basketball dribbling games for elementary pe

Variation: have two groups of students each with different jobs, picking up or tipping down cones. One beauty of this game is that it offers a plethora of variations to integrate many skills, concepts, and sports. If you have more than eight, you will want to create two or more lines. Every Minute Counts: The Art of Using Instant Activities, Screamin’ Phys Ed Games Your Students Will Love. Game Description: This is a dribbling practice game. The following 8 activities are designed to help your students build those skills, beginning with dribbling in K-2, the give-and-go and shooting in 3-6, applying skills into mini-games in middle school, and finally playing basketball with a focus on specific … The drills require anywhere from 1 to 5 players. His work primarily appears on various websites. Active@Home Cards and Posters with PE Exercises. 4 Fun Basketball Dribbling Games For Young Players 1. Students get a ball and practice dribbling for a few minutes moving in and out of each other. While dribbling with one hand, students use their other hand to knock away someone else’s ball. Best Indoor PE Games Dribbling, using your hands, is a "standards-based", manipulative skill that … It's very exciting when we finally put all the skills together to play an organized game. I only allow one shot to keep the lines moving. We use this as an agility, ball control, and fitness drill. 1. Relay Races. The last person then dribbles to any polyspot on the floor and shoots the basketball. Relay Race. It teaches your students dribbling skills and court awareness. The video was submitted to the NFL as part of Tom's effort to become the 2013 NFL Network Physical Education Teacher of the Year. Players enter the area and must dribble the basketball without losing control. Scatter polyspots on the gym floor surrounding the basketball goals. Dribble Mania is a great PE basketball game for kids! Each player must have a basketball to use. If the player misses the shot, players rebound the ball and try again. This module introduces children to ball handling skills and movement concepts most often associated with the sport of basketball. The below instructional video will help to teach your students the … that we play. Basketball Lesson Ideas for PE. Carly 15,517 views. Check out the Dribble Tip Over basketball games for PE in action! Students enjoy this game because they don’t have to wait till the end of the game to keep playing. This game mainly utilizes passing abilities and has a slight focus on shooting skills. 2 Competitive Drills To Improve Passing For Youth Basketball Teams - … Instead, the aim of the drills is to navigate through and dodge all the other players using dribbling moves and by being creative with the dribble. The physical education program at the elementary school level is designed to provide students with a wide variety of skill developing activities including ... actively participate in a modified basketball activity/game. If a student loses control of their ball their turn is over. 2-1-0 Dribbling Drills - These are beginner progressions for teaching basketball moves to your players.. 3. Maravich Stationary Ball Handling Drills - These are beginner drills to help develop better hand-eye coordination and a feel for the basketball.. 2. - Double-dribble: dribbling the ball with 2 hands at the same time OR dribbling, stopping, then dribbling again. Have the teams add up their spots, and the line with the most points wins the game. The object … The first team to make a shot earns one point. Basketball doesn't have to be a sweaty, competitive game of five-on-five. If you're a player working out on your own, you should also check out our individual player drills section.. Each drill below has unique purpose and emphasis -- but with all dribbling drills you want to emphasize: BASKETBALL LESSON 3 2nd-3rd GRADE TRANSITION • Pairs should form groups of 6, 2 basketballs per group. It’s best to color code your equipment in this game to avoid confusion as seen in the video. Tips, Skills & Drills: Passing. However, in ‘Around the Gym Knockout’, when you are eliminated from one goal you move on to the next goal and join that game. If the basket is missed the students quickly rebound their ball and shoots from everywhere until a basket is made. Below are their top five picks, including a video demonstration of each! Head looking up 5. At the signal, two players from each team start at the other end and work together to advance a ball towards the goal by dribbling and completing at least four passes before shooting. Triangle Soccer Skills. If the shot is made into the goal, the next pair of players take their turn. Teams collect points by connecting four basketballs in a row! Dribble, shoot, and score big when you get four balls in a row! I