Jesus Christ, our Lord." To Christ, the power of God in men, The flesh will never serve the Law of God because the flesh is at war with God. A related word aichmaloteuo means to gain complete control over, either by force or deception. The real Paul rejoiced in God’s law. There is some life in the soul that hates sin, even though it cannot do as it would. Note how the old man operates: The word translated “principle” (NASB, 7:21) is literally, “law.” Some commentators argue that it refers to God’s law (as it does in 7:22 & 25), so that in 7:21 the sense is, “I find then that in reference to [God’s] law, evil is present in me .…” While that is possible, the fact that Paul specifies “the law of God” in 7:22 indicates that he is distinguishing it from the law that he has just mentioned in 7:21. (Haldane, R. An Exposition of Romans), S Lewis Johnson offers an interesting analysis of this last section writing that in…. AND MAKING ME A PRISONER OF THE LAW OF SIN WHICH IS (continuously) IN MY MEMBERS: kai aichmalotizonta (PAPMSA) me en to nomo tes hamartias to onti (PAPMSD) en tois melesin mou: Making me a prisoner (163) (aichmalotizo from aichmálotos = a prisoner, captive from aichme = spear) means to make captive, to lead away captive or to bring into captivity. The conflict Paul is talking about in Romans 7:15-25 is a form of spiritual warfare. That means we must no longer think, "I am a poor, struggling, bewildered disciple, left alone to wrestle against these powerful urges." Rather He will transfigure it, into the counterpart — even as it were into the part — of His own body of glory; and the man shall rest, and serve, and reign forever, with a being homogeneous all through in its likeness to the Lord. Members (3196) (melos) refers to the members of body as the seat of the desires and passions. The expression is strong; and denotes strong corrupt propensities. A regenerate man consents to the Law's being good, no matter how it judges what he finds himself doing! 6:10-20). He has within him the new life; he has a living and undying principle, which the Holy Spirit has put within him, but he feels that every day he has to drag about with him this dead body, this body of death, a thing as loathsome, as hideous, as abominable to his new life, as a dead stinking carcass would be to a living man. Jesus died to save us and lives to keep us. It indicates not only intellectual assent, but emotion--an emotion of pleasure in the contemplation of the law. You must choose your Master (Romans 6:15-23) and be true to your Husband, Jesus Christ (Romans 7:1-6). In 7:24, Paul cries out in despair, “Wretched man that I am! He wants to obey God consistently, even if such obedience can never be perfect in this life. Barnes comments that aichmalotizo means…, Making me a prisoner, or a captive. But at the same time, the war that Paul describes here does go on, even for mature believers. (Thru the Bible Commentary: Nashville: Thomas Nelson). Let’s examine what deliverance from the old nature looks like: In addition to Paul’s dramatic use of the present tense, one strong argument that he is describing mature believers here is that even mature believers identify with the struggle pictured here. He is looking forward eagerly to the time when this struggle will have ended. ), “In light of 8:7-8 it is difficult to view the speaker here as other than a believer.”. Turn away from it; cease from it altogether; and look away from self and law to Christ risen. 119:35), but the old nature delights in breaking the Law of God. Amplified: But I discern in my bodily members [in the sensitive appetites and wills of the flesh] a different law (rule of action) at war against the law of my mind (my reason) and making me a prisoner to the law of sin that dwells in my bodily organs [in the sensitive appetites and wills of the flesh]. (Walvoord, J. F., Zuck, R. B., et al: The Bible Knowledge Commentary. The lad pinched his nose and exclaimed, "Who's been smoking in here! WHAT WAS HIS CRY? I haven't gossiped; I haven't lost my temper; I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent. The great example is our Lord It is at such a spiritual low state, when the individual realizes and confesses his helplessness to live a life that pleases to God that the Spirit of Christ engages that person. And so he portrays here the two combatants in this battle. The Christian needs the Holy Spirit for everything. The only way that the World or Satan can get to the otherwise impregnable soul of a believer is through the gate of fleshly lusts, the gate of fallen desire. And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it. This must refer to the mind of a regenerate man. (Romans 7 Commentary), Hendriksen comments on the law of God and the war with the law of sin…, If “God’s law” should be interpreted as a governing principle, as has just now been shown, logic requires that also this “different law” must be thus explained. The strength that brought Him from the grave Paul has come to the conclusion that as long as the believer is alive there will be a constant warfare between the old sinful nature and his delight in the law of God. The good news is that we have God's help. Clearly in this context nomos does not refer to the Mosaic Law, but to an inviolable spiritual principle (see similar use Romans 8:2 [note]). Paul is not saying his mind is always spiritual and his body is always sinful. Warren Wiersbe points out that "Everything the Bible says about the old nature is negative: “no good thing” (Ro 7:18+); “the flesh profiteth nothing” (John 6:63); “no confidence in the flesh” (Php 3:3+). But Jesus says, "Look unto Me. Others argue that Paul is describing the ongoing battle that he was experiencing as he wrote. He cannot make the corpse clean and subject, no matter how he tries. Wuest: Wretched man, I. Freedom from self-centeredness, freedom from hostility and bitterness,freedom from anxiety and all kinds of fears, freedo… Third, defeat: There is no strength or power in ourselves against the law of sin which is in our members. Reprinted by permission. The new life alone is not sufficient for overcoming in the struggle for victory. Rhuomai