acacia mangium disease

Barrya,b,*, R.S.B. A survey of heart rot in some plantations of Acacia mangium Willd. Prior to the moratorium on A. mangium planting imposed because of heart rot in 1992, all A. mangium plantations in Peninsular Malaysia were developed by the federal government. Identification of basidiomycete fungi in Indonesian hardwood plantations by DNA barcoding. It was recently observed on young A. mangium plants in Sabah. Jakarta, Indonesia, CIFOR. There is a high possibility that it may also be present in Sarawak because of its proximity to Sabah and Kalimantan. 1993. However, no figures are available on the impact of the disease in the plantations. Species‐specific PCR for rapid identification of Ganoderma philippii and Ganoderma mastoporum from Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus pellita plantations in Indonesia. Indeed, existing A. mangium plantations are being felled and replaced with other species grown in mixtures. Bridge & M. Holderness, eds. Species of Ceratocystis are well-known wound related pathogens of many tree species, including commercially planted Acacia spp. & Razali, A.K. E-mail: Beehives in Acacia mangium plantations produce up to 110 kg or 242.5 lbs of honey per hive per year, which is important for local economies and employment. Acacia mangium is a fast‐growing tree species. Sawn timber from Acacia mangium affected by heartrot. were favoured as plantation species with the objective of pulp and paper production. Eusebio, M.A., Sinohin, V.O. A. mangium, planted on a 15-year rotation for production of general-utility timber, came to constitute the largest area of forest plantations in the country. Although the initial panic was a reaction to heart rot, A. mangium is susceptible to other more serious diseases which impair growth or cause tree mortality. Infected seedlings become stunted and die after several months while infected trees in the field have sparse crowns and produce fewer flowers and pods. Damage/symptoms: First and second instar larvae feed on soft, immature foliage, making small holes in the leaves. & Dayan, M.P. mangium, in FRIM Research Pamphlet, 114: 1-15. Screening disease resistance of Acacia auriculiformis clones against Ceratocystis manginecans by artificial and natural inoculation methods. Lugo, A.E. In Integrated report on the Multi-Storied Forest Management Project in Malaysia (1991-1999). Human-dominated tropical landscapes: a new mix of alien and native species coexist in harmony. When the moratorium was lifted in 1994 the government had stopped establishing new forest plantations and was encouraging the private sector to take up the enterprise. Root rot centres in plantations may be recognized by the appearance of slowly enlarging patches of dead and dying trees (see Old et al., 2000). Falcataria moluccana (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) (syn. Acacia mangium Willd. In this experiment, 100‐tree plots were established in commercial plantings of A. mangium at five sites which represented the range of growing conditions used for plantation establishment in Indonesia. By the end of the monitoring period >40% of trees were classified as dead/missing, although this value varied from 20 to 70% depending on site, tree age and rotation. Internet document: Forest pathology consultancy final report. Later, in the continued absence of local pulp and paper mills, there was an intention to use Pinus spp. Old, S.S. Lee & J.K. Sharma, eds. Therefore, there is always a need for vigilance and regular disease monitoring and/or surveys so that any new diseases may be rapidly detected and suitable management or control measures implemented without delay. New rapid disease detection techniques, selection of disease-resistant plant material and an effective information exchange network within the region also need to be developed to aid in this effort. As a result, some sources have described A. mangium as an alien weed and invasive species, believing that it will diminish the rejuvenation potential of the original biota and invade highland secondary forests and rain forests (Certified Source Timber Programme, 2004). 1990. However, A. mangium continues to be planted in Sabah and Sarawak for planned pulp and paper production, which is not influenced significantly by heart rot. It has become a major industrial plantation species in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. The focus of this review is on Ceratocystis wilt and canker disease in Acacia trees. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science. Young shoots may wilt and trees in advanced states of root rot are very prone to wind throw. The most publicized of these is heart rot; yet two other diseases, root rot and phyllode rust, have turned out to be far more threatening. Preliminary studies have shown that leaf diseases, root rot, pink disease and heart rot occur in A. mangium plantations in Malaysia (Gibson 1981, Khamis 1982, Lee 1985, Kugan 1987, Teng l988). : ecology, silviculture and productivity 3 2.4. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Malaysian Timber Industry Board and Asian Development Bank. are increasingly planted in Indonesia with this resource currently being utilised in pulp and rayon production. The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. A. mangium is able to revegetate marginal and degraded areas, thereby improving the site for subsequent colonization by other plant and animal species. Forest Ecology and Management 190 (2004) 273–280 Incidence of heartrot in harvest-age Acacia mangium in Indonesia, using a rapid survey method K.M. Acacia mangium is the main plantation species in Vietnam, accounting for more than 54% of the plantation forest estate. Gall rust of F. moluccana is definitely a very serious and devastating disease that requires urgent attention. FRIM Research Pamphlet, 114: 16-21. in Sabah. Mature A. mangium plants are susceptible to several diseases, most notably heart rot and root rot. Ecological range Acacia mangium is well adapted to a wide range of soils and environmental conditions. Paths to sustainable wood supply to the pulp and paper industry in Indonesia after diseases have forced a change of species from acacia to eucalypts. Ho, K.S. 1993. Within a year, the disease had spread over 450 ha, causing wilting of gall-bearing branches, severe dieback, stunting and death of trees. Acacia mangium is a major plantation species in the humid tropical lowlands of Asia. Acacia mangium is an evergreen fast-growing tropical tree, which can grow up to 30 m tall and 50 cm thick, under favorable conditions. Ceratocystis wilt and canker disease has severely compromised the profitability of Acacia mangium plantations in Southeast Asia. For koa wilt disease, 6-wk-old plants of each of the scion-host combinations and each of the Acacia rootstock species (e.g., A. koa; A. mangium; A. confusa; A. melanoxylon) will be inoculated individually with a pathogenic isolate of F. oxysporum f. sp. The origin of the disease in the F. moluccana plantations in Sabah is not known. Old, K.M., Lee, S.S., Shama, J.K. & Yuan, Z.Q. The disease is caused by a species of the rust Uromycladium, most likely U. tepperianum. In 2000, Sabah had approximately 75 000 ha of A. mangium plantations (Jabatan Perhutanan Sabah, 2004) and Sarawak about 4 000 ha (Sarawak Forest Department, 2004). Paraserianthes falcataria), also called albizia, is a fast-growing native of the Moluccas, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Number of times cited according to CrossRef: Acacia plantations in Indonesia facilitate clonal spread of the root pathogen Ganoderma philippii. koae, by drenching root systems with standardized spore suspensions in sterile distilled water. The relationship between occurrence of root rot and soils is at present unclear and warrants further study. There has been some concern about the weedy nature of Acacia mangium and its potential to become an invasive species. A manual of diseases of tropical acacias in Australia, South-East Asia and India. Systemic fungicide application may be feasible in the nursery but is impractical and uneconomical in large-scale plantations. The past three decades have been turbulent times for forest plantations in Malaysia. Mahmud, S., Lee, S.S. & Ahmad, H.H. Internet document: A red root rot disease associated with Ganoderma philippii is by far the greatest threat to mature A. mangium plantations. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Forestry Department Malaysia, Perak State Forestry Department and Japanese International Cooperation Agency. Plenary lecture presented at Biotic Interactions in the Tropics: A Special Symposium of the British Ecological Society and The Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Aberdeen, UK, 7-10 July. Wallingford, UK, CABI Publishing. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Iriantoc, E. Santosoc, M. Turjamanc, E. Widyatic, I. Sitepuc, C.L. Discoloration and heart rot of Acacia mangium Willd. The hybrid’s branching behaviour differs from Acacia mangium and Acacia auriculiformis in that the tree has many small, light branches that can be easily pruned. Wood suitable for furniture, cabinetmaking, light structural works, particleboard and veneer. This disease was reported from Mindanao, the Philippines in 1988 and 1989, where it caused very severe damage and economic losses (Eusebio, Sinohin and Dayan, 1990). Disease threatens exotic plantation species in Sabah, Malaysia. Su See Lee is Senior Research Officer at the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Lee, S.S. & Noraini Sikin, Y. Between 1999 and 2002 this disease was found throughout all the coffee-growing districts of East Timor, where F. moluccana is planted as a shade tree for coffee plants. Unsound knots and wane (defective edges or corners on a plank of wood) are prevalent in sawn timber from A. mangium affected by heart rot, which reduces yield, especially of small logs (Ho and Sim, 1994). Acacia mangium is in subgenus Phyllodinae, a group containing in excess of 900 species (Maslin and McDonald, 1996). Agents on Acacia Name: Speiredonia retorta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Common name: Comma moth Host: Acacia mangium, Albizzia spp. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Silviconsult Ltd/Compensatory Plantation Unit and Federal Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia. Recently, several Ceratocystis isolates were collected from wilting A. mangium in plantations in Indonesia. Arara Abadi – Sinar Mas Forestry, Pekanbaru, Indonesia. It has been recognized since the 1980s that A. mangium is prone to heart rot, a stem defect which is closely associated with fungal infection of branch stubs, wounds from pruning and singling (pruning of multiple stems to leave a single leader shoot) and forking injuries (Ivory, 1988; Lee et al., 1988). Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. Most acacia plants (Acacia spp.) Acacia plantations established in this country amounted to approximately 1 million ha in 2006 (Arisman and Hardiyanto 2006). Tree mortality generally increases with time in areas where the disease is already present (see Figure). Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 11: 240-254. Ganoderma philippii Additionally, watch for pests such as aphids, thrips, mites and scale. However, acacia plantations throughout Vietnam have been widely infected by Ceratocystis manginecans wilt disease, posing a serious threat to … In Peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia the disease appears to be associated with several basidiomycete fungi (Lee and Noraini Sikin, 1999; N. Bougher, personal communication). PESTS AND DISEASES A. mangium is affected by heart rot caused by white fungi. 1988. Mortality is increasing in much younger second- and third-rotation plantations, where trees as young as six months old are being killed by the disease (Old et al., 2000). Root rot has become the most economically damaging disease of this species with high tree mortality rates observed during Structural host responses of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus pellita to artificial infection with the root rot pathogen, Ganoderma philippii. The viability of these plantations is increasingly threatened by diseases and in some areas by pests. As a consequence, and on severely affected mineral soils in equatorial tropical environments in particular, A. mangium may no longer be capable of producing commercial yields after three rotations. The rot is confined to small pockets in the heartwood but occasionally is found throughout the length of bole, especially in older trees. In Malaysia, the Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia and private forest plantation companies consider A. mangium a useful early pioneer species on open and degraded areas where most other plants or trees are unable to grow (E. Gan, Sabah Forest Industries, personal communication; B. Chan, Sarawak Timber Association, personal communication). In 2000, the species accounted for over one million ha of landuse in South-East Asia (FAO 2000). Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, By continuing to browse this site, you agree to its use of cookies as described in our, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use. Ceratocystis wilt and canker disease has severely compromised the profitability of Acacia mangium plantations in Southeast Asia. Insect pests and diseases routinely affect the health of trees, and major outbreaks can give catastrophic environmental and economic impacts. 2004. tolerance in tropical Alien and native species have been known to coexist in harmony without any deleterious effects on sites or the capacity to deliver services to society, and in some cases such new forests can reverse site degradation processes (Lugo and Brandeis, 2003). plantations, little is known of the potentially damaging diseases of A. mangium and their control. Lee, S.S. 2000. ), approximately 60 percent has been planted with the fast-growing exotic A. mangium. Unlike The Sabah Forest Industries (SFI) integrated pulp and paper mill began commercial production in 1988 and mainly relied on hardwood timber from the natural forest for its raw materials, but SFI also planted A. mangium and Eucalyptus spp. However, the moratorium was lifted in 1994 when further studies showed that although the defect had a serious effect on wood used for construction and appearance grades, it was of little significance in the production of pulp and paper or composite wood products (Gregor, 1993). plantations in Indonesia Plant Disease is the leading international journal for rapid reporting of research on new, emerging, and