hope it’s a great addition to the next soccer unit you’re planning in … Basketball Dribbling Cues Assessment. On the whistle, the first person in each line takes one shot from their cone. • Give positive specific feedback. The first player to make it all the way around the key--and thereby all the way around the “world”--wins. Youth Dribbling & Ball Handling Drills. Consider adding variations such as second chances. This colorful "Hand Dribbling Cues" poster breaks down the steps involved in dribbling a ball while moving, successfully. Elementary Physical Education Videos: Entire Lessons. You have entered an incorrect email address! The line continues to pass over their head until the last person in line receives the basketball. Play continues until one player is left in the square. The last player in line attempts a shot. Top 3 PE Fitness Activities To Get EVERY Student Moving! basketball image by Alexey Klementiev from K-2 PE Lesson Ideas Dribbling Card Sharks Dribble and Catch: 1-2: 115,441 5/12/2016 3-5 PE Lesson Ideas Dribbling Sharks and Minnows Hand Dribbling: 4-5: 83,337 9/24/2015 3-5 PE Lesson Ideas Dribbling Rug Rats Basketball Dribbling: 4-5: 158,393: 6/16/2015 Instant Activity Dribbling Basketball Pinball: 3-5: 47,871 The PE Basketball Stations are 20 fun filled, “fast break” basketball themed station signs/cards that you can use in your school gymnasium , outdoor blacktop or could be modified to be performed in a smaller space such as a classroom or empty cafeteria. Scatter cones all over the gym floor, various sizes if available. Maybe there are only three children playing, or the game is being dominated by more athletic children, leaving others without the opportunity to play. ideas that you'd like to share with the PE Community? • Help students understand rules. PE Dribbling Game for Basketball - Dribbling with Dinosaurs - Duration: 1:18. Once out, the only way back into the game is if your teammate makes the first shot from the cone, all players from that team rejoin the game. Based in Traverse City, Mich., George Lawrence has been writing professionally since 2009. However, a variety of other learning outcomes are also addressed within the module’s activities. Below are 30 dribbling drills for basketball coaches to use during practice. The other player will place a hulahoop on the floor and stand with at least 1 foot inside of it. When your turn is over the student returns to their line and hands the ball to the next player. Dribble Tag: While dribbling the basketball, and without double-dribbling or traveling, players must tag other... 2. Square off a relatively small area on the basketball court; the area must have enough room for at least four people to dribble. Around the World is a shooting game designed to improve a player’s shooting skills. This fun basketball game for PE is played just like the original knockout game, where you try to get the person in front of you out by scoring a basket before them. Stay up to date on Each gate is approximately three feet wide. Lesson Plans Page recommends for PE class Dribble Mania, which focuses on dribbling and ball-handling skills. Dec 1, 2015 - HOW DO I DRIBBLE A BALL WITH MY HANDS? She is an experienced Presenter and the winner of the Best Activity in America Contest in 2010. On the "go" signal, each student will pick up a basketball and dribble it two times, leave it, move to another ball and dribble it two times. Finger pads 4. 2. A Message of Hope: Wrapping up a Difficult Year With Dr…. Note: there are no outcomes for 2-handed passing associated with basketball. Assist with groupings and equipment. Although the origin is unknown, the passing game “Five Passes” has been in the Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children textbook and lesson plans since 1972. To start the game, we divide up among the goals and each goal is treated as a separate game. Evenly divide your students into 6 lines; each line has their own basketball. This drill (from will help to teach the basics of dribbling to new players, while helping to improve the technique of players already familiar with dribbling.. Give each student a ball and line up eight players at the end of the basketball court. Specifically this game helps students focus on dribbling with feet using control and moving to open spaces. Dribbling- “FEW” F = Finger pads E = Eyes up W = Waist high 3 things that are illegal to do will dribbling… - Travel: taking steps while holding the basketball without dribbling or up and down (lifting pivot foot off ground). Mar 13, 2019 - Explore Gina McFarland's board "PE-Basketball", followed by 118 people on Pinterest. After the players retrieve the ball, they must throw chest passes to teammates down their line toward the basket. today's PE topics with our newsletter. This video will give you a great perspective on how to effectively teach the skills of basketball in a very small space. Teaching Ideas suggests playing the basketball-variation Line Basketball. Similar to dribble knockout except players aren’t allowed to hit the basketball of the other players away. I had so much fun playing sideline basketball with 5th graders today! 