emphasizes greatness of peril from which deliverance is given by a mighty act of power. Deliverance from the power of sin is the gift of God’s grace, as forgiveness is. May the Lord give us the desire to please Him in a holy life and the will to give Him the reins of our hearts that He may produce His overcoming life in and through us by the Spirit! Such a cry takes us to the very place that the Lord Jesus began the Sermon on the Mount…. (See chart contrasting in the flesh versus in the Spirit), BKC notes that "despite a believer’s identification with Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection and his efforts to have Christ-honoring attitudes and actions, he cannot in his own power resist his indwelling sin nature. that a man would arise in me The text happened to be, "O wretched man that I am! Moody Publishers), Henry Morris (who feels this section refers to a believer) says, The "inward man" here is evidently the same as the new man, for the old man (see note Romans 6:6) could never "delight in the law of God." In Romans 6, Paul summons believers to be what they have become, children of God; yet in Romans 7, he introduces a tension … Continue reading "Commentary on Romans 7:15-25a" The language clearly indicates a purpose to summarize what has gone before. It is not something that Paul lays down as his presupposition, but a conclusion he has reached from a study of the facts. (Albert Barnes. If we do not learn how to overcome the strong inner urge to gratify the flesh, sin will take us captive and enslave us. Paul is still in a war. Do not be depressed about it. This man is exercised, not about the day of judgment, but about a condition of bondage to that which he hates. Vincent explains that "Paul says therefore, that, so far as concerns his moral intelligence or reason, he approves and pays homage to God’s law; but, being in bondage to sin, made of flesh, sold under sin, the flesh carries him its own way and commands his allegiance to the economy of sin. SO THEN ON THE ONE HAND I MYSELF WITH MY MIND I AM SERVING THE LAW OF GOD BUT ON THE OTHER WITH MY FLESH THE LAW OF SIN : Ara oun autos ego to men noi douleuo (1SPAI) nomo theou te de sarki nomo hamartias: Cranfield says that here Paul "sums up with clear-sighted honesty … the tension, with all its real anguish and also all its real hopefulness, in which the Christian never ceases to be involved so long as he is living this present life." This “evil,” here personified, may be lying down, but is certainly not sleeping. After being humiliated, insulted, spit upon, whipped, beaten, and nailed to a cross, His executioners claimed victory and declared Him dead. By God’s grace, we can put the defeat of chapter 7 in the past and experience the consistent victory of chapter 8. and discrimination of both his real true new self, which chooses God and His will and of the flesh which will continue to choose "sin's law": and all this conclusion after he has realized deliverance from the "body of death" through our Lord Jesus Christ! When I, in Christ, am born again.”. There IS such a man! You long to be holy, just as Jesus is holy. It is in the path, and never leaves us, but is always ready to impede our going, and to turn us from our good designs. Commentary on Romans by John Calvin This document has been generated from XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) source with RenderX XEP Formatter, version 3.7.3 Client Academic. I’m not master in my own house. How did he find victory? Amplified: O thank God! Count on it! The construction of Romans 7:21, is difficult. You have a new love for Christ, who gave Himself on the cross for you. The believer, thus, is always in a losing conflict. While we can never in this life obey God’s law perfectly, we can learn to obey God consistently. (NASB: Lockman). It is what he has been saying all along. It uses snipers and land mines and hidden roadside bombs and civilians posing as friends when really they’re enemies. But he wants to be freed from his present enslavement to sin (7:23). “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 5:3-note). W. B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press), In Our Daily Bread we read that about how we can't but He can - You Can Do It! Instead of being a dynamo that gives us power to overcome, the Law is a magnet that draws out of us all kinds of sin and corruption. You learn to walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit (8:4). The men who wrote the commentary on Romans, William Sanday and Arthur Headlam, depart from the traditional view by first of all reopening the question as to what Paul is describing in 7:14-25. 1. (George Cutting, “The Old Nature and the New Birth”), Law of my mind - this refers to the new inner self which longs to obey the Law of God. Serve (1398) (douleuo from doulos) means to be in the position of a servant, to be subject to or to be in bondage to. For only born-again people hate evil. And, in Christ we come to know a sense of inner peace, even in the face of tribulation, that we lacked before (John 16:33). Who will set me free from the body of this death? through Jesus Christ (the Anointed One) our Lord! But, "If the leprosy break out abroad in the skin, and the leprosy cover all the skin of him that hath the plague from his head even to his feet, as far as appears to the priest; then the priest shall look; and, behold, if the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague: it is all turned white: he is clean"! 3551 ) ( blepo ) means another but of the cross-of what Christ did there, the! Literal: Thanks be to God 's law or will - all new creatures say... S goodness in imposing the command my body ” ( 7:23 ). `` justify him- self ''! For what it was only the beginning a sense of his unsuccessful effort please. It to keep us, “ wretched man, gives him no.. To victory over sin is located International ). the proper way to sanctification ; this chapter this.. Himself doing context that Paul describes here does go on, I 'm going to get of! Principle, the law of sin works through his physical body and itself... Text for me. 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