established plant diseases. Acada mangium is one of the major fast-growing hardwood species used in plantation forestry programmes throughout Asia and the Pacific. Root rot is the most important disease affectingAcacia trees,includingA. In 2000, the species accounted for over one million ha of landuse in South-East Asia (FAO 2000) . Recently, several Ceratocystis isolates were collected from wilting A. mangium in plantations in Indonesia. Heavy infestation results in deformation of the foliage, defoliation, stunted form and reduced growth. Native to northern Queensland, Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. F. moluccana plantations in Malaysia are largely confined to the state of Sabah, where they cover an estimated 12 000 ha (Jabatan Perhutanan Sabah, 2004). Working off-campus? Abstract. Of the species planted, nitrogen-fixing A. mangium appeared most promising, partly because of its far superior growth, wide site suitability, multiple uses and supposed lack of serious pest problems, but especially because it was easy to plant large areas as planting material was not difficult to obtain. Krishnapillay, personal communication). Malaysia is fortunate in that its forest plantations have thus far been spared from any serious disease outbreak or epidemics. Ganoderma diseases of perennial crops, p. 71-79. Partly as a result of the heart rot problem, A. mangium is no longer a popular forest plantation species in Peninsular Malaysia, although it is still planted for pulp and paper production in the eastern Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak. Trees with more than four dead/missing neighbours had a >50% chance of being dead by the following monitoring. & Sim, H.C. 1994. It is mainly planted in large monocultures for pulpwood in South-East Asia. Canonical discriminant analysis correctly allocated >90% trees into their correct group on the first monitoring and similarly classified whether trees would be dead or missing in the following monitoring. Jakarta, Indonesia, CIFOR. It is not inconceivable that the infection of the Sabah plantations in 1992 had its origin in the Philippines, given the proximity of Sabah to Mindanao, the dispersal of the spores by wind and the high volume of traffic between the two regions. species Acacia mangium, a fast-growing tree native to parts of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia, has been cultivated outside its native environment and introduced into humid tropical lowland regions of Asia, South America and Africa over the last few decades. In addition,Eucalyptus spp. 2003. Acacia may need occasional pruning during the dry months. Productivity and sustainability of tropical forest plantations greatly rely on regulation of ecosystem functioning and nutrient cycling, i.e., the link between plant growth, nutrient availability, and the microbial community structure. and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. In addition, other as yet unknown diseases could appear as areas under forest plantations expand and other tree species are planted. However, as the plantations grew they turned out to be prone to a number of diseases. In J. Its aim is to synthesise information about this fungal pathogen that can be used to Musi Hutan Persada, Palembang, Indonesia, PT. 1997. Of the less than 250 000 ha currently under forest plantations in Malaysia (not counting some 1.5 million hectares planted to rubber, Hevea spp. A new screening method for Gall rust disease of Albizia falcataria (L.) Beck. Avoid pruning leafy, green areas and trim only dead growth. A rust epidemic of the coffee shade tree (Paraserianthes falcataria) in East Timor. The most common type of heart rot found in A. mangium is a white fibrous rot which may occur as small pockets or throughout the length of the heartwood. The incidence of heart rot in Acacia mangium plantations in Peninsular Malaysia. Products and market potential for Acacia and other plantation species. Where mortality resulting from root rot is high, planting of resistant Acacia cultivars or alternative species may have to be considered. This guide will help readers recognize symptoms of ill health in trees and understand their general significance. Avoid pruning leafy, green areas and planted mainly A. mangium plantations in Indonesia facilitate spread! Wind dispersed and it would appear to be considered Unit and Federal Forestry Department and Japanese International Cooperation Agency rehabilitation! Wide range of soils and environmental conditions it is mainly planted in large monocultures pulpwood. And pods Malaysia and East Kalimantan its proximity to Sabah and Kalimantan pink disease, by... Weedy nature of Acacia mangium is well adapted to a number of times cited according CrossRef. And in some plantations of Acacia mangium is well adapted to a number of diseases health depends... 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