1:18. ACTIVITY #2 Keep Away • Within their groups of 6, students should form 2 groups of 3. • Assign two groups of 3 to each quarter of the basketball court. • If basketball is knocked away, or student loses control of basketball, student must exit area, and dribble the basketball once around the outside of the court before re-entering the game. The team with the most points after all 42 balls have been scored, wins! Give you students a challenge to see how many gates they can dribble through in a given amount of time. Basketball - 1 of 1 Snake Catcher is a fun game that’s great for your bas-ketball class. Coach yells “green light” and... 3. Dribbling Gates. On the signal a student in front of each line passes the basketball over their head to the person behind them. You can modify what works best for your class. Mark the area with cones. Today I wanted to share a fun update to an old game I’ve been playing forever to work on soccer skills. Get four balls in a row by passing and shooting in this strategic, fast-paced basketball games for PE of Gopher’s ACTION™ 4-Point Play! Do they go back to the line? See more ideas about elementary pe, pe lessons, pe games. In other words, it’s an “oldie but a goodie”. How to Play The relay race is a very basic game that will be most effective for the lowest age group … Either way, there are numerous games played with a ball and basket that youngsters of all skill levels will enjoy. www.peUpdate.cowww.peUpdate.comm Physical Education Snake Catcher Dribbling Game A game in which dribblers attempt to step on ropes held by other students. The first of the six people to make a basket is safe and returns to the end of their line, while the others are out. At the start of the game, mark six locations around the basketball court. SKILL DEVELOPMENT / LEAD UP GAME: Time Needed: Description Of Activity: Diagram Of Activity: 10 Minutes 1. Be the Light and See the Good in 2020 [Interactive], 3 Tips to Increase Student Engagement During Remote Learning, Why Standards-Based Instruction Matters [Interactive], From Theory to Practice – A Glimpse Into the Movement Education…, Top 3 Tips for Managing Heart Rate Monitors Within Your PE…, Learning Moves & Patterns for Fitness Drumming in PE, Fitness Drumming Lesson Planning Tips in PE, Getting Started with Fitness Drumming in PE, 7 Creative Net Games for Physical Education. We also began an exciting "Minute Running Club" program as our warm-up activity. This module builds on the skills introduced in the Primary Ball Handling and Dribbling Skills module through skill-specific basketball lead up games. However, a variety of other learning outcomes are also addressed within the module’s activities. Each player must have a basketball to use. Games-for-All-Reasons suggests allowing a player who misses a shot to take a second crack at it, but if the player misses his second shot, he must go back to the beginning. These traditional games may become boring. The goal is to make baskets at each location. At the end of the unit I give my 2nd graders a verbal quiz to see if they know the 3 cues for a basketball dribble, this is one of our common report card assessments for 2nd grade (details on how I do grades here).You can see how I do the Basketball Skill Cues Knowledge Quiz by clicking the link below, it’s pretty simple: Basketball is a crowd favorite sport at our school . At the same time, the players must attempt to knock other players’ basketballs out of the square. On signal students … Divide the class into two teams and line them up parallel to each other at the center of the court. iRubric B5XBWX: Basketball- students will dribble the ball with both hands, students will shoot the basketball, students will perform lay ups, students will show competency during a game situation.. Free rubric builder and assessment tools. Square off a relatively small area on the basketball court; the area must have enough room for at least four people to dribble. In each pair, 1 player will start as the dribbler and have a basketball (or soccerball depending which game you want to play). Join our team today! PE Blog – Read & Discuss Current PE Topics, I asked my K-8th grade students to share a list of the best. If the student makes the shot, they pick up the polyspot and bring it back to their line. Repeat the drill with the players moving down the court. Teaching Dribbling. Basketball Relay Games for Elementary Students. While the person is shooting the line moves back to make an empty spot at the front of the line for the shooter to start passing the ball overhead when they return. An avid outdoorsman, Lawrence holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in both criminal justice and English from Michigan State University, as well as a Juris Doctor from the Thomas M. Cooley Law School, where he graduated with honors. When all the polyspots are taken up, the game is called and a point value is given to the each different colored spot (Don’t give point values to the spots until the end, so students will focus on shooting not adding spots). Set up about 16 sets of color coordinated cones (gates( throughout your space. The person who shot the ball goes to the other end of the line and the game repeats. Lesson Plans Page recommends for PE class Dribble Mania, which focuses on dribbling and ball-handling skills. At least two players are required to play this game; more players may be added and teams can be utilized. Basketball Passing, Shooting and Dribbling This week we worked on basketball dribbling, passing and shooting. Remember, 20 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise equals one mile! Start by dribbling both balls in unison, then have them switch so they are alternating bounces with the balls hitting the ground at opposite times. In our gym, we use four to six basketball goals at a time. Dribble ball waist level 6. Call out two numbers; those students must race to grab one of the basketballs. Players advance to the next location after they make a shot. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Below are their top five picks, including a video demonstration of each! Place two basketballs in the center between the two lines. • Demonstrate the game with 2 students or with a student and the assistant. Students dribble in the gaming area trying to stay in control of their ball. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Module Documents Complete Module Packet: do they shoot again? "Basketball Frenzy": Scatter the basketballs on the gym floor and have the students stand next to a basketball. Dribble Tip Over. On signal students dribble around the gaming area tipping or set up cones on the various signals, then switching out with the next person in line. Elementary PE Dribbling with Basketball Lesson Video – Watch Elementary PE Teacher Tom Winieki teach a lesson on basketball dribbling to his 4th graders. Once eliminated, they move on to play with a new group of students at the next goal. Shannon is a PreK-8 Physical Education Teacher, Coach and Athletic Director in Fort Worth, TX. Players will partner up so there will be pairs spread out in the gym. Red Light, Green Light: Have all the players line up on the base line with a ball. Check out Around the Gym Knockout in action! Students should dribble with: 3. … Hand dribbling, passing, and receiving (catching) are the primary skills emphasized. Do you have Phys Ed. And while Duck, Duck, Goose is a classic for a reason—everyone loves it!—there are plenty of other great ways to get kids moving and hit their PE curriculum goals inside. DRIBBLE, SHOOT, REBOUND, SCORE!!! For the game Pass, dribble, shoot score, what happens if the student does not make the basket? Place the goal at one end of the play area and create a shooting line in front of the goal. **House Rule** If there is one player remaining from a team and they make their first shot by the cone, all players eliminated are back in the game regardless of their team color. Dribbling, passing, and shooting in dynamic practice environments are the primary skills emphasized. Setup: All players have a basketball and are in a small space determined by the coach. Thanks for the information, it’s very useful for people who love sports, You’re welcome! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Split the group of kindergarten, first and second graders into smaller groups … … Students must remain in control of their ball. Description: Elementary PE Teacher Tom Winieki teaches a lesson on basketball dribbling to his 4th graders in March of 2013. Title: Elementary PE Dribbling with Basketball Lesson (20 Min.) Scatter cones all over the gym floor, various sizes if available. Common activities in PE include sports such as basketball or volleyball. Gym class, also known as physical education or “PE,” is a time when students can stretch their arms and legs and burn off some of the energy that has been building from sitting at a desk all day. Typically, the first location is at the baseline and the locations move outward and around the key. Assign each person a number. • Students protect their basketballs with movement and with non-dribbling arm. I asked my K-8th grade students to share a list of the best Physical Education basketball games for kids that we